At age 17, Carmel founds herself in a mental institution thanks to an ice dagger, and a woman who apparently isn't human. After being rescued and arriving at the H.o.T, House of Talents. A house where no one is entirely human. She learns that she's Talented and has the ability to control Water and Ice.
Published: January 30th, 2015
At age 17, Carmel founds herself in a mental institution thanks to an ice dagger, and a woman who apparently isn't human. After being rescued and arriving at the H.o.T, House of Talents. A house where no one is entirely human. She learns that she's Talented and has the ability to control Water and Ice.
At the H.o.T, Carmel learns to control her Talent, makes new friends, a few enemies, and begins to fall head over heels for a handsome guy. Who has a few secrets of his own. Carmel begins to realize that many people want her dead because of who she is. However she has no idea why. Can she figure it out or will she die. Look inside to find out.
Carmel’s Interview with Queen Ice
Queen Ice: Please sit down, make yourself comfortable.
Carmel: What do you think you’re doing?
Queen Ice: I believe it’s called an Interview.
Carmel: How are you here? The only way we can communicate is through a mirror, or my dreams, or when you talk to me through my mind.
Queen Ice: Yes, well stranger things have happen, please take your seat. (Carmel finally sits down.)
Carmel: Why are you in the Nurse office?
Queen Ice: Why must you ask so many question, I am doing the interview, so I ask the questions and you answer them, I believe that’s how this work.
Carmel: Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
Queen Ice: I slept quite comfortably actually, Heaven has beds made out of clouds.
Carmel: It was an expression, Ice.
Queen Ice: I am aware. Please state your name.
Queen Ice: State your name, this is how an Interview is done.
Carmel: My name is Carmel
Queen Ice: What is your age?
Carmel: Seventeen, these questions are pointless, people know this stuff about me already.
Queen Ice: I believe I reserve the right to determine if a question is pointless or not. Do you enjoy living at H.O.T?
Carmel: Honestly?
Queen Ice: Yes honestly, why would you fib? (Carmel rolls her eyes.)
Carmel: I love it here, I’ve met new people, made friends, fell in love.
Queen Ice: You’re in love with Devon correct?
Carmel: Yes, which people already know.
Queen Ice: Have you guys had sexual relations?
Carmel: Why is that any of your business?
Queen Ice: It is my business because you’re using my body to perform this act.
Carmel: Using your body, you are dead, this is my body now, and I will do what I want with it.
Queen Ice: I’ve notice, you should limit your sweets, you are a lot heavier than I was at your age. (Carmel looks down at her body.}
Carmel: Are you calling me fat?
Queen Ice: Me? Of course not.
Carmel: Honestly, I have no idea why I’m talking to you, you aren’t suppose to talk to yourself.
Queen Ice: You should be honored to be speak with me, and be in my presence. I am a Queen, you know.
Queen Ice: Yes Carmel, I am aware of that, please stop reminding me. How does it feel to speak to someone as beautiful as me?
Carmel: Ice, we look alike, I see myself every day in the mirror, it’s nothing new or amazing.
Queen Ice: That may be true but I am prettier than you.
Carmel: Heaven must not have any mirrors.
Queen Ice: Why would we need a mirror in Heaven, we worry about nothing up there, looks included.
Carmel: That was sarcasm Ice.
Queen Ice: I very well know what you were implying, and please stop referring to me as Ice, I am Queen Ice. It will do you well to remember that.
Carmel: What I’m saying ICE, is that we look just alike, if your pretty than I’m pretty too. We are the splitting image of one another.
Queen Ice: I don’t believe that to be true, my eyes are not that big, and my thighs are not that huge. (Carmel gets up out of her seat.)
Carmel: I’m not about to do this with you. (She walks to the door.)
Queen Ice: I did not dismiss you Carmel. (Carmel ignores her and walks out the door) Send in my next victim.
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About the author:
She published her first book The Talented under a publishing company she started Floebe Publishing. Desy writes to provide an escape for anyone who wants to live in a fantasy world, and not worry about the trouble of everyday life. She also writes to inspire. This is Desy’s first novel, and she plans to release the second part of The Talented series during late summer.
The Talented will be a five part series. Currently she is working on another story, which she hopes to release in the fall.
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Interesting concept for a book...will have to look for more to come :)
I really love the cover to the novel. It really catches your eye.
This sounds like a good story! I hope it is a big success for you!
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