„The bargain between gods was in all an untenable pun, full of curious wonders and bloody ends.”
Perhaps it would be fair to start with a
If you wouldn’t like
to love to read, do not read this book! Yes, it is that
kind of book that has the gift to
make you love reading.
The Unseen Promise is a pure fantasy.
How some of the heroes
from the ancient times would say ... when gods are involve, whatever mythology
they belong, they bitch up the whole thing. The battle between good and evil takes place and it runs on many levels and plans. The change of the course of events and the outcome of the struggle is influenced by the manipulation
or help that come from the deities. And for
everything to be even more intricate,
we have magic also.
The way in which book starts can trick you making
you think you'll get a classic main
thread. In fact, the book’s construction
is more in the style of Quentin Tarantino or Guy
Ritchie. In the sense that several lines are started
and these lines, at one time or another, will interpenetrate and
influence each other. I liked that each story in
itself attracts and that I
never had the tendency (as in other books) to
skip a chapter to
get where I am more "interested". Each line of the
story enjoys the same importance
and feasts in the
same measure.
The author proves a fertile imagination when
she sketches the world and
characters. And I do not mean
a few characters, but a plethora. Whether they are main characters, or transient one,
whether they are on the good or evil side, all of
them will incite and about each of them you'll want to know more.
Each of the characters has a story and a
purpose and everyone has to follow a path imposed by themselves
or others. Even
for the bad characters are two sides of the coin.
The way the characters evolve, their decisions and actions will you keep you bind by the book.
“A vague memory rose up, threatening to choke her airways. Another place similar to this, where she had once endured fear and pain, broke through her shattered mind. The deprivation and the loneliness, the cruel nightmares, were old friends.”
In this world on the edge of
darkness there is still room for love. Feelings,
old or just discovered,
possible or not, whether it relates to brothers, parents, companions or
lovers, are strong and have a say in the story. There are scenes with a
particular fondness, the author managing to convey deep
“But I cannot. I could not lie with you and then walk away as if it were nothing. You need more than that, I need more than that, but I have not the time. I am sorry.” [...] These last words he whispered, dispelling all thoughts of lust and replacing them with a tenderness he had not known before.”
“It mattered not to her that he was different, that he was only half human. All that mattered was that he was hers. [...] Perhaps she was home. […] The smile across Hi’ayman’s face was wide enough to light even the darkest of corners in his dreary chamber.”
I liked the fact that the author gives
us enough details to see Tarkeenia’s world, but leaves room for
the reader's own imagination
to manifest. The author’s language
is one as rich
as descriptive.
The action is sustained, always occurs
or something happens,
and the events links and has continuity. There
are no forced artifices, everything flows logically.
In the end I say that The Unseen Promise
is the book that (1)
I will definitely reread and (2) with the
same pleasure.
„So, be warned friend, for to answer its call - curiosity’s enticing song - it must be with wide eyes and a steady heart, for trouble always follows.”
I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you
„The bargain between gods was in all an untenable pun, full of curious wonders and bloody ends.”
Poate ar fi corect să
încep cu o atenționare!
Dacă nu v-ar plăcea să
iubiți să citiți, nu citiți cartea! Da, este acel tip de carte care are darul
de a vă face să adorați să citiți.
The Unseen Promise este un fantasy tipic.
Cum ar zice unii eroi din antichitate, nimic nu poate ieşi bine atunci
când zeii, indiferent cărei mitologii aparțin, îşi bagă coada. Lupta dintre
bine şi rău are loc şi aici şi se desfăşoară pe mai multe nivele şi planuri. Cursul
evenimentelor se schimbă şi rezultatul luptei este influențat şi de manipularea
sau ajutorul dat de zeități. Şi pentru ca totul să fie şi mai încurcat, avem parte
şi de magie.
Modul în care începe cartea
te poate păcăli făcându-te să crezi că vei avea parte de un fir principal clasic.
În realitate, construcția cărții este mai mult în stilul Tarantino sau Guy Ritchie.
Adică sunt începute mai multe linii care la un moment sau altul se vor
întrepătrunde şi influența reciproc. Mi-a plăcut faptul că fiecare poveste în
sine atrage şi nu am avut niciodată tendința (ca la alte cărți) să sar vreun capitol
pentru a ajunge acolo unde mă “interesa” mai mult. Fiecare linie a poveştii se
bucură de aceeaşi importanță şi satisface în aceeaşi măsură.
Autoarea dă dovadă de o
bogată imaginație atunci când creionează lumea şi personajele. Şi nu mă refer
la câteva personaje, ci la o mulțime. Fie că sunt personaje principale, fie că
sunt pasagere, fie că sunt de partea binelui sau răului toate vor incita şi despre
fiecare vei dori să afli cât mai multe. Fiecare dintre personaje are o poveste
şi un țel, fiecare are de urmat un drum impus de el însuşi sau alții. Chiar şi pentru
personajele rele există cele două fețe ale monezii. Cum evoluează personajele,
care vor deciziile şi acțiunile lor vă va ține legați de carte.
“A vague memory rose up, threatening to choke her airways. Another place similar to this, where she had once endured fear and pain, broke through her shattered mind. The deprivation and the loneliness, the cruel nightmares, were old friends.”
În toată această lume
aflată pe marginea întunericului este însă loc şi pentru dragoste. Sentimentele,
vechi sau abia descoperite, posibile sau nu, indiferent că poartă asupra
fraților, asupra părinților, camarazilor sau iubiților, sunt puternice şi au un
cuvânt de spus. Sunt scene de o duioşie aparte, autoarea reuşind să redea
profunzimea sentimentelor.
“But I cannot. I could not lie with you and then walk away as if it were nothing. You need more than that, I need more than that, but I have not the time. I am sorry.” [...] These last words he whispered, dispelling all thoughts of lust and replacing them with a tenderness he had not known before.”
“It mattered not to her that he was different, that he was only half human. All that mattered was that he was hers. [...] Perhaps she was home. […] The smile across Hi’ayman’s face was wide enough to light even the darkest of corners in his dreary chamber.”
Mi-a plăcut şi faptul că
autoarea îți dă suficiente amănunte pentru a vizualiza Lumea Tarkeeniei, dar
lasă loc şi pentru ca propria imaginație a cititorului să se manifeste. Limbajul
autoarei este unul pe atât de bogat pe cât de pictural.
Acțiunea are un ritm susținut,
mereu intervine sau se întâmplă câte ceva, iar cursul evenimentelor se leagă şi
are continuitate. Nu există artificii forțate, totul curge logic.
În final vă spun că The
Unseen Promise este cartea pe care (1) o voi reciti cu siguranță şi (2) cu
aceeaşi plăcere.
Book Tour was organized by GMTA Publishing„So, be warned friend, for to answer its call - curiosity’s enticing song - it must be with wide eyes and a steady heart, for trouble always follows.”
povestea mi se pare interesanta
coperta mi aduce aminte cumva de harry potter :))
gen, da nu stiu de ce =))
interesanta cartea... mi-ar place sa o citesc
copertile sunt tare infricosatoare...br
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