Loathing the thought of
his beloved Oriana in the arms of another man, fearless Zyraxes
delivers death upon the Roman enemy. With only the rugged land as his
bed and the sky as his blanket, trouble finds him often.
Summoned to aid Oriana’s father in the war against two powerful enemies—one of them Oriana's savage husband—Zyraxes proves himself worthy of more than just noble titles and coin. But he wants none of it. What he wants is her.
When Zyraxes discovers a broken and nearly dead Oriana, though forbidden, he disregards her father's orders to leave her to her death, and instead chooses to protect and conceal her. Will saving her be enough to win her heart? Will his part royal lineage make him worthy of her love?
Summoned to aid Oriana’s father in the war against two powerful enemies—one of them Oriana's savage husband—Zyraxes proves himself worthy of more than just noble titles and coin. But he wants none of it. What he wants is her.
When Zyraxes discovers a broken and nearly dead Oriana, though forbidden, he disregards her father's orders to leave her to her death, and instead chooses to protect and conceal her. Will saving her be enough to win her heart? Will his part royal lineage make him worthy of her love?
My Review
Okay! To read a novel with a historical basis that you know, or even more a history that is yours is eldritch ... somehow. I did tend to verify historical dates of the story and determine which was used as such and what was changed, if the known outcome will be the same. A trap I know, but why only Zyraxes to have obstacles in his path? (By the way, Zyraxes was a real king, even one about we have some information.)
I think the strength of the Born in Sin are the characters. Everyone has something to offer, from each of them we learn something. Their Brotherhood (perhaps everyone will have a leading role in the series, at least I want them to have) is itself a “live organism” that is changing, developing. Losses and the discovered secrets may lead to its collapse and it all depends on its member’s way to be to not succumb.
But Born in Sin focuses on Zyraxes’ feelings. They are strong and the reader will feel and understand them. Asked to choose between duty and love, Zyraxes will try to reconcile them both. How will he manage, if he will succeed I’ll let you find it for yourself. The love story is a convoluted and unrequited one ... or not.
I liked how natural is the Zyraxes’ behavior. The author did not transform him into an impossible ideal, although his qualities are above the average. His reactions are human and sometimes even threatening to what he wants to protect more. Driven by his own frustrations he is not afraid to kill with the same ease he saves lives.
The subject, the action catches you immediately. Taking place on many levels drums up and incites the reader. I would have liked Born in Sin to be a bit longer because there were some details that I thought were missing or rather I would have wanted them. However, if Camelia Miron Skiba will decide to turn it into a novel she has a very good start.
I received the book for review from the author - Thank you
Romanian (the Dacian descendents):
Okay! Să citeşti un roman cu o bază istorică pe care o cunoşti, mai mult, care îți aparține, e ciudat... oarecum. Am avut tendința de a verifica datele poveştii şi de a stabili ce a fost folosit ca atare şi ce a fost schimbat, dacă deznodământul binecunoscut va fi acelaşi. O capcană ştiu, dar de ce doar Zyraxes să aibă obstacole în calea lui? (Apropos, Zyraxes chiar a fost un rege dac, unul dintre puținii despre care avem oarece informații.)
Cred că punctul forte al Born in Sin sunt personajele. Fiecare are ceva de oferit, de la fiecare înveți câte ceva. Frăția din care fac parte acestea (probabil fiecare o să se bucure de un rol principal în serie) este ea însăşi un organism în continuă schimbare, dezvoltare. Pierderile şi secretele descoperite pot duce la destrămarea ei şi totul depinde de caracterul membrilor săi ca aceasta să nu sucumbe.
Dar Born in Sin se concentrează pe sentimentele lui Zyraxes. Ele sunt puternice şi cititorul le va simți şi înțelege. Pus să aleagă între datorie şi dragoste va încerca să le împace pe ambele. Cum va reuşi, dacă va reuşi vă las să aflați singur. Povestea de dragoste este una întortocheată şi neîmpărtăşită... sau nu.
Mi-a plăcut modul natural în care Zyraxes se poartă. Autoarea nu l-a transformat într-un ideal imposibil, deşi calitățile lui sunt cu mult deasupra mediei. Reacțiile lui sunt umane şi uneori pun în pericol chiar ceea ce vrea să protejeze mai mult. Mânat de frustrările proprii nu se sfieşte să ucidă cu aceeaşi uşurință cu care salvează vieți.
Subiectul, acțiunea prind imediat. Desfăşurată pe mai multe planuri atrage şi incită cititorul.
Mi-ar fi plăcut ca Born in Sin să nu fie doar o „short story” pentru că au fost unele detalii care mi s-au părut că lipsesc sau mai bine spus pe care le-aş fi vrut. Oricum, dacă Camelia se va hotârî să o transforme într-un roman are un început foarte bun.
Originally published as a short story titled I WAS HERE--BEFORE YOU CAME, this stand-alone version includes an expanded storyline and excerpts from BORN IN SIN (Dacian Legends, #2), all that you would expect from a full novel.
Legend has it … centuries after Spartacus another hero is born—Ilias, the bastard son of King Decebalus. Thirsty for revenge and eager to unshackle the Roman oppression, Ilias’ obsession to fulfill his oath has no bounds, even if that means kidnapping Nerva, the beloved daughter of Emperor Traianus. What he doesn’t know is his own heart threatens to betray his conscience.
