Rosalind Summerhill is on the verge of becoming the next Vera Wang, as far away from her family and their drama as she can get. The last thing she wants is to leave San Francisco for London, especially not to deal with her father's latest scandal—dying in his mistress's arms. At least she can find comfort in knowing she can leave after the memorial.
Little did she know.
Not only is her father's will missing but, according to his lawyer, her mother will lose everything if it's discovered. Reluctantly joining forces with her sisters to seek and destroy the will is the only way of ensuring her father doesn't win in the end.
Enter Nick Long, the one bright spot about being in London. Nick's everything she's ever dreamed of in a man—supportive, eager to help, and bone-meltingly hot. But Nick's motives aren't as pure as they seem, and the secret he's keeping may tear Rosalind's family and fortune apart.
By Kate Perry
SAY YOU WILL, the first book in the Summerhill series, takes place on Mars. The hero has three eyes, and he tends herds of unicorns.
Just kidding. Wink.
SAY YOU WILL may not have a three-eyed hero, but it has plenty of other exciting things. Like...
· Sisters--seven of them, to be exact.
· Wedding dresses, as the heroine Rosalind Summerhill is the next Vera Wang.
· A nighttime drag race through the streets of London, since the hero Nick Long (who only has two eyes) is a race car driver.
There's also a break-in, macarons, and pickle juice--not necessarily in that order. Basically, SAY YOU WILL is the first book in a series about modern women with old school obstacles, finding love in all the wrong and right places.
To recap: there are no unicorns in SAY YOU WILL. I'm sorry if you're disappointed. Maybe in the next Summerhill novel, which features Rosalind's sister, Portia.


"Rosalind was always looking for inspiration for her designs. This man inspired her—to take her clothes off. She'd have been tempted to walk over to him and see if he was interested. Bijou would have told her funerals and sex went hand-in-hand.
If only it weren't for the woman next to him, who watched Rosalind as if she wanted to inspect all her seams and test her fabric."
""Rosalind, I'd like nothing better than to get to know you better, but we both know it's impossible."
"Then how about just sex?"
He caught himself before stumbling on the pavement. "Sex?" he repeated, his voice strangled.
"Where we rub up against each other in some state of partial or complete undress until we lose our minds." She frowned at him. "Do I have to draw a diagram?"
"No, although I wouldn't mind if you wanted to." He shook his head—what was he saying? "We can't, Rosalind."
"Are you seeing someone else?"
"Are you gay?"
"Don't you find me attractive?"
She looked at him with her guileless angel eyes and he was powerless to say anything but the absolute truth. "You're the most beautiful, fascinating woman I've met, and all I've thought about since the other day is stripping you bare and kissing every inch of you."
"Well." She blinked, her face flushing. "Then we don't have a problem since I feel the same about you.""
About the author:
Kate has tangoed at midnight with a man in blue furry chaps, dueled with flaming swords in the desert, and strutted on bar tops across the world and back. She’s been kissed under the Eiffel Tower, had her butt pinched in Florence, and been serenaded in New Orleans. But she found Happy Ever After in San Francisco with her Magic Man.
Kate’s the bestselling author of the Laurel Heights Novels, as well as the Family and Love and Guardians of Destiny series. She’s been translated into several languages and is quite proud to say she’s big in Slovenia.
All her books are about strong, independent women who just want love. Most days, you can find Kate in her favorite café, working on her latest novel. Sometimes she’s wearing a tutu. She may or may not have a jeweled dagger strapped to her thigh…
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Author's Giveaway:
Kate will be hosting a contest on her Facebook page in honor of Say You Will's release! If you would like to check it out, please visit her page
Pare interesanta cartea.Imi plac cele care ma intriga si ma fac sa ma intreb ce se va intampla pana la urma la final.
Coperta e draguta, si titlul e promitator. De asemenea, ridica multe semne de intrebare. Desi descrierea spune cam...aproximativ ce va fi, titlul e putin misterios ;))
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