
Albert Camus

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hot and Deadly Blog Giveaway Hop International

Why we like bad boys or antiheroes books?

In real life most of us seek the safety of our relationship and we tend, even at this level, to guard ourselves against that Chinese curse of living interesting times. But perhaps due to a sequence well caught somewhere in our DNA we're still looking (in imagination) the most powerful, that absolutely fatal alpha who can be on top of any situation and challenges. Because we get over of the "cave" phase we want this splendid - prerequisite - alpha capable of most tender feelings, passion and abnegation (for us of course).

Paranormal romance allows us to daydream. Some better written than others, some good and others not, all of them will continue the "tradition" of fairy tales in which the damsel in distress will be saved by the prince charming riding a white wonder horse beating the dragon with seven heads in straight fight or dishing the evil sorceress’ plans. And because science gives us sufficient evidence that there are actually no supernatural beings, then we can imagine anything. Vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters, gods, angels or fallen angels, demons, witches and fae acquire human feelings and emotions, they are on the side of good or even better, they will cross on the side of good for us.

But why should we, women, be powerless? It would not be fair! So heroines will become independent, secure and true warriors. The “foreplay fight” between him and her will be tougher and funnier, more flavored. Everything is for reader’s delight.

Am I right?

 hosted by Carolyn Hughey/K. T. Roberts and H.D. Thomson  
Click HERE to see the list of blogs participating to this hop.
The prize is any Paranormal Romance or Romantic Suspense book you choose, up to 17USD
The winner will enter in another contest and he/she will have the chance to win $53.50 Barnes & Noble or Amazon Gift Card, winners choice.
Some suggestions:
To enter in the giveaway you must leave a comment in which you’ll answer to the question "Who is your favorite supernatural male character and why?" The rest of the entries are at your choice

The Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository ships to you for free OR you want ebooks from Smashwords or Amazon 
The winner will be announced here, on Mythical Books
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Debby said...

I love werewolves. I do not care who but I do so enjoy them

VampedChik said...

Thats a hard one. There are sooo many great characters. I know one of them would be Spike from Buffy. He had a great sense of humor and was just such a fun character.

Chantelle said...

OMG! I'm glad you asked! Jacob Black from Twilight is my all time fav, like, omg. he's so hot!

Nara said...

Edward from the Twilight series! He's pretty much perfect- rich, hot, kind and the fact that he's an immortal vampire is pretty cool too!

sshah605 said...

My favorite supernatural male character is Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries. I like him because he is quirky, sarcastic, charming when needs be and most of all he is vulnerable! That's a quality every good hero must have in a book!

Anonymous said...

Lucien from Samantha Young's Moon Spell, because I love werewolves and he is sexy and protective and wow

Unknown said...

I can't choose right bow because there's two of them. Damon Salvatore, both from the books and the TV show, but especially from the books, because he's such a mysterious, sexy and dark character who won't give away anything about his feeling until the very end. And then there's Adrian Ivashkov, such a funny and adorable character.
Lia Oxanne

Nathalie T said...

My favorite male character is Mircea from the Cassie Palmer series by Karen Chance. Handsome, mysterious and with an edge. There are many similar character but according to me he is the best written.

Evie said...

Po from Graceling. He's brave, confident and charming. Thanks for the giveaway!

LadyVampire2u said...

There are so many great characters in books. My favorite is a hard pick. But right now if I simply HAD to pick just one, I would say my favorite would be Trehan from Kresley Cole's novel "Shadow's Claim". Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

deea s said...

nu cred ca as putea sa aleg care imi place cel mai mult:d toti...din toate cartile pe care le-am citit:D dar cred ca Lucas din Shadow Falls mi-a placut poate prea mult:D

Unknown said...

I like very much Daniel Grigori because he can fly being a fallen angel.

Unknown said...

My Favorite is the Carpathians from Christine Feehan's Dark Series! I love her twist on vampires.

andra lavander said...

Dimitri Belikov from Vampire Academy, he is for the rest of the world the antisocial, stoic guardian but for Rose he is the one that promise her his protectin, he is always there for the persons he loves, always protecting them, loving them, he made some mistakes, but this makes him even more real because nobody is perfect

Jess (A Book Addict's Bookshelves) said...

Got to be Patch from the Hush, Hush books. He's mysterious and he's got to be the hottest fallen angel ever :)

Unknown said...

I've just read Cynthia Luhrs' Lost in Shadow, so I'm currently loving Colin, a Shadow Walker. He's oh so sexy, gifted in the fine arts of loving, as well as a powerful supernatural creature who has spent centuries honing his gorgeous muscles in hand to hand combat with those nasty Day Walkers. He has all the traits a woman could want, plus, while he wants to protect the love of his life, he also believes she is his equal. Meeeooowww! michelle_willms@yahoo.com

moe77099 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
moe77099 said...

My favorite male character would be Daniel Grigori from the Fallen Novel series. He only loves one girl through all eternity and that's romantic and true love.
leighannecrisp at yahoo dot com

Kristia said...

Bones from the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost! He's just perfect :)

Geo. said...

It's hard... really hard!
I have a lot of favorite male characters, but I think I'd say uhm...
Barrons, because he has funny lines and he's really strong (and attractive, but that's another problem).

Unknown said...

I'm going to go a bit old school here and go with Lestat...even though I kinda blame Anne Rice for the sorry state of vampire novels today.

joye said...

I like reading about werewolves since they seem so mysterious. Just like their illusive namesakes. People see wolves but know little about them and their habits.

ChloeDawn said...

My favorite male character is Dimitri from Vampire Academy because he is really smart, strong and protective with the people he loves.

Unknown said...

