
Albert Camus

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Grave Bound by T.R. Graves Book Release Event


Emily Riddle has lived her entire life inside a patriarchal commune led by her father. There are many rules, but the most important one, 'keep it in the commune', is the most difficult for her to follow... especially since the only people willing to champion her cause live on the outside.

When Emily learns her father has promised her to Lorenzo, a perverted man who has plans for her that extend well beyond marriage and kids, she rebels. Regardless of the consequences, she refuses to marry someone who'd rather beat her than caress her.

A day of hooky that starts out as a tiny act of defiance - sneaking out of the commune for a swim - turns into a day filled with hope. After spending time with Levi, a man camping near the lake, she finds what true romance looks like and catches a glimpse into a future that's filled with love and admiration rather than hate and submission.

That tiny peek is enough to change the course of Emily's existence and makes it nearly impossible for her to go back to the commune and pretend she'll ever be able to tolerate the life chosen for her instead of the life she longs for. One that includes Levi.

Fighting to escape the commune, its leaders, and her fiancé proves to be more dangerous than Emily expected. The secrets she knows, as the leader's daughter, will either follow her to the grave or send her - and Levi - there.

God dammit!

I fling the sleeping bag off. Then, I snatch the tent's zipper open and run as fast as I can toward the forest in the same direction Emily went earlier. I have no idea where the fence's hole is or the exact location of her house, but I'm determined to find it and her.

I hear Levi as he jerks the tent flap open, the twigs breaking under the weight of his all-out run, and his breath as it comes faster and faster. He meant what he said earlier, and he's running to save me.

"Em… there's no way for me to get there quick enough… I want you to tuck my cellphone… somewhere no one will know about it… I want to hear what's going on… Do you understand me?" he says between breaths. The desperation in his voice frightens me more than I am already.


The newest round of beating on the front door causes my hands to shake, but I'm determined not to let that or my racing heart prevent me from doing what I need to do.

"Listen, Levi. You stay put. The last thing I need is for you to make your way into the fence and for Alex or Bobbi to catch you."

"I'm coming, Emily. I don't give a shit what they do to me."

It's my job to make him see reason. It's my job to protect him. From himself.

"Just wait. I'll have the phone with me. You'll know if I need anything. If I do, you can call whoever you want. Okay?"

I can almost hear him as he slows. "All right, Em. I want you to talk loud enough for me to know what's going on… Please."

"I will. I promise."


This round of knocks is so powerful I think the door's hinges might actually break.

T.R. Graves's Books:
Underground (Secrets, #2) - Late Summer 2013

About the author: 

The author of The Warrior and the Secret series—currently available—and the Moral Dilemma and the Underwater series—to be released in 2013/2014.

She lives in Texas with her husband, their nineteen-year-old daughter, and nine-year-old son. Besides being blessed with a supportive family, she counts her career as an administrator and registered nurse in not-for-profit hospitals among her most fulfilling accomplishments.
a Rafflecopter giveaway Author March Release Giveaway: The author is also running a Release Giveaway of her own the entire month of March  (1) Michael Kors Stainless Steel Unisex Watch (picture is included on Rafflecopter.) The author has rules for the giveaway on her blog: http://www.thewarriorseries.blogspot.com/


Anonymous said...

Coperta arata foarte tare.

natașa said...

Arată bine!
Thanks for the giveaway!

deea s said...

E superba coperta...mi-ar placea sa o avem si la noi in romania:D

Alexandra Ioana said...

dumnezeule :X
ador copertile de acest gen <3
e superbaaaa ;;)

alexa ioana said...

imi place foarte mult citatul de pe coperta: "some secrets follow you to the grave. Others send you there":X
cu siguranta as citi cartea daca as avea ocazia

Simona said...

Coperta este foooarte interesantă<3!

Anonymous said...

From what I've read here, the book seems interesting and I love the quote from the cover. The quote makes me wonder whant kind are my secrets> that come with me to the grave as I wish, or that will eventually take me to the grave

Andreea said...

Interesanta carte.Coperta te atrage.Sunt sigura ca mi-ar placea sa o citesc din cate am citit din descriere.