It seems it has become a habit of mine to not give too much importance to the books’ descriptions. Of course, when I joined the tour I read this book’s description because otherwise I would not have come into play. But it's been a while and I forgot what it was about. Actually, the fact that I didn’t read the description feed my curiosity. Why? Because Enchanter by Kristy Centeno begins as a contemporary. As I was still in the mood for this genre, I said OK, bring it!
As contemporary, the book touches important issues of teenager life and especially that being a "bully"
is not good thing. You don’t have to be a jerk, to torment those
who are not so cool, but neither should assist uncaring or
shut up for fear
of losing your "social position". Do not worry! The characters are not some teenagers, but younger of 21
years. The idea is that if you don't do what your heart tells, you can lose years that
you could spend with
the one who can be your soul mate. It
would be lame, right?
"I’ve wasted so much valuable time following people who label others for what they’re not, when I could’ve been spending that time with the one person that makes me feel as if the world doesn’t even exist. How is that for a rude awakening!"
Then the book starts
to get some aspects of mystery, and I thought:
"Hmm ... interesting!" And it really was! The suspense grows. Attacks,
shadows, unknown, murders begin to
emerge and spice the story!
You are at the point where you become very curious
where we get, what path we will take.
Not us, but the
course of events. Well, they
go straight to fantasy or urban fantasy if you
will. The unknowns become mysteries, attackers are supernatural beings,
and the attacks get fierce. Disclosures just bring other unknowns and lead to
a dilemma: when you cannot be the lover
to that person you want most, can you be just a good friend
for him?
Well, here our heroes
find themselves, in an impossible love and
in danger of death.
The author chooses a
solution which, although very
possible, it seems a little easier. In addition, in
my opinion, some situations brought
by those revelations were talking about above asked for a clearer resolution for
some of the relationships.
I would have liked
also that some secondary characters,
very appealing, to
be more involved in the action and have a more important
word to say, even
if they will have brought only trouble.
The ending you will find
yourself if you want to spend a pleasant time reading
this book.
„Hopefully, I could learn how to be the girl I should have been from the beginning, and hopefully, Brandon would come to see how much I loved him.”
I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you
Interview Brandon Morris and then write an essay about him? I did not see that happening, especially considering the fact that the guy was completely allergic to people.
Se pare că a devenit un
obicei să nu dau prea mare importanță descrierii cărților. Bineînțeles că
atunci când m-am înscris în turul acestei cărți am citit descrierea pentru că
altfel nu aş fi intrat în joc. Dar de atunci a trecut ceva timp şi am uitat
despre ce era vorba. Faptul că nu am citit descrierea nu a făcut decât să-mi
alimenteze curiozitatea. De ce? Pentru că Enchanter începe ca o contemporary.
Cum sunt încă cu chef pentru acest gen, am zis OK!
Ca o contemporary, cartea
atinge probleme importante ale adolescenților şi mai ales faptul că să fii „bully”
nu e bine. Nu trebuie să faci pe deşteptul, să-i chinui pe cei nu sunt atât de
cool, dar nici nu trebuie să asişti nepăsător sau să taci de frica pierderii „poziției
sociale”. A! Nu vă speriați! Personajele nu sunt nişte adolescenți, ci tineri
de 21 de ani. Ideea e că dacă nu faceți ce vă zice inima, puteți pierde anii pe
care i-ați fi putut petrece alături de cel ce se poate dovedi sufletul vostru
pereche. Ar fi naşpa, nu?
"I’ve wasted so much valuable time following people who label others for what they’re not, when I could’ve been spending that time with the one person that makes me feel as if the world doesn’t even exist. How is that for a rude awakening!"
Apoi cartea începe să capete
unele aspecte de mystery, iar eu mi-am zis: „Hmm... interesant!” Şi chiar a
fost! Suspansul creşte. Atacuri, umbre, necunoscute, crime încep să apară şi să
condimenteze povestea! Eşti în punctul în care devii foarte curios unde vom
ajunge, pe ce cale o vom lua. Nu noi, ci cursul evenimentelor. Ei bine, acestea
se îndreaptă vijelios spre fantasy sau Urban fantasy dacă vreți. Necunoscutele
devin mistere, atacatorii ființe supranaturale, atacurile şi mai încrâncenate.
Dezvăluirile nu aduc decât alte necunoscute şi conduc spre o mare dilemă: când
nu poți fi iubitul celui pe care-l iubeşti, îi poți fi oare doar un bun prieten?
Mda, aici se trezesc eroii
noştri, într-o dragoste imposibilă şi în pericol de moarte.
Autoarea alege o rezolvare
care, deşi foarte posibilă, pare un pic facilă. În plus, unele situații aduse
de acele dezvăluiri despre care vorbeam mai sus, cereau după mine, o rezolvare
mai clară a unor relații.
Mi-ar mai fi plăcut ca unele
personaje secundare, care sunt foarte atrăgătoare, să fie mai mult implicate în
acțiune şi să aibă un cuvânt mai important de spus, chiar dacă nu ar fi adus
decât belele.
Finalul îl veți afla voi,
dacă veți dori să petreceți un timp plăcut citind această carte.
„Hopefully, I could learn how to be the girl I should have been from the beginning, and hopefully, Brandon would come to see how much I loved him.”
About the author

The event's schedule can be find here
Event organized by CBLS Promotions
I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you
la prima privire, cartea pare genul din care chiar ai ce invata
coperta imi place foarte mult, mai ales acel albastru
Thank you so much for hosting me today!
Love the review by the way. I'm glad you enjoyed the book. I had a great time writing it and hope to have the sequel out soon.
@Kriss Neidy - It was my pleasure to host you! I'm glad you liked the review!
The second book is a great news!! I must keep my eyes wide open after it
dragura coperta, mie mi-a atras atentia la prima vedere.
imi place recenzia, inceputul acesteia mi-a amintit de un film care mi-a placut mult - that's what i am.
si-mi mai place ultimul citat ales.
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