
«“I am the dark side, you are the light,” Jordyn responded to her thought. “Together, we make a whole. Don’t be afraid, Kaila. You’ve just received another gift.” He pressed his small lips to her ear. “Be all that you are. Be proud of who you are.”»
Is a bit difficult to talk about Starseed, because it's that kind of book which to categorize it into "liked" or "not liked" is not enough. If I would reduce it to this, I'll know what category I’ll choose. There are many things that I liked even that are some of them that I would have liked to be a little different. However, I think that what is more important is what the book tells us.
The book’s atmosphere is one of the X-Files TV series. The author managed to recreate that atmosphere, but I have in mind that atmosphere from the episodes of the first series, you know which, those that are the best. We get half-truths, half of information that makes you curious about what will follow. You never know how the pages go, even though the action is not very alert. But as I said, that's not important here. Important is what we become and what we decide to be.
"There is no help for you. You have no choice. You must turn your allegiance. Choose to rule or choose to be a slave."
Starseed’s universe is a world in which there are entwine Science Fiction and ancient astronauts elements that together give expression to many of the hopes, frustrations, curiosities and fears of mankind since immemorial times. In the end what matters, no matter at what level, is what we choose: good vs. evil.
Some of our heroes find that to be human can sometimes be a disadvantage, but it will be always a bigger advantage. Our humanity is there, in our depths, no matter in what "quantity", and there is always a second chance for those who lost it to regain it... if it's not too late. Each character has its well-established importance and supports the story.
Given the above, I recommend to you to read Starseed because it is a pleasant way to receive help to determine your own path.
If the cover shocked you or you find something wrong about it, I assure you that you will find the explanation in the book. Everything is as it should be and how many say: do not judge the book (only) by its cover, as should not judge people (only) as they look.
Read it and we’ll talk after.
„This is an ancient war, the birds and the serpents. The light and the dark. Christ and Lucifer. Yahweh and Azazel. Buddha and Mara. Allah and Iblis. In the end, it is up to you. Don’t let them take your spirit. That truly, is what they are here for. Do not be harvested. Do not be recycled. You have a choice. In the whole universe there is no other planet like this. We all watch you. Your choices affect the entire universe. Each and every one of you matters. Come back to us. Ascend. Gain knowledge. Live for more than yourself and you’ll be free. But we can do nothing unless you ask. The others seduce and blind, take and manipulate you. They don’t honor free will. Power and domination is their master. [...]. Do not succumb to the veils. Do not succumb to the deceit. Do not look outward. Look within. You hold the torch of the universe within. Come home, beautiful ones. Do not, we beg you, be lost. Come home.”
I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you
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E dificil să vorbeşti despre Starseed pentru că este o carte pe care s-o categoriseşti în „mi-a plăcut” sau „nu mi-a plăcut” nu este suficient. Dacă ar fi s-o reduc la atât, stiu ce o să aleg. Sunt multe lucruri care mi-au plăcut, deşi sunt si unele pe care le-aş fi vrut un pic altfel. Ce este mai important este însă, cred eu, ceea ce ne transmite.
Atmosfera cărții este una de Dosarele X. Autoarea a reuşit să recreeze acea atmosferă, dar am în vedere acea atmosferă a serialelor din primele serii, ştiți voi, alea mai bune. Avem jumătăți de adevăruri, jumătăți de informații care te fac curios cu privire la ceea ce urmează. Nici nu ştii cum trec paginile, deşi acțiunea nu este chiar foarte alertă. Dar cum am spus, nu asta e important aici. Important e ceea ce putem deveni şi ceea ce decidem să fim.
"There is no help for you. You have no choice. You must turn your allegiance. Choose to rule or choose to be a slave."
Universul Starseed este o lume în care se regăsesc şi întrepătrund elemente Science Fiction şi paleoastronautice care dau expresie multor dintre speranțele, frustrările, curiozitățile şi spaimele omenirii încă din cele mai vechi timpuri. În final ceea ce contează, indiferent la ce nivel, este ceea ce alegem: binele vs răul.
Parte din eroii noştri află că a fi uman poate reprezenta uneori un dezavantaj, dar întotdeauna este un avantaj. Umanitatea e acolo în adâncul nostru, indiferent în ce „cantitate”, şi întotdeauna mai există o şansă pentru cei ce-au pierdut-o s-o regăsească...dacă nu-i prea târziu. Fiecare personaj secundar are rolul său bine stabilit şi susține povestea.
Având în vedere cele de mai sus, vă recomand să citiți Starseed pentru că este o cale plăcută de a primi un ajutor în a vă stabili propria cale.
