Nominated for Dan Poynter's Global eBook Awards!
"Angels Sing to Rest" begins where "Darkness Knows Me" left off: after the investigation into the death of the Deep Ellum Killer, Levi Devereux.
"Angels Sing to Rest" begins where "Darkness Knows Me" left off: after the investigation into the death of the Deep Ellum Killer, Levi Devereux.
I was curious when I saw the title, “Angels Sing to Rest”, because it made me think of the line uttered by Horatio „And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!”. Horatio is the one who can explain and reason Hamlet’s deeds and, in this way, Hamlet could rest in peace. And here I made the connection with this story in which, against of all their wrongs, some of the characters will prove that they still have a fragment of a “noble heart” and, for that, they will get their redemption.
The pace of the story is not alert, but it’s constant and so, the necessary tension will be accumulated. It will touch the highest point when the time will become essential. The brutality and the meaning of some scenes will give you the chills. I would have wanted that the wit and the talent the good guys are clearly gifted with, to have had a greater role in solving the crimes. Still, in my opinion, the crime side of the story was not meant to be the important one, but the characters.
The story becomes interesting through the diversity of the characters, built on two main coordinates: Good and Evil, whether they are by the law or against it. Except the only one that might reflect the Evil itself, the characters are children of good and evil. The extent to which the two are found and manifest in each of them depends on the environment in which the characters live, the roles they have assumed, their decisions, and especially on their self-imposed limits or on consequences they believe they could live with.
The plot, also in the service of the characters, starts on several different paths. The connection between them will be discovered along the way. The final image will explain and motivate the characters. The two plans introduced by the author, personal and professional, will complete the description of our heroes.
And because we talk about the Crime genre, the problem is: what are you ready to kill or to be killed for?
"Angels Sing to Rest" begins where "Darkness Knows Me" left off: after the investigation into the death of the Deep Ellum Killer, Levi Devereux.

Detective Sergeant Olivia Gates returns from a two-month suspension, to find her team has gained a new member, her ex-husband is being released from prison, and a 10-year-old street kid has been murdered on her patch of South Dallas.
Her ex she can deal with, even when he drags their young son into the mix or so she thinks. The murdered boy with the crushed chest, isn't so easily handled and weighs heavily on her as more street kids are killed with an unimaginable sadistic flare and no discernible motive.
If the continuing body count wasn't stressful enough, Olivia's falling out with long time friend and colleague, Doctor Will Green, threatens any hope Olivia had for more than a friendship with the good doctor.
Drugs, gaming, prostitution and sadistic murders lead Gates and her team on a trek through the seamy underbelly of living rough on the streets of downtown Dallas.
About the author:
Chrinda Jones is a crime writing and reading fiend, which she believes is genetic and began with her great-grandmother, who hoarded crime novels.
"Darkness Knows Me" is her crime novel debut and "Angels Sing to Rest" is next in her series.
When she's not putting her time in with the writing gods, you can find her playing music or enjoying a good meal with friends and family.
Chrinda currently resides in Murphy, Texas, with her husband, children, grandchildren and her Jugg, Abby.
"Darkness Knows Me" is her crime novel debut and "Angels Sing to Rest" is next in her series.
When she's not putting her time in with the writing gods, you can find her playing music or enjoying a good meal with friends and family.
Chrinda currently resides in Murphy, Texas, with her husband, children, grandchildren and her Jugg, Abby.
Sounds like a fascinating book. Thanks for introducing it to us and sharing your thoughts on it with us.
Thanks so much for the very kind review. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to introduce your readers to my crime series. Blessings!
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