What will prevail: his mind or his heart?
About the author:
Okay! To read a novel with a historical basis that you know, or even more a history that is yours is eldritch ... somehow. I did tend to verify historical dates of the story and determine which was used as such and what was changed, if the known outcome will be the same. A trap I know, but why only Zyraxes to have obstacles in his path? (By the way, Zyraxes was a real king, even one about we have some information.)
I think the strength of the Born in Sin are the characters. Everyone has something to offer, from each of them we learn something. Their Brotherhood (perhaps everyone will have a leading role in the series, at least I want them to have) is itself a “live organism” that is changing, developing. Losses and the discovered secrets may lead to its collapse and it all depends on its member’s way to be to not succumb.
But Born in Sin focuses on Zyraxes’ feelings. They are strong and the reader will feel and understand them. Asked to choose between duty and love, Zyraxes will try to reconcile them both. How will he manage, if he will succeed I’ll let you find it for yourself. The love story is a convoluted and unrequited one ... or not.
I liked how natural is the Zyraxes’ behavior. The author did not transform him into an impossible ideal, although his qualities are above the average. His reactions are human and sometimes even threatening to what he wants to protect more. Driven by his own frustrations he is not afraid to kill with the same ease he saves lives.
The subject, the action catches you immediately. Taking place on many levels drums up and incites the reader. I would have liked Born in Sin to be a bit longer because there were some details that I thought were missing or rather I would have wanted them. However, if Camelia Miron Skiba will decide to turn it into a novel she has a very good start.
I received the book for review from the author - Thank you
Romanian (the Dacian descendents):
Okay! Să citeşti un roman cu o bază istorică pe care o cunoşti, mai mult, care îți aparține, e ciudat... oarecum. Am avut tendința de a verifica datele poveştii şi de a stabili ce a fost folosit ca atare şi ce a fost schimbat, dacă deznodământul binecunoscut va fi acelaşi. O capcană ştiu, dar de ce doar Zyraxes să aibă obstacole în calea lui? (Apropos, Zyraxes chiar a fost un rege dac, unul dintre puținii despre care avem oarece informații.)
Cred că punctul forte al Born in Sin sunt personajele. Fiecare are ceva de oferit, de la fiecare înveți câte ceva. Frăția din care fac parte acestea (probabil fiecare o să se bucure de un rol principal în serie) este ea însăşi un organism în continuă schimbare, dezvoltare. Pierderile şi secretele descoperite pot duce la destrămarea ei şi totul depinde de caracterul membrilor săi ca aceasta să nu sucumbe.
Dar Born in Sin se concentrează pe sentimentele lui Zyraxes. Ele sunt puternice şi cititorul le va simți şi înțelege. Pus să aleagă între datorie şi dragoste va încerca să le împace pe ambele. Cum va reuşi, dacă va reuşi vă las să aflați singur. Povestea de dragoste este una întortocheată şi neîmpărtăşită... sau nu.
Mi-a plăcut modul natural în care Zyraxes se poartă. Autoarea nu l-a transformat într-un ideal imposibil, deşi calitățile lui sunt cu mult deasupra mediei. Reacțiile lui sunt umane şi uneori pun în pericol chiar ceea ce vrea să protejeze mai mult. Mânat de frustrările proprii nu se sfieşte să ucidă cu aceeaşi uşurință cu care salvează vieți.
Subiectul, acțiunea prind imediat. Desfăşurată pe mai multe planuri atrage şi incită cititorul.
Mi-ar fi plăcut ca Born in Sin să nu fie doar o „short story” pentru că au fost unele detalii care mi s-au părut că lipsesc sau mai bine spus pe care le-aş fi vrut. Oricum, dacă Camelia se va hotârî să o transforme într-un roman are un început foarte bun.
Originally published as a short story titled I WAS HERE--BEFORE YOU CAME, this stand-alone version includes an expanded storyline and excerpts from BORN IN SIN (Dacian Legends, #2), all that you would expect from a full novel.
Legend has it … centuries after Spartacus another hero is born—Ilias, the bastard son of King Decebalus. Thirsty for revenge and eager to unshackle the Roman oppression, Ilias’ obsession to fulfill his oath has no bounds, even if that means kidnapping Nerva, the beloved daughter of Emperor Traianus. What he doesn’t know is his own heart threatens to betray his conscience.
What will prevail: his mind or his heart?
About the author:
Who I was yesterday … I’m no longer today, nor will I be tomorrow. Each day I grow a little. I stumble, get up, and learn something. I wish and dream and want and look to the future.
Who I am is not important, but what I leave behind is.
Who I am is not important, but what I leave behind is.
The interesting part is reading a book written by a Romanian author in English. I'd totally try that. Do you remember reading about Vlad in Night Huntress? We had the tendency to go search the historical events in that one too :)). It'a a good thing, after all. Isn't it?
Thank you so very much for the lovely review. You and I have a lot more in common than anyone knows ... Romanians always and forever <3
Multumesc foarte mult pentru cuvintele frumoase. A scrie o poveste despre inceputurile romanilor este un privilegiu. Lumea ne cunoaste datorita Nadiei Comaneci, N. Ceausescu si Dracula, dar putini stiu ca la origini ne tragem din Daci si Romani. Avem cu ce sa ne mandrim!
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