My favorite PRN hero is Acheron from Sherrilyn Kenyon's DH series. He has an absolutely tragic past, yet he has unlimited compassion. Plus he plays guitar, is a god, and never ages.

magic5905 said...

I am reading Eternal Lover right now and love Rhage. These books are awesome so far!!!
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

MistyRios said...
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Stephanie said...

Eric Northman from True Blood because he is hot and sexy and who doesn't love a good bad boy from time to time :)

Anonymous said...

Let's see... It's kinda hard to choose, but I guess that Barrons, from KMM's Fever series,it's my favorite one. Because he's as spectacular, and powerfull, and strange as no other character I've ever read before... and after him. And he's hot like hell. :)))))

books4me said...

Gregory from Dark Magic by Christine Feehan is my favorite. He is "bad" and tortured by sweet and will do anything to protect his people and his mate!


CBarton said...

One of my favorites would be Xander from Lizzy Ford's Xanders Chance. He was a virtual killing, pillaging and destroying machine for a very long time and along comes one little lady that makes him start to rethink all he has done and actually start caring about someone.

cmucha319 at yahoo dot com

Sabryy said...

Eric Northman from the Sookie Stackhouse series.

Anonymous said...

Peter Pevensie from Narnia (if this is counted in as supernatural....) cause basically he's my first love, lol.

at least someone like Jace in the mortal instruments. I have this strange affection towards blondy guys..

Aline Tobing said...

Nicolas from Bonnie Vanak's The Empath. He's sweet and protective :))

MistyRios said...

Edward cuz hes just so damn hot!

Lynn K. said...

Curran from the Kate Daniels series! :)Because he cares about and protects Kate.

Veronika said...

My favorite is Bones from the Night Huntress series! He is definitely hot and dangerous!

R3musak3 said...

Daemon from the Lux series because he's very hot and i simply love his character! :D

Unknown said...

I love Dimitri Belikov from Vampire Academy because I fall in love with him from the first book.

Fear Street said...

I really like Jean Claude (a vampire) from the Anita Blake series :)

Thanks for the chance to win!

-Amber Terry-

skyline1210 said...

Wrath from Black Dagger Brotherhood. I love that series :D All vampire brotherhood is awesome!!!

BLHmistress said...

My favorite Character is Acheron from the Dark Hunters. Why? He is everything I love in a character, sarcastic but caring for all his 'family' tortured and so so sexy.

Rafflecopter Name Dawna Newman

Irene Jackson said...

Raphael the archangel from Nalini Singh's guild hunter series. Georgeous alpha angel male!

Unknown said...

Bones because he is sweet,gentle,funny,romantic,really inlove.

Alina P said...

Kaleb from the Psy-Changelling series! He has a selective moral compass, but for his love he will do anything, the consequences don't matter.

Kamla L. said...

I have a whole harem of favorites and don't like playing favoritism by singling out just one. Here are just a few of my favorites:
Tegan and Dante from Midnight Breeds
Wraith and Shade from Demonica
Devyn from Alien Huntress
Tighe and Jag from Feral Warriors
All the heroes from immortals After Dark (and a couple of the bad guys too)...and my list keeps on going....

Michelle Bledsoe said...

I have to say that Curran from the Kate Daniels series. He is just the total package...

koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

One of my absolute favorites, is Lucian Argeneau from Lynsay Sands Argeneau / Rogue Hunter series.

Vanessa N. said...

I love Charles from the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs. He strong, powerful, and still gentle with the person he loves.


Zemira said...

I recently read Darkfever and got to know Barrons. I'm not sure yet what kind of supernatural being he is but I would like some of that.

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i lve BONES from jeaniene frost novels :)
thx u..

Anne said...

Curran from the Kate Daniels series because he's a sexy, alpha lion shifter who loves unconditionally.


Anonymous said...

OMG, I don't have just one xD
Supernatural males are so hot! :P
Maybe Bones, Zsadist and Vishous are my top three. I love alpha males.

Wendy said...

My favorite male character is Finbar in the Sevenwaters trilogy by Juliet Marillier. He's so unpredictable

Anonymous said...

my favorite is Dimitri Belikov from Vampire Academy. He's charismatic, focused and a responsible person. Well, everything about him is fascinating <3


Tina B said...

One of my favorite characters is Malkom Slaine from Kresley Cole's Demon from the Dark! He is definitely deadly, and sexy! He is strong and doesn't give in.
Thank you for the giveaway.

Naga said...

Well I'm not so sure how supernatural Warner is, but since he can touch Juliette I assume he has some sort of "gift" as well.
So yep. Warner from Shatter Me series <3

Unknown said...

Jean Claude from Anita Blake Series.. now that was a hot vamp.

Unknown said...

Curran from the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews -- Alpha, sexy and loyal!

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Ryan Snyder said...

I have so many! but daemon black is pretty amazing. (:

Sydney said...

Though I was inspired to read Vampire genre because of LeStat - Ann Rice novels,My fav supernatural character is "Damon Salvatore" character from The Vampire Diaries book and Tv Series.I enjoyed the book description more,where in she described the character such that you can't live with him nor can you live without him :)
Thank you for sharing and for the chance to win the giveaway!
Best Wishes,
Sydney W

Unknown said...

I need to choose 3 - the werewolves from Dianna Hardy's Eye of the Storm ~ together they one hell of a pack and I love each one for different reasons

Shadow said...

I love paranormal characters. One of my favorites series is New Species by Laurann Dohner. I think my favorite characters is Justice. Thank you!

Froggy said...

bones from the night huntress series...hot, snarky and hawt!


Tara P said...

Man that is hard.... V from the black dagger brotherhood

Unknown said...

Rhage,because he is hot.Thanks for the chance to win.