
Albert Camus

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saving Mars by Cidney Swanson Book Tour

Release Date: August 3, 2012


When the food supply of Mars’ human settlement is decimated, seventeen-year-old Jessamyn Jaarda, the best pilot Mars Colonial has ever seen, flies to Earth to raid for food. Earth-Mars relations couldn’t be worse, and her brother is captured during the raid. Breaking rules of secrecy and no contact, Jess finds an ally in Pavel, nephew to a government official, but their friendship only makes more agonizing the choice before her: Save her brother or save her planet?

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When starvation threatens the human colony on Mars, 17-year-old Jessamyn, a pilot whose been grounded, must prove that she and her autistic brother have the right stuff to raid Earth for food.

About the Author:
Cidney Swanson is a full-time writer of Young Adult Sci-Fi and Fantasy including The Rippler Trilogy and The Saving Mars Series. SAVING MARS was named to Kirkus Reviews’ Best of 2012. Cidney is fond of saying that for her, “Every Day is NaNoWriMo!” When not writing, she’s easily distracted by shiny things such as books with raised foil on the covers, cleverly packaged bars of chocolate, or stars set against an inky night sky. She lives in rainy Eugene, Oregon with her family.

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We don't have to much time so, if you want to win an ecopy of Saving Mars, just leave a comment with your name and email address. Please, have in view that TOMORROW (March 17th) I must send the winner's data!

Event organized by Enchanting Book Tours


Kalex said...

Kerry Amburgy-Dickson

Unknown said...

Zaharia Casiana

Unknown said...

Roberta Plesca

Riv said...


Anonymous said...

Din descriere pare sa fie o carte interesanta. Sunt curioasa din ce motiv s-a inrautatit relatia dintre pamanteni si colonistii de pe Marte. Poate intr-o zi o sa citesc cartea. Succes celor care participa la concurs!

cassady said...

ar fi interesant de vazut o sa-l caut si eu

Sookie said...

Super inedita ideea cartii. Particip si eu la concurs.
Diana Roman

Na said...

A teen pilot from Mars? That is so cool! I can see her as a redhead :)


Emilian S said...

Emilian Smintina

dana71 said...

Dana Vasilas