
Albert Camus

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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Review and Giveaway Thundering Luv (Luv #2) by L.M. Preston


Certainly, each of you had a teacher, who, by his way of being, of speaking and teaching made you love a particular subject. That's how it is with L.M. Preston and his Thundering Luv. Why? Because in an attractive, sweet and ... tender manner, the author teaches us some life lessons. It's about self trust, about not listening "blindly" to your friend’s advice and disclosures (judge the things yourself), about not having prejudices and fighting for what you want. The author makes all of this so delicate that you'll want more.

The main characters, Jewel and Colin are the type of characters to whom everyone can relate or whom everyone dreamed to be. They meet by chance in the summer vacation, a moment that will become unforgettable for both. The question is whether they will succeed or want for all of this not to remain just a summer story, but something more. What might bloom between them will be influenced by family circumstances that will imprint on their behavior, by their own egos (because of age), by their past experiences in relationships, by words and stupidity of other people and by what is considered at their age and in their environment to be "cool". So enough obstacles arise. Here comes the teacher's talent, L.M. Preston, who will provide reference points and support for the two of them and for the young readers. You are not told what to do, it just shows what you should have in mind, what's important. The rest depends on you.

Like any enjoyable and original lesson, Thundering Luv seems too short and you’ll want more. Explores, kisses (actual or desired), confrontations (or clashes) and enough humor will pigment and enliven the story so that the book’s pages will simply fly.

The end could be happy or not, predictable or not, but certainly the trip was nice and you have a lot to gain if you do it as soon as possible.

I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you

În mod sigur, fiecare a avut un profesor care prin felul de a fi, vorbi şi preda v-a făcut să iubiți o anumită materie. Cam aşa este şi cu L.M. Preston şi a sa Thundering Luv. De ce? Pentru că într-o manieră atrăgătoare, dulce şi... duioasă, autoarea predă nişte lecții de viață. Este vorba de a avea încredere în tine, de a nu asculta „orbeşte” sfaturile şi destănuirile prietenilor (încercați să judecați singuri), de a nu avea prejudecăți şi de a lupta pentru ceea ce îți doreşti. Autoarea o face atât de delicat încât veți vrea mai mult.

Personajele principale, Jewel şi Colin, sunt tipul de personaje în care fiecare se regăşeşte sau la care fiecare a visat să fie. Ei se întâlnesc întâmplător în vacanța de vară ce va deveni de neuitat pentru ambii. Problema este dacă vor reuşi sau dori ca totul să nu rămână doar o poveste de vară, ci ceva mai mult. Ceea ce s-ar putea naşte între ei va fi influențat de situația familială care îşi va pune amprenta pe comportamenul lor, de propriile orgolii (ale vârstei), de experiențele lor anterioare în relații, de gura şi prostia lumii şi de ceea ce se consideră la vârsta şi în mediul lor a fi „cool”. Aşadar apar destule obstacole. Aici intervine priceperea profesorului L.M. Preston care va oferi repere şi puncte de sprijin pentru cei doi şi pentru cititorii tineri. Nu ți se spune ce să faci, doar ți se arată ce ar trebui să ai în vedere, ce e important. În rest depinde doar de tine.

Ca orice lecție plăcută şi originală, Thundering Luv se parcurge şi termină repede. Tatonări, săruturi (reale sau dorite), confruntări (sau înfruntări) şi destul umor vor pigmenta şi însufleți povestea astfel încât paginile cărții vor zbura pur şi simplu.

Finalul poate fi fericit sau nu, previzibil sau nu, dar cu siguranță călătoria a fost frumoasă şi aveți de câştigat dacă o veți face cât mai repede.

About the author:
LM. Preston was born and raised in Washington, DC. An avid reader, she loved to create poetry and short-stories as a young girl. With a thirst for knowledge she attended college at Bowie State University, and worked in the IT field as a Techie and Educator for over sixteen years. She started writing science fiction under the encouragement of her husband who was a Sci-Fi buff and her four kids. Her first published novel, Explorer X - Alpha was the beginning of her obsessive desire to write and create stories of young people who overcome unbelievable odds. She loves to write while on the porch watching her kids play or when she is traveling, which is another passion that encouraged her writing.

Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Event organized by Girls Heart Book Tours 


Ms. Me28 Book Blog said...

Wow! Congrats LM Preston for this wonderful book!! Can't wait to read this!! =)

RedPanda said...

Frumoasă recenzia. Pare o carte drăguţă, zic eu.

Chaotic Karma said...

Congrats L.M. Preston on yet another great book!

~Veronica Vasquez~

Unknown said...

Thank you for the introduction to this book! Love that cover!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Catalina Mihaela said...

Suna destul de interesant :)

Jo's Daughter said...

This seems like a great book! I'm all about listening to your own voice so, yes this sounds really good :)

Diana said...

Congrats and thank you so much for this! :)

Unknown said...

Congrats L.M. Preston

Unknown said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :D xx

Susan T. said...

Congratulations! Thanks for the giveaway!