Book Blurb/Synopsis – Cinderella meets Swan Lake in a cross-class, Victorian novel about a ballerina, an aristocrat, and the space in between them.
Lisette yearns for freedom, security and love, but none are offered on the run-down stage of The Imperial Theatre. Instead she has hard work, a tyrannical aunt, and the hope of one day becoming a prima ballerina. Dancing on the stage she catches the attention of two powerful men: Lord Gainswith and Lord De Vale.
Lord Evander Gainswith never expected to fall in love, let alone with a woman so wholly unacceptable to his family and his peers. The sinister Lord De Vale covets Lisette's youth and strength, and is willing to pay well for it. Lisette may dance roles in fairy tales and fantasies, but the real world is about to intrude, bringing with it the harsh realities of life for a young girl with dreams of rising above the demimonde.
Thank you, Mrs. Nicole Hurley-Moore
How different is to write Historical Romance?
I’ve always loved writing historical romances. I find it easier to do and I’m more comfortable writing historical than a contemporary story.
How do you build the journey when the destination, the happy ending, is known?
I love happy endings because of the romance, love and the potential for the characters to have a wonderful life ahead of them. However it is the journey to that point which is (in my opinion) the important thing. We want to see the characters grow through adversity and triumph until they ‘earn’ their happiness. If a boy meets a girl and they live happily ever after – that’s sweet but we don’t really care. It’s the journey that reveals the characters hopes goals, dreams and makes us want them to succeed.
I always know my story will have a happy ending, it’s always how I get my characters there that is the interesting part.
Dancing on Air is about Victorian time, about ballet and about the life in a big theatre. How important is for the story to actually know everything about them, or at least enough, to convey their true spirit?
The time period, theatre and ballet are all integral parts of the story. Through research and growing up around old theatres, I hope I have been able to portray a snippet of what it could have been like for a dancer in that era.
What are the characteristics of the (true) love in your story?
One of the main characteristics of Dancing on Air is a Cinderella story – a forbidden love that crosses the social strata.
What differentiates a good Historical Romance from a bad one?
A good historical romance should be sympathetic to the time period.
This or that
Past or present time - Past
Fantasy or Real world - Fantasy
Black and white or shadows - Shadows
Clean ending or Cliffhanger – Clean Ending
Love triangle or… not – can I pick both???
Western or Eastern for the sets of the stories - Western
Happy ending or… not – Happy Endings
First or third POV// one or alternative POV – Alternative POV
Involvement or observation - Observation
Resignation or hope - Hope
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She is a full time writer who lives in the Central Highlands of Victoria with her family, where they live in the peaceful surrounds of a semi‐rural town.
hi nicole, your book sounds intriguing!
Thanks for this giveaway !
This book looks intriguing. I would love to read this and see the outcome of her situation.
Thanks for the giveaway.
The synopsis sounds interesting! I have to check it out!
Book looks great; Mythical Books, You have a new follower on Bloglovin'
The cover attracts me along with the description. Would like to read this story.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thank you so much for being part of the tour today - Tonya (My Family's Heart Book Reviews & Tours)
Thanks for the giveaway.
Hi MB!! Hi Nicole!! I love Historical Romance. There's just something about them that makes the romance seem more real, more intense, & Dancing On Air looks like it isn't gong to disappoint.
thanks for the giveaway :) Love a good historical romance and this one sounds really good. Added to the TBR list!
howdy...thx u for hosting this giveaway ^^
I've never read a book in the Historical Romance Genre but yours looks interesting! Thank you for the giveaway
sounds wonderful, thank you!
sounds like an awesome book! Thanks for the giveaway.
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