Dacă coperta v-a şocat sau dacă vi se pare ceva-n neregulă, vă asigur că veți găsi explicația în carte. Totul e aşa cum trebuie şi, cum spun mulți, nu judeca cartea (doar) după copertă, aşa cum nu trebuie să judecăm oamenii (doar) după cum arată.
Citiți-o şi mai vorbim după.
„This is an ancient war, the birds and the serpents. The light and the dark. Christ and Lucifer. Yahweh and Azazel. Buddha and Mara. Allah and Iblis. In the end, it is up to you. Don’t let them take your spirit. That truly, is what they are here for. Do not be harvested. Do not be recycled. You have a choice. In the whole universe there is no other planet like this. We all watch you. Your choices affect the entire universe. Each and every one of you matters. Come back to us. Ascend. Gain knowledge. Live for more than yourself and you’ll be free. But we can do nothing unless you ask. The others seduce and blind, take and manipulate you. They don’t honor free will. Power and domination is their master. [...]. Do not succumb to the veils. Do not succumb to the deceit. Do not look outward. Look within. You hold the torch of the universe within. Come home, beautiful ones. Do not, we beg you, be lost. Come home.”
"After reading Starseed, my faith in YA sci-fi has been restored! ... I didn't want to put it down ... it had enough mystery and suspense to keep me going, page after page. Superb job 4.5 out of 5!"
-- The Forbidden Library Book Reviews
"I would recommend this book to all sci-fi lovers and, to those who aren't into it, take a chance. Who knows? You may love this book just as much as I did! Liz Gruder is definitely an author you should keep a look out for as she has great talent in writing and a huge imagination. Starseed was a wonderful read and very different from other books I've read. It was a very nice change from what I usually read and kept me enticed all the way."
--Starlight Book Reviews
"Interesting read. A lot like Roswell, but different. Gruder does a great job building the dark mystery of what the aliens are really up to on earth."
--Charity Bradford, sci-fi author, "The Magic Wakes"
“The story caught me off guard and won me over after the first chapter. The main conflict is a personal one for Kalia. Will she embrace her alien side or continue life as a human?”
--Pixie Dust Book Reviews
Starseed is a fun sci-fi read with romance. It brings light to the cliques of high school, and challenges the main character, Kaila, to be herself, instead of how others expect her to be.
--Kerri Cuevas, YA Author "Deadly Kisses"
"Liz Gruder's characters come alive through youthful, spunky narrative, and her headstrong heroine, Kaila Guidry, elicits a reader's encouragement from the first page. Fans of P.C. Cast will find themselves similarly transported into Gruder's exploration of the dark sides of faith, love, higher dimensions, and, of course, high school."
-- Jadie Jones, YA author "Moonlit"
Author Liz Gruder
As a youth, Liz Gruder saw a series of UFOs with her best friend while riding bikes. Ever since, she’s held a fascination for the stars. An avid reader, she used to hide under her covers and read with a flashlight. She has degrees in English and Psychology from Tulane University, a nursing license and a yoga certification. After going through Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, Liz realized how short life is and is now slowly fulfilling her bucket list: she’s been to the Egyptian pyramids (totally awesome and thought provoking) and is now teaching yoga and writing speculative fiction. Starseed is her debut novel.
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Mia-u placut foarte mult dosarele X si sunt convinsa ca mi-ar placea si aceasta carte. Din review-ul pe care l-ai facut la aceasta carte mai facut destul de curioasa si poate imi voi cumpara si eu cartea
Dumnezeule- a trecut atat de mult timp de cand am urmarit pentru prima data serialul acela- incat sunt socata cat de repede s-a scurs timpul (sau poate datorita faptului ca am trait mai intens acesti ani- doar am crescut :))) )
Dar, nostalgia ramane- si avand in vedere faptul ca a fost atat de apreciata de voi, atunci voi incerca sa o citesc...
In ceea ce priveste subiectul- hmmm.... ati fost putin secretosi in privinta lui, dar din cate inteleg apare un razboi, iar Kaila si Jordyn sunt implicati, avand roluri importante...
In ceea ce priveste coperta- este foarte draguta, desi modelul are frizura aceea a anilor '80, i se potriveste, incadrandu-i si totodata punandu-i in evidenta ochii (foarte mari) albastri, iar in ceea ce priveste modelul masculin- banuiesc ca el este-Jordyn- eroul si extraterestrul care i-a daruit acel 'cadou' foarte special lui Kaila (ma intreb care este acesta?)...
frumoasa si interesanta recenzia. m-ai facut curioasa si trec cartea pe lista de citit.
imi place foarte mult coperta cartii :D ma duce cu gandul la dosarele x si chiar cred ca seamana :D
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