First of all
I must say that I’m awesome. No, is not
me who says this
(is not like I’m bragging), it’s
Jack: „you’re a girl awesome
enough to be reading this book”. Now, let's get to work.
“You only know the very surface of our world”
If you liked knight
stories that crossed through history
and that have heated
our imagination with their adventures and
struggles against the most terrible
fantastic or human
enemies and eventually
break through despite all the odds that seemed against them, then you’ll
like Jack Templar the Monster Hunter. But do not think that it’s a dusty, dull, old story. Not at all! Jack Templar
is a refreshing, heroic tale with everything that is best in the modern fantasy stories. Our hero has to face:
harpies, zombies, trolls,
vampires, werewolves, well and truly...
beings of all sorts and types.
The beginning is in a funny note and despite warnings that are given you expect a quiet cruise and not the fighting and
victims to come.
“You know the old saying: it’s all fun and games until someone gets eaten by a mug-wump.”
Humor sprinkled as an exotic condiment
flavors story, will bring you back to the age of 14 and will also reduce the
strain of events making them enjoyable for those that are most faint-hearted. I
say this because some scenes are worthy of The Walking Dead Series. Do not
worry, it's still a story for young people, but for those that are daring.
“Even now, thinking back to that day, it’s hard to believe that one of us was going to be dead in less than twenty-four hours.”
Neither the author nor
yet the ordinary beginning of the eve of
the anniversary ¬ will give you any
clue about what will happen, even if Jack begins to
realize that he has some improved skills. He will
be happy to try those abilities, but
he will have to face also less
pleasant consequences, time for readers to receive a new lesson.
"People want help when they are in danger, but after the danger has passed, people fear you if you’re different. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just rescued them from a bully or just saved their lives by skewering a werewolf with a sword right in front of them. Fear beats appreciation. Every time."
Jack will have to discover the truth, to
find out who, what and why vital
things are hidden from him. A real challenge to stay alive especially
since the time that should be
available doesn’t exist anymore and with all unexpected help that comes, everything will
hang by a single hair.
"Not only that, but if monsters around the world could choose one human to kill, it would be me. Why? I haven’t a clue. I’d like to find out some day, but for right now, I’m happy just to stay alive."
Everything that was expected to flow smoothly
like a calm river will become rapids and whirlpools
of action: battles,
losses, failures and repositioning, other mysteries
and betrayals and
finally the growing up of the heroes.
The cost of this maturity you’ll find yourself.
Jack narrates the events in the same way that secrets are shared between
friends, sheltered by night, and his story is truly one
that you can read at any age. I
will “Double-check
the shadows. Lock the doors. Bolt the windows.”
waiting for the next adventures of the Monster Hunter Academy. I’m sure that they
will amaze me.
Thank you Jeff Gunhus! (I received the book for review as part of Book Tour)"Do your duty, come what may."
În primul rând trebuie să spun că sunt extraordinară.
Nu, nu sunt eu cea care spune asta (doar nu o să mă laud singură), ci Jack: „you’re a girl awesome enough to be reading this book”. Acestea fiind spuse,
să trecem la treabă.
“You only know the very surface of our world”
Dacă v-au
plăcut poveştile cu cavaleri care au străbătut istoria şi ne-au înfierbântat
imaginația prin aventurile şi luptele lor cu cei mai teribili duşmani
fantastici sau umani şi care au învins până la urmă deşi toți sorții păreau
împotriva lor, atunci o să vă placă şi Jack Templierul Vânătorul de Monştri.
Dar să nu credeți că este vorba de o poveste prăfuită. Deloc aşa ceva! Jeff
Gunhus împrospătează povestirile eroice cu tot ceea ce este mai bun în
fantasticul modern. Eroul nostru are de înfruntat: harpii, zombie, trolli,
vampiri, vârcolaci, ce mai... ființe de toate soiurile.
este într-o notă hazlie şi, în ciuda avertismentelor care ți se dau, te aştepți
la o croazieră liniştită şi nu la luptele şi victimele care vor urma.
