
As every woman I like love stories, especially those in which heaven and earth are against a happy ending. Usually, I prefer stories where the relationship is not the main attraction, but those that are designed to complement, aggravate, spice the main action. But sometimes I risk and gain reading a pure romance. This is the case of Lorenz Font’s Indivisible Line.
What prompted me to read it is the book's premise. A girl who, although is caught and subjected to a tribal regime in which chieftain’s word is law in every aspect of social and personal life, has the courage to do whatever must be done assuming any risk deserves attention and promises tense and passional moments. It turns out that, with some few exceptions - some explanations too facile in my opinion, Sarah will behave "properly" and that she is a heroine that you get to cherish.
What is not known whether it will become a relationship has an unusual debut, full of adrenaline or unconsciousness as the case may be. Came from two total different worlds, grown up in different values, Sarah and Greg are so ... different that a relationship between them seems unlikely. (And that only can delight the readers). And that's not all that will be against them. Sarah will take over the brunt, but Greg will have his own portion of mind suffering.
The pace is good. When it seems that the things are settle down something will appear and will rock the boat, sometimes threatening to sink it. Hidden agendas, their own or others, well intentioned or not, prejudices, secrets from the past, jealousy, accidents and petty interests will be obstacles that will arise when is least expected. If they would manage to get together at the shore and to share a happy future it will remain to be seen.
The reader will enjoy the full picture benefiting by both points of view, but maybe the same reader will become a bit nettled when stubbornness, pride or the desire not to be vulnerable become themselves new hurdles. When they will be willing to take the risk and reveal what they feel it may be quite late.
Is needless to add that you will love Sarah and Greg and therefore I mention that the secondary characters are not to be left aside. The possibility of future volumes with some of them sounds very good.
What can I say more? Being a good and leisure reading, with Indivisible Line there are good chances that your open eyes dreams will become a little more colourful.
I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you
What prompted me to read it is the book's premise. A girl who, although is caught and subjected to a tribal regime in which chieftain’s word is law in every aspect of social and personal life, has the courage to do whatever must be done assuming any risk deserves attention and promises tense and passional moments. It turns out that, with some few exceptions - some explanations too facile in my opinion, Sarah will behave "properly" and that she is a heroine that you get to cherish.
What is not known whether it will become a relationship has an unusual debut, full of adrenaline or unconsciousness as the case may be. Came from two total different worlds, grown up in different values, Sarah and Greg are so ... different that a relationship between them seems unlikely. (And that only can delight the readers). And that's not all that will be against them. Sarah will take over the brunt, but Greg will have his own portion of mind suffering.
The pace is good. When it seems that the things are settle down something will appear and will rock the boat, sometimes threatening to sink it. Hidden agendas, their own or others, well intentioned or not, prejudices, secrets from the past, jealousy, accidents and petty interests will be obstacles that will arise when is least expected. If they would manage to get together at the shore and to share a happy future it will remain to be seen.
The reader will enjoy the full picture benefiting by both points of view, but maybe the same reader will become a bit nettled when stubbornness, pride or the desire not to be vulnerable become themselves new hurdles. When they will be willing to take the risk and reveal what they feel it may be quite late.
Is needless to add that you will love Sarah and Greg and therefore I mention that the secondary characters are not to be left aside. The possibility of future volumes with some of them sounds very good.
What can I say more? Being a good and leisure reading, with Indivisible Line there are good chances that your open eyes dreams will become a little more colourful.
I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you

Ceea ce m-a determinat să o citesc este premisa cărții. O tipă care, deşi este prinsă şi se supune unui regim tribal în care cuvântul căpeteniei este lege în orice aspect al vieții sociale sau personale, are curajul să facă tot ceea ce consideră că trebuie făcut asumându-şi orice risc merită atenția şi promite momente tensionate şi pasionale. Se dovedeşte că, cu unele mici excepții – nişte explicații prea facile în opinia mea, Sarah se va comporta „cum trebuie” şi că este o eroină la care ajungi să ții.
Ceea ce nu se ştie dacă va deveni o relație are un debut neobişnuit, plin de adrenalină sau inconştiență după caz. Veniți din două lumi total diferite, crescuți cu nişte valori diferite, Sarah şi Greg sunt atât de... diferiți încât o relație pare puțin probabilă. (Ceea ce nu poate decât face deliciul cititoarelor). Şi asta nu e tot ceea ce va fi împotriva lor. Greul îl va duce mai mult Sarah, dar şi Greg va avea porția lui de suferință sufletească.
Ritmul este bun. Când pare că lucrurile se aşează va apărea câte ceva care va zdruncina barca, riscând uneori să o scufunde. Planuri ascunse, ale lor sau ale altora, bine intenționate sau nu, prejudecăți, secrete din trecut, gelozii, accidente şi interese meschine vor fi obstacole ce vor apărea când se vor aştepta mai puțin. Dacă vor reuşi să ajungă împreună la mal şi la un viitor fericit şi comun va rămâne de văzut.
Cititorul se va bucura de imaginea completă beneficiind de punctul amândurora de vedere, dar se va şi enerva poate un pic când încăpățânarea, mândria sau dorința de a nu fi vulnerabil în fața celuilalt vor deveni ele însele noi piedici. Atunci când vor fi dispuşi să-şi asume riscul şi să dezvăluie ceea ce simt poate fi un pic cam prea târziu.
Inutil să mai adaug că îi veți plăcea pe Sarah şi Greg şi de aceea menționez că nici personajele secundare nu sunt de lepădat. Nişte volume viitoare cu unele dintre ele ar suna foarte bine.
În rest ce să vă spun? Fiind o lectură plăcută, relaxantă, cu Indivisible Line sunt sunt şanse bune ca visele voastre cu ochii deschişi să se coloreze un pic mai mult.
About the author:
Lorenz Font discovered her love of writing after reading a celebrated novel that inspired one idea after another. She is currently enjoying the buzz from her debut novel Hunted, the first installment of The Gates Legacy trilogy.
Writing is therapeutic for Lorenz, and a perfect day consists of writing and playing with her characters while listening to her ever-growing music collection. She enjoys dabbling in different genres, with an intense focus on angst and the redemption of flawed characters. Her fascination with romantic twists is a mainstay in all her stories.
Lorenz currently lives in California with her husband, children, and two demanding dogs. She divides her time between a full-time job as a Business Office Manager for a hospital and her busy writing schedule.
Imi place foarte mult recenzia! Si eu ador povestile de dragoste. Ai punctat ceea ce trebuia si deja mai convins ca trebuie neaparat sa o citesc. Exista vreo sansa sa apara si la noi cartea? :D
Hello Mythical Books!
Thank you for featuring Indivisible Line on your blog today. I appreciate the awesome and honest review.
I hope to visit you again one of these days!
More power!
Great review! The book seems quite interesting, even though I'm not keen on romances.
Anyway, the author is so beautiful :).
Foarte interesant ! :D Si daca contine o poveste de dragoste si mai bine.
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