I think if I would say: "I really liked the book, read it!" would be enough. But I do not think that would be fair ... to the author or to the tour. So, again, I have to find a way to tell you some things I liked (with no spoilers - here's one of the challenges), but remember what I told you ¬ (especially if the rows below will not convince you – damn inspiration!): "I really liked the book, read it!"
The action starts immediately. There are no downtimes or unnecessary introductions. That does not mean that they will be continuously fighting , but that everything that happens is well connected, and flow smoothly and harmoniously. The reader will get the same "treatment" as the heroine, being brought into action just as Lexia is thrown in the midst of changes. Changes about she knows nothing and have the "gift" to save her in the same measure that they threaten her life. I liked how the author played Lexie’s inner struggle on the one hand to understand the changes she’s going through and put her in terrifying situations, and on the other to not give in to the pleasure to kill. (Do not worry, she is not a vampire, nor other supernatural being… all these creatures seem to become her victims ... well, not all of them ...). And if that is hard, it will become even harder when she has to do it alone and when she does not know anymore what thinks the only person she trusts and was close to her and could help her .
In fact, the situation will become more puzzling not only because she will become the prey of many, but also because she will be chased for revenge. Even if he can be a cold-blood killer, searching for an optimum moment and her weak points to take her out easier, Lincoln will start to be intrigued by "Little Wildcat". And from here what were for him black and white will become a lot of shades of gray. From the same moment starts a game of seduction, but also a cat and mouse game in which new, contradictory feelings and assumed risks spices the romance that we all expected. I think you'll like this.
When everything is resolved between the two of them, the major problem appears and everything was so far looks like a trifle. Lexia’s inner struggle that she has to bear gets new values and that will be much harder for her to prevail. The good part is that everything that could destroy her like a human, rational being remain the same that will help her in the fight against the new discovered enemies. But only if she will find a way to control and she will have the power to not give in to this changes.
Love, friendship, the life of everyone involved (and more) can be easily lost. No sacrifice seems to be too great, and the assumed risks lead to an ending that will leave you not only on the edge, but already with a foot over. It will be a long wait for the second book.
If you think that all this looks (too) familiar, do not worry! The author has done a good job and she has a fresh style, originality and talent to not give you the impression that you re-read another book. Remember what I said at the beginning: "I really liked the book, read it!"
I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you!

Acțiunea începe imediat. Nu există timpi morți şi nici introduceri inutile. Asta nu înseamnă că vor fi lupte în continuu, ci că tot ceea ce se petrece este legat, cursiv şi... armonios. Cititorul va avea parte de acelaşi „tratament” ca al eroinei, fiind introdus în acțiune tot aşa cum Lexia este aruncată în mijlocul unor schimbări. Schimbări despre care nu ştie nimic şi care au „darul” de a o salva în aceeaşi măsură în care îi amenință viața. Mi-a plăcut cum autoarea a redat lupta interioară a Lexiei pe de o parte pentru a înțelege modificările prin care trece şi care o pun în situații terifiante, iar pe de altă parte pentru a nu ceda plăcerii de a ucide. (Nu vă speriați, nu e nici vampir, nici... toate aceste ființe supranaturale par să-i ajungă victime... mă rog, nu chiar toate...). Şi dacă asta e greu, atunci va deveni şi mai greu când trebuie să o ducă singură şi când nu mai ştie ce crede singura persoană care i-a fost aproape şi care ar putea-o ajuta.
De fapt, situația se va încurca şi mai mult nu doar din cauză că va deveni vânatul multora, dar şi pentru faptul că va fi căutată pentru răzbunare. Putând fi chiar şi un ucigaş cu sânge rece şi căutând un moment optim şi punctele ei slabe pentru a o elimina mai uşor, Lincoln va începe să fie intrigat de „Little Wildcat” şi de aici pentru el lucrurile din alb şi negru vor deveni multe nuanțe de gri. Tot de aici începe un joc al seducției, dar şi un joc de-a şoarecele cu pisica în care sentimente noi, contradictorii şi riscuri asumate condimentează povestea de dragoste pe care toți o aşteptam. Cred că o să vă placă.
Când totul se rezolvă între cei doi apare problema majoră față de care tot ceea ce fost până acum pare o bagatelă. Lupta pe care o are de dus Lexia cu sine însăşi capătă alte valori şi va dovedi că e mult mai greu de câştigat. Partea bună este că tot ceea ce ar putea-o distruge ca ființă umană, rațională este şi ceea ce o va ajuta în lupta împotriva noilor duşmani descoperiți. Asta dacă va găsi o cale de a controla şi va avea puterea de a nu ceda acestor schimbări.
Dragoste, prietenie, viața tuturor celor implicați (şi nu numai) pot fi pierdute uşor. Niciun sacrificiu nu pare prea mare, iar riscurile asumate duc la un final care te va lăsa nu doar pe muchie de cuțit, ci deja un pic tăiat de lama acestuia. Va fi o lungă aşteptare.
Dacă vi se pare că totul sună (prea) cunoscut nu vă speriați! Autoarea a făcut o treabă bună şi are un stil proaspăt, originalitate şi talent pentru a nu vă lăsa impresia că recitiți altă carte. Aduceți-vă aminte ce v-am spus la început: „Mi-a plăcut mult cartea, citiți-o!”
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About the author:

Rachel was born and raised in North, East, England before she moved to New Zealand at the age of 20. She now lives in Queensland Australia with her husband and two children plus the family dog and horse.
She is currently self publishing the first novel in The Deadwood Hunter Series whilst working on book 2 and a YA Fantasy Novel.
Rachel would love to hear from you, find her at:
Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you for your lovely review and hosting me on my blog tour!!
Rachel Raithby
This book is amazing! <3
Cartea e geniala!! Multumim pentru recenzie!! :D
Frumoasa coperta!
Beautiful cover!
Such a great review! I would love to read this book. :)
thanks for the giveaway!! this book sounds good and cant wait to read it!!
OMG, her eyes... Love her lips, though :P
Gorgeous cover! Thanks for the giveaway!
E chiar interesant subiectul.In plus,n-am mai citit demult ceva bun cu vampiri.Cel putin,care sa merite.
Thanks for the giveaway :)
Thanks for all your comments, Her eyes are my fav bit of the cover and I hope you all enjoy reading Lexia :)
Thanks for sharing Lexia and the giveaway. I am looking forward to reading this book. evamillien at gmail dot com
Great review! I would love to read it!
what a great giveaway...thx u :D
Seems like an awesome book!
The book sounds great! And the cover is FREAKY - in a good way! Love it!
~Veronica Vasquez~
Thanks for this! :)
Beautiful eyes in the cover ;p
Freaky cover, love it ;)
This book sounds really great!
I love the cover, it caught my eye immediately! Great summary and thanks for the giveaway :)
Fantastic Cover!!!!!!
Thank you for the great giveaway another one added to my TBR List.
Wow! What a spooky looking girl! Love it!
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