
Albert Camus

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Seachange @ Work: Discover what a difference an energised day makes! by Linda James

Seachange @ Work brings ancient wisdom and energy techniques into the modern workplace to reshape our work habits, rejuvenate the work environment and create more personal energy. Author Linda Mary James has tailored this book for the 21st century workplace so the concepts can be incorporated seamlessly into the daily routine.


Seachange @ Work brings ancient wisdom and energy techniques into the modern workplace to reshape our work habits, rejuvenate the work environment and create more personal energy. Author Linda Mary James has tailored this book for the 21st century workplace so the concepts can be incorporated seamlessly into the daily routine. 

Linda shows readers how to track and manage their energy levels throughout the working day. She also looks afresh at the modern corporate environment, introducing the concept of the energy system of a business to illustrate the importance of a well-balanced workplace. 

Seachange @ Work is structured around a typical working day. The book starts with the journey to work, takes readers through their working day and shows how to: 

• Create an ideal working day 
• Arrive at work feeling fresh and ready to take on the day 
• Understand the chakra energy of your business 
• Identify key areas that would benefit from an increase in energy flow 
• Create a supportive working environment 
• Easily introduce the beneficial effects of colour, gemstones/crystals, essential oils, flower essences, sound etc into your workplace 
• Be your authentic self in the workplace 
• See working relationships from a different angle 
• Maintain high productive energy all day. 
• Arrive home with energy to enjoy the rest of day 
• Work with passion and purpose 

Each chapter provides clear, easy-to-follow guidance 5 minute exercises designed to help readers gain a greater awareness of their environment and develop the basic skills to sense and work with the energy around them. In this practical and engaging book, Linda James shows how, with small adjustments, readers will bring authentic, positive changes and increased energy to their working day. 

Making each day count

Like me, you have probably thought you were madly busy, with not a moment to spare to write that book, learn new skills, travel to interesting places, or perhaps try a new career. That passion, that creative spark, constantly put on the back burner, until we had time to develop it further. However, time passes us by. This morning I picked up an old white board and looked at the date at the top – 2011. Underneath it were many of the things I have since achieved, however, there were far more that I have not achieved. I was shocked that I had made a pledge to complete the list four years ago, and get so many items remained uncompleted.

We all have the same amount of time available to use each day, but each of us chooses to use that time differently. Have you ever had to complete one of those time management schedules? You get to the end of it and there is all this spare time left during and at the end of the day. You scratch your head and try to figure what you have left out. There can’t be all that time available! So what do we usually do? Throw the bit of paper in the bin and carry on the way we have always done, convinced that we really are too busy. Or could we say: hey, there really could be time in my day to …………..

The truth is, it’s up to us how we spend our day; it is totally in our control how much time we spend on our dreams, our purpose, our passion. So, let’s make time for our greatest priorities, and not leave those inspiring visions in the ‘when everything else is done’ basket, because you know we may never get to it. It only takes a few minutes a day to get moving towards your dreams. Grab a piece of paper and pen and begin to create today, that image of your tomorrow.

About the author:
The more Linda learnt about energy healing and spiritual wisdom, the more she discovered that we can incorporate it into our working life. She found that we can experience our working day in a more positive and energised way. Linda’s desire is to take ancient wisdom and energy techniques to the business world in a way that workers, managers and executives can understand and use to make positive changes for their personal wellbeing, the wellbeing of the staff and their colleagues, and the health of the business itself.

Linda Mary James was born in England, and spent time in Toronto, Canada before moving to live and work in Sydney, Australia. In writing Seachange @ Work Linda draws on more than 30 years’ management experience and concurrently over 15 years energy healing experience. She is a Certified Energy Healer, Holistic Counsellor and Transformational Life Coach, writer and teacher of inspirational courses in Sydney, Australia.

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