I may have been a bit late today with the posting of the review, but I wanted to finish the book. My luck was that it is written in such way that you cannot put it down, and its sustained rhythm catches you. So yes, I admit that I did not necessarily want to finish the book for the review, but because I had to know how is end it.
Colonization entwines very well a SF story with one of the characters maturation. The colonization of a new planet, the solution and the hope of survival of maybe the last human beings, offer the opportunity and the set of a love story, of finding the way in life (or at least of a starting point).
The characters are attractive. Every girl can found herself in one way or another in Andromeda (special and beautiful character’s names chosen). About guys what should we say? Both are valuable candidates, but choices they made will determine their future (at least in love). Sometimes to live in a confined space can lead to the occlusion of your own feelings. Sometimes you have to determine what is more important for you: the genetic future of mankind and following the rules or the personal choice. Finally the book is about what you really are, what you inclined to risk and fight for and about the fact that sometimes there is "too late".
As I said, entire this "love story" takes place during the first days on a new planet. Colonization, the SF part is not slight treated, but gets the same attention. From life on a spacecraft whose sweetness reminded me of WALL E (and I do not mean to the laziness of the passengers) and in that the characters have to give up (and that is not always easy) to the new planet landscapes, everything is carefully imagine. Dangers of all kinds, already known or brand new, lurk and victims begin to appear. In addition, we will have some mystery, ghosts maybe ... or not.
The author’s style allows you to take part in all that happens, to be one of those that are put to the test, to see everything. The development of the story is well paced, the details are welcome and everything follows logically. Nice also is the fact that if you thought you have foreseen the end, the author will take care and inspiration to shatter your expectations from time to time.
Having a love story (even a love triangle), action, sci-fi elements, a thread of events smoothly and easy to follow, Colonization have all the ingredients to please many, whatever their favorite genre is.
Poate am întârziat azi un pic cu postarea recenziei, dar am vrut să termin cartea. Norocul meu este că este scrisă astfel încât nu o poți lăsa din mână, iar ritmul susținut ți se imprimă şi ție. Deci, da, recunosc că nu neapărat pentru recenzie am vrut să termin cartea, ci pentru că trebuia să ştiu finalul.
Colonization îmbină foarte bine o poveste SF cu una a maturizării personajelor. Colonizarea unei noi planete, soluția şi speranța supraviețuirii posibil ultimelor ființe umane, oferă ocazia şi decorul unei poveşti de dragoste, a găsirii drumului în viață (sau măcar a punctului de plecare).
Personajele sunt atractive. Fiecare fată se poate regăsi într-un fel sau altul în Andromeda (speciale şi frumoase numele alese). Despre băieți ce să zicem? Ambii sunt pretendenți valoroşi, dar alegerile făcute le va determina viitorul (în dragoste cel puțin). Uneori să trăieşti într-un spațiu închis poate duce la încuierea propriilor sentimente. Uneori trebuie să stabileşti ce e mai important: viitorul genetic al omenirii şi regulile sau alegerea personală. În final cartea este despre ceea ce eşti cu adevărat, despre ceea ce eşti dipus să rişti şi să lupți şi despre faptul că uneori există şi „prea târziu”.
Cum spuneam toată această „poveste de dragoste” se petrece în timpul primelor zile pe o planetă nouă. Colonizarea, partea SF nu este tratată superficial, ci se bucură de aceeaşi atenție. De la viața pe navă a cărei dulceață mi-a amintit de WALL E (şi nu mă refer la lenea călătorilor) şi la care personajele trebuie să renunțe şi până la peisajele noii planete totul este creat cu atenție. Pericole de tot felul, deja cunoscute sau total noi, pândesc şi victimele încep să apară. În plus, vom avea parte şi de ceva mister, posibile fantome sau...nu.
Stilul autoarei îți permite să iei parte la tot ceea ce se întâmplă, să fii unul dintre cei încercați, să vezi totul. Desfăşurarea e bine gradată, detaliile sunt binevenite şi totul decurge logic. Frumos este şi faptul că, dacă consideri că ai prevăzut finalul, autoarea va avea grijă şi inspirație să-ți zdruncine aşteptările din când în când.
Având o poveste de dragoste (chiar şi un triunghi amoros), acțiune, elemente SF, un fir al evenimentelor cursiv şi uşor de urmărit, Colonization are toate ingredientele să fie pe placul multora, indiferent care ar fi genul lor preferat.
Author's US Giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway
Colonization entwines very well a SF story with one of the characters maturation. The colonization of a new planet, the solution and the hope of survival of maybe the last human beings, offer the opportunity and the set of a love story, of finding the way in life (or at least of a starting point).
The characters are attractive. Every girl can found herself in one way or another in Andromeda (special and beautiful character’s names chosen). About guys what should we say? Both are valuable candidates, but choices they made will determine their future (at least in love). Sometimes to live in a confined space can lead to the occlusion of your own feelings. Sometimes you have to determine what is more important for you: the genetic future of mankind and following the rules or the personal choice. Finally the book is about what you really are, what you inclined to risk and fight for and about the fact that sometimes there is "too late".
As I said, entire this "love story" takes place during the first days on a new planet. Colonization, the SF part is not slight treated, but gets the same attention. From life on a spacecraft whose sweetness reminded me of WALL E (and I do not mean to the laziness of the passengers) and in that the characters have to give up (and that is not always easy) to the new planet landscapes, everything is carefully imagine. Dangers of all kinds, already known or brand new, lurk and victims begin to appear. In addition, we will have some mystery, ghosts maybe ... or not.