“You know the old saying: it’s all fun and games until someone gets eaten by a mug-wump.”
presărat ca un condiment ales dă savoare poveştii si te va readuce din când în
când în lumea tinerilor de 14 ani şi totodată va reduce tensiunea evenimentelor
făcându-le delectabile celor mai slabi de înger. Zic asta pentru că unele scene
sunt demne de Walking Dead. Nu vă speriați, e totuşi o poveste pentru tineri,
dar pentru cei temerari.
“Even now, thinking back to that day, it’s hard to believe that one of us was going to be dead in less than twenty-four hours.”
Nici autorul şi nici modul banal
în care preziua aniversării va începe, nu-ți vor da niciun indiciu cu privire
la ce va urma, chiar dacă Jack începe să realizeze că are unele calități
îmbunătățite. Va fi încântat să şi le încerce, dar va trebui să facă față şi
unor consecințe mai puțin plăcute, ocazie cu care cititorii vor mai primi şi ei
o lecție.
"People want help when they are in danger, but after the danger has passed, people fear you if you’re different. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just rescued them from a bully or just saved their lives by skewering a werewolf with a sword right in front of them. Fear beats appreciation. Every time."
Jack va trebui să descopere
adevărul, să afle cine, ce şi de ce îi sunt ascunse lucruri vitale. O adevărată
provocare de a rămâne în viață mai ales că timpul aflat la dispoziție pare a nu
mai fi atât de disponibil şi cu tot ajutorul neaşteptat totul va atârna de un
fir de păr.
"Not only that, but if monsters around the world could choose one human to kill, it would be me. Why? I haven’t a clue. I’d like to find out some day, but for right now, I’m happy just to stay alive."
Tot ceea ce părea că va curge
lin ca un râu greu de şes va expolda în cascade şi vârtejuri de acțiune: lupte,
pierderi, cedări şi repoziționări, alte mistere şi trădări şi în final
maturizarea eroilor. Costul acestei maturizări îl veți vedea voi.
Jack ne istoriseşte întâmplările
în acelaşi mod în care sunt împărtăşite secretele între prieteni, la adăpostul
nopții, iar povestea sa este cu adevărat una pe care o poți citi la orice
vârstă. Eu una voi verifica încă o dată zonele întunecate, voi încuia uşile şi
fereca ferestrele aşteptând continuarea aventurilor lui Jack la Academia
Vânătorilor de Monştri. Sunt sigură că mă vor uimi.
"Do your duty, come what may."
Author Jeff Gunhus
Jeff Gunhus grew up in Cyprus, Greece, and Saudi Arabia where there was a distinct lack of television. He quickly found books were the gateway to incredible adventures, fascinating characters and unbelievable discoveries. Now, with five children of his own (all who watch too much television, in his opinion), he has enjoyed revisiting his old books and reliving those adventures all over again.
Make sure you understand what I’m saying.
If you read this book, you will be part of this world and the monsters will come after you too. You will start to see things that no other humans can see. The shadows will move when you walk near them. The creatures of the night will seek you out, testing the doors and windows of your house, looking for a way in.
And, at some point, they will find you, just like they found me, and you will be forced to defend yourself.
So, think carefully before you turn the page, because once you do, there’s no turning back.
Once a monster hunter, always a monster hunter.
See you on the other side.
If you’re brave enough.
Blog Tour $50 Giveaway
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash + Swag
Ends 2/18/13
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great review!
really like the warning ;))
monster do exists, most of them are in human shapes, depends on us what we want to see, in people.
Thank you for the amazing review. This is certainly one of my favorite out of nearly 100 reviews received so far! I love your creativity and flair. Thank you for hosting Jack Templar and sharing it with your community. Best wishes, Jeff.
Thnks for the review and for the great giveaway <3.
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