If you are looking for a leisure, but pleasant reading try Out of Tune.
The story is well told and even if it does not contain bumps or major twists it will catch you. At least it caught me. Not often it happen to me to want that something to happen or not in a book. Usually I read, anticipate (or try to) the possible courses of the story and I'm glad or "upset" at the author if it doesn’t work out as I wanted. But here I stood breathless for something to not happen!
In my opinion, the author has caught well Maggie’s frustration and desire to succeed to sing despite the difficulties that she have to face. Those who did not really have wished something in life maybe will have another obstacle to overcome in order to understand why so much fuss about it and that Maggie not only wants to sing, but she wants to sing well. The fact that her parents, although loving and caring ones, does not communicate enough with her (or with each other) and that they extend the public image even over the family life, will complicate everything.
Anyway, the story is about how to find your own place in life, about growing up that sometimes comes not only from your own mistakes or trials, but also from the choices of your close ones.
Regarding the love story, the romance triangle created is a possible one, a sweet trap. Both "pretenders" are top ones and you have nothing to reproach them ... most of the time. For the "good intentions", but based on a misapplied soul generosity and an annoying male pride (although motivated by the author) it came to me, several times, to slap them,one or the other, on the back of the neck. In what concerns Nathan ... hmm, he is trying to be the good boy, but I would have tried more, especially that his feelings are not too distinct either, and his past definitely is still a clear present.
In the end, I got to congratulate Meggie for some decisions, though she disappoint me in others, but what can you do, that's life, sometimes without explosions and fireworks, but with detour routes that cannot leave you unmarked. But, isn’t it, all's well when ends well.
As I said at the beginning, it's a nice and well told story.
Goodreads ** Smashwords ** Amazon ** Barnes&Noble
Twenty-year-old Maggie Roads’ parents are legendary in the country music world. She wants nothing more than to follow their example, but the limelight is not reserved for singers who cannot carry a tune, let alone keep a rhythm.
When her parents tell her they are getting divorced, Maggie decides it’s time to leave home and take her future into her own hands. Moving in with Cole, her best friend and sometimes boyfriend might not be the best of ideas, but she has to start somewhere.
Their off-and-on romance gets even more complicated when Maggie crushes on her new voice teacher, Nathan, who unlocks her stunning potential.
A sensational music career of her own is finally within reach, but Maggie might need more than perfect pitch to find what she is really looking for.
About the author:

She believes a simple life is the best life.
Michelle writes contemporary Young Adult and New Adult fiction (and other genres when she feels like it).
Yes i do
Out of Tune <3
Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. You rock. :)
I don't have a preference.
I like all! :D
fall for me
I liked Beautiful Disaster and Thoughtless by SC Stephens.
I am very grateful you have been part of the tour. Thank you!
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