The author’s style allows you to take part in all that happens, to be one of those that are put to the test, to see everything. The development of the story is well paced, the details are welcome and everything follows logically. Nice also is the fact that if you thought you have foreseen the end, the author will take care and inspiration to shatter your expectations from time to time.
Having a love story (even a love triangle), action, sci-fi elements, a thread of events smoothly and easy to follow, Colonization have all the ingredients to please many, whatever their favorite genre is.
I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you!
ROMANIAN:Here I was on another world and all I thought about was being lovesick.
If Sirius was mercury, then Corvus was granite, solid and dependable, a person I could latch onto in a time of so much flux. Could I love him?
Annie, life is change. To deny it is to turn your back on the way of the universe.
“You don’t get along, do you?” I met his cool blue eyes and refused to look back to where Sirius joined the crowd. “We have similar interests. Too similar.”
The way he said it made me realize I wasn’t the same girl at all. I had grown in so many ways, and during the process I’d left him behind.
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Book #2 |
Colonization îmbină foarte bine o poveste SF cu una a maturizării personajelor. Colonizarea unei noi planete, soluția şi speranța supraviețuirii posibil ultimelor ființe umane, oferă ocazia şi decorul unei poveşti de dragoste, a găsirii drumului în viață (sau măcar a punctului de plecare).
Personajele sunt atractive. Fiecare fată se poate regăsi într-un fel sau altul în Andromeda (speciale şi frumoase numele alese). Despre băieți ce să zicem? Ambii sunt pretendenți valoroşi, dar alegerile făcute le va determina viitorul (în dragoste cel puțin). Uneori să trăieşti într-un spațiu închis poate duce la încuierea propriilor sentimente. Uneori trebuie să stabileşti ce e mai important: viitorul genetic al omenirii şi regulile sau alegerea personală. În final cartea este despre ceea ce eşti cu adevărat, despre ceea ce eşti dipus să rişti şi să lupți şi despre faptul că uneori există şi „prea târziu”.
Cum spuneam toată această „poveste de dragoste” se petrece în timpul primelor zile pe o planetă nouă. Colonizarea, partea SF nu este tratată superficial, ci se bucură de aceeaşi atenție. De la viața pe navă a cărei dulceață mi-a amintit de WALL E (şi nu mă refer la lenea călătorilor) şi la care personajele trebuie să renunțe şi până la peisajele noii planete totul este creat cu atenție. Pericole de tot felul, deja cunoscute sau total noi, pândesc şi victimele încep să apară. În plus, vom avea parte şi de ceva mister, posibile fantome sau...nu.
Stilul autoarei îți permite să iei parte la tot ceea ce se întâmplă, să fii unul dintre cei încercați, să vezi totul. Desfăşurarea e bine gradată, detaliile sunt binevenite şi totul decurge logic. Frumos este şi faptul că, dacă consideri că ai prevăzut finalul, autoarea va avea grijă şi inspirație să-ți zdruncine aşteptările din când în când.
Având o poveste de dragoste (chiar şi un triunghi amoros), acțiune, elemente SF, un fir al evenimentelor cursiv şi uşor de urmărit, Colonization are toate ingredientele să fie pe placul multora, indiferent care ar fi genul lor preferat.
About the author:
Aubrie grew up watching
the original Star Wars movies over and over again until she could recite and reenact every single scene in her backyard. She also loved The Goonies, Star Trek the Next Generation-favorite character was Data by far-, and Indiana Jones. But, her all time favorite movie was The Last Unicorn. She still wonders why the unicorn decided to change back to a unicorn in the end.
Aubrie wrote in her junior high yearbook that she wanted to be "A concert flutist" when she grew up. When she made that happen, she decided one career was not enough and embarked as a fantasy, sci fi author. Two careers seems to keep her busy. For now.
Now for the professional bio:
Aubrie Dionne is an author and flutist in New England. Her writings have appeared in Mindflights, Niteblade, Silver Blade, Emerald Tales, Hazard Cat, Moon Drenched Fables, A Fly in Amber, and Aurora Wolf. Her books are published by Entangled Publishing, Lyrical Press, and Gypsy Shadow Publishing. She recently signed her YA sci fi novel with Inkspell Publishing titled: Colonization: Paradise Reclaimed, which will release in October 2012. When she's not writing, Aubrie teaches flute and plays in orchestras. She's a big Star Trek TNG fan, as well as Star Wars and Serenity.
the original Star Wars movies over and over again until she could recite and reenact every single scene in her backyard. She also loved The Goonies, Star Trek the Next Generation-favorite character was Data by far-, and Indiana Jones. But, her all time favorite movie was The Last Unicorn. She still wonders why the unicorn decided to change back to a unicorn in the end.
Aubrie wrote in her junior high yearbook that she wanted to be "A concert flutist" when she grew up. When she made that happen, she decided one career was not enough and embarked as a fantasy, sci fi author. Two careers seems to keep her busy. For now.
Now for the professional bio:
Aubrie Dionne is an author and flutist in New England. Her writings have appeared in Mindflights, Niteblade, Silver Blade, Emerald Tales, Hazard Cat, Moon Drenched Fables, A Fly in Amber, and Aurora Wolf. Her books are published by Entangled Publishing, Lyrical Press, and Gypsy Shadow Publishing. She recently signed her YA sci fi novel with Inkspell Publishing titled: Colonization: Paradise Reclaimed, which will release in October 2012. When she's not writing, Aubrie teaches flute and plays in orchestras. She's a big Star Trek TNG fan, as well as Star Wars and Serenity.
Author's US Giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway
Event organized by Girls Heart Books Tours
1 comment:
This looks fantastic. I look forward to reading it. Thanks!
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