„[...]they’re all the same when you get down to it. Good versus evil, freedom versus tyranny, love versus hate.”
I don’t know if you are familiar with those spy movies, resistance
fighters or the ones in which spectacular escapes are prepared during the Second World
War? Certainly they are good
movies that do not fall in abeyance precisely because
of their quality. Ixeos, with
all its catacombs, sinister or not, secret entrances
and portals, with the danger
that can come from any direction and at every step, the
way in which the characters are
preparing for the No.1 mission
recovering all sorts of relics, their ingenuity and organization that give prove, creates a
similar atmosphere, but a fresh one. Modern elements are also present, but they are not seizing
the action, just pointing
out that "our world" has a chance still.
The author’s idea is interesting. What you’ll
choose to do if you'll be "lured"
away from your world and put in the position to fight for the
good of others? You’ll join the battle or
you’ll hide and you’ll
live on your own without
getting involved?
“It’s not our world, but it is. […] And if they have people like us, then it must be true that there’s some good still in this world, too; that’s got to be worth fighting for.”
Action is pretty alert, always something happening
and manages to keep you plugged. The tension is
present and becomes effective
through the actions already past rather than those
experienced by our heroes.
“Clay still had the small flashlight. Without a word, he clicked it on and handed it to their leader. The man’s jaw was clenched tight as they followed the red stain to the portal.”
However, our characters have their part of adventures,
unexpected and dangerous confrontations, even losses.
The relationships that are arise, the friendships can be destroyed at any time and their
daily safety does not exist. The survival
and the purpose’s fulfillment are
the only things that matter.
Author's decision to choose young
people is a very good one. I
think that the characters’ young age is very important. Young people are free from all responsibilities, however
at the beginning, idealistic, for them nothing seems to be unsurmountable and
they are those who can pass easier
over the "stress" born by their rapture while they still feeling
its burden.
“I know what you mean about having some of home. Someone to share memories with, someone who knows what your mother looks like, and your school friends. Someone you still have a few inside jokes with. Everyone here is really nice, and, except for having to try not to get killed, it’s not so bad once you get used to it. But having a piece of home… Well, that’s priceless.”
I like how their passions (we
are what we do?) helps the characters not
only to survive, but also gives them a
chance to succeed. Each of them is
predestined to do something, but remains to discover what, in fact to discover himself.
The drops of humor are welcome, refreshing
the mood and highlight the real important issues.
There are many elements of which explanations the author
keeps for next
volumes, although the reader longs to
know. Who and
especially what London
is, what power he possess and
what is his goal, if there is any and if can be find a way back
home and the connection between
Clay and ...
I’ll not telling
The conclusion: I liked the book a lot
and I recommend to you.
I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you
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„[...]they’re all the same when you get down to it. Good versus evil, freedom versus tyranny, love versus hate.”
Ei bine, de data
asta am ales cartea doar după copertă! Mi-a plăcut, am riscat şi AM CÂŞTIGAT!
Nu ştiu dacă
sunteți familiarizați cu filmele cu spioni, luptători din rezistență sau cele
în care se pregăteau evadări spectaculoase în timpul celui de-al doilea război
mondial? Cu siguranță filme bune care nu cad în desuetitudine tocmai datorită
calității lor. Ixeos, cu toate catacombele lui sinistre sau nu, intrările şi
portalurile secrete, pericolul ce poate veni din orice direcție şi la tot
pasul, modul în care personajele se pregătesc pentru misiunea nr.1 recuperând tot
felul de relicve, ingeniozitatea şi organizarea de care dau dovadă, creează o atmosferă
asemănătoare, dar proaspătă. Elementele moderne sunt şi ele prezente, dar nu
acaparează acțiunea, punctând doar faptul că „lumea noastră” mai are o şansă.
Ideea autoarei e
interesantă. Ce ai alege să faci dacă „furat” fiind din lumea ta ai fi pus în
situația de a lupta pentru binele altora? Te-ai alătura luptei sau te-ai
ascunde şi ai trăi de unul singur fără să te implici?
“It’s not our world, but it is. […] And if they have people like us, then it must be true that there’s some good still in this world, too; that’s got to be worth fighting for.”
Acțiunea e destul
de alertă, mereu se întâmplă ceva şi reuşeşte să te țină în priză. Tensiunea este
prezentă şi îşi produce efectele prin acțiunile deja trecute mai degrabă decât prin
cele prin care trec eroii noştri.
“Clay still had the small flashlight. Without a word, he clicked it on and handed it to their leader. The man’s jaw was clenched tight as they followed the red stain to the portal.”
Totuşi, şi
personajele noastre au parte de ceva peripeții, înfruntări neaşteptate şi
periculoase, chiar şi de pierderi. Relațiile care se înfiripă, prieteniile legate
pot fi distruse oricând, iar siguranța zilei de mâine nu există. Supraviețuirea
şi împlinirea scopului sunt singurele lucruri care contează.
Decizia autoarei de
a alege persoane tinere este una foarte bună. Consider că vârsta tânără la care
sunt „atrase” personajele are o mare importanță. Tinerii sunt liberi de orice
responsabilități, oricum la început de drum, idealişti, nimic nu li se pare de
nereuşit şi sunt cei care trec mai uşor peste „stresul” ruperii de lumea lor,
deşi simt greutatea acesteia.
“I know what you mean about having some of home. Someone to share memories with, someone who knows what your mother looks like, and your school friends. Someone you still have a few inside jokes with. Everyone here is really nice, and, except for having to try not to get killed, it’s not so bad once you get used to it. But having a piece of home… Well, that’s priceless.”
Îmi place şi modul
în care pasiunile (suntem ceea ce facem?) le ajută pe personaje nu doar să
reziste, ci le dă şi o şansă de a reuşi. Fiecare e predestinat a face ceva,
rămâne însă să descopere ce anume, să se descopere în fapt pe sine.
Picăturile de umor sunt binevenite,
împrospătează starea de spirit şi pun în lumină adevăratele chestiuni
Există şi multe elemente a căror
explicații autoarea le păstrează pentru volumele următoare, deşi cititorul
tânjeşte să le afle. Cine şi mai ales ce este London, ce puteri are şi ce
urmăreşte, dacă există şi dacă poate fi găsită o cale spre casă şi care este
legătura dintre Clay şi... nu vă spun!
Concluzia: mi-a plăcut cartea mult şi
v-o recomand.
Born and raised in Florida, Jennings spent her early years reading anything she could get her hands on, when she wasn't spending time in and on the water. She won a prize in the 6th grade for her science fiction stories.
Jennings attended the University of Tampa, graduating with a B.A. in Political Science, and almost enough credits for B.A.s in both English and History. She attended graduate school at the University of West Florida, studying Psychology. She spent time over the years doing various kinds of business writing, editing, and teaching writing, but mostly having and raising her family, homeschooling her children, owning and running a business with her husband, and starting a non-profit.
Thanks to a crazy idea called NaNoWriMo Jennings got back into creative writing in 2011 and hasn't stopped since. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband, also a business owner and writer, and two children, and travels extensively with her family, and her non-profit in Uganda.
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frumoasa recenzia! multumim pentru concurs!
imi plac cartile cu spioni
recenzia ta nu dezvaluie foarte multe despre poveste si te face sa vrei sa citesti cartea ca sa afli ce se intampla
si eu am ales de multe ori cartile dupa coperta si n-am regretat deloc
N-am auzit de cartea asta pana acum, coperta e la fel de misterioasa ca si continutul si cred ca si eu as fi fost curioasa doar privind coperta.
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