"He’d been branded, time and again, with its red-hot poker, until the furtive chill of resignation had put its anesthetizing balm on his heart. Time could heal in some ways, but his wounds had been haphazardly patched up, leaving his soul marred with permanent scars. Does one ever shake off such horror?"
Release date: February 23rd, 2015
Keeping it simple doesn’t always work out so well…
Keeping it simple doesn’t always work out so well…
After exacting his longed-for revenge, Massimiliano “Max” Damiani’s life is about to get more complicated when he is sent by the Valthrean Council to investigate the mysterious death of one of their Councilmen. Duty-bound to protect the victim's daughter and her young brother, the stakes are upped as Max and those around him become targets of a dangerous enemy. The Cult is closing in, threatening the future of their kind.
Fate is a cruel mistress…
Piper Ingram’s existence is thrust into turbulent waters. Her father has been murdered in cold blood and she is now sole guardian to her little brother, Charlie. After years of helping others come to terms with their problems and move on to better lives in a domestic violence shelter, she now needs help protecting herself and her kin.
Salvation comes when we face our deepest fears…
Max values his independence above anything. Meanwhile, this case brings him more trouble than he's bargained for, pushing his limits, and testing his fear of commitment. While striving to keep his personal demons at bay and holding on to his set ways, he fights his attraction to Piper, but he fast learns some things are not within his control. Will he save those entrusted in his care this time? And most importantly, will he finally find redemption ... and love?
Against his better
judgment, he looked behind his shoulder to find those killer jade eyes on him,
chock full of pain and confusion.
“It will,” he said,
swallowing against a dry mouth. “I know.” He stared at her, watched her
expression change to curiosity.
No, Piper Ingram,
don’t look at me that way, as though you want to know things about me I’ve
never told anyone. I won’t tell, anyway, so it’s a lost cause.
“You really know?”
she said in scarcely a whisper.
He gave her the
barest of nods then looked back out, at the oak tree that had been in the
garden when he’d bought it. No one could tell him how old it was but he always
thought they’d built the house around it. The bench sitting in its shade seemed
so lonely and bereft under the moonlight. The heavy duty glass path running
from the door to the wall, splitting the landscaping in two, shimmered in parts
as it stretched between rows of low, manicured bushes. Another similar path ran
across, both meeting in the middle and forming a plus sign. The mermaid
fountain adorning the center of the far wall stood in shadow. His outdoor area
was purposely simple in design, structured, symmetrical, and neat—what he
aspired to be in his life. Not necessarily always balanced, but measured
according to a recipe of his creation. Adventure and enjoyment, but no
surprises. Excitement without commitment. Complete freedom.
Still, that lone tree
broke the symmetry, and it had been one of the major reasons that had attracted
him to the place. Food for thought…
“Stop with the
nonsense and give me that gun. This is serious,” he said with calm insistence.
“Yes, and so am I.
I’m serious, says she.” She crossed one arm over her chest and widened her
stance, favoring her left leg.
“Piper, please. We
want to solve this without need for bullets, if possible.”
Her nostrils flared
like a corrida bull’s at the sight of red.
“I suppose you have a
better solution then?” she asked in a vinegary tone.
“Matter of fact, I
do.” He stepped closer to her and stared her down from his full height. She
didn’t back down, taking on the veritable picture of an avenging angel. From
her spitfire expression, he fancied her lost wings had grown right back, and
she was about to take flight.
Piper Ingram, I was
mistaken to think you at all weak. You’re completely fearless. You’re out of
your damn mind.
He envied that spirit
for even in suffering, she found inner peace to hold on to. She stood there,
battle ready and not the least bit ruffled.
A modern Joan of Arc.
“Please, give me the
gun. I just want to help. I can help.”
Lately, he’d been
doing a whole lot of begging. How did that happen?
Another smashing
sound made her start. The living room they were in stood at the side of the
house. The man was toying with them, taking his time, knowing he could get in
when he damn well pleased. They didn’t have long.
“Alright. Here,” she
said in a clipped tone, handing it to him.
Relieved, he
inspected the chamber to see it fully loaded.
“I thought you said
you didn’t need bullets.”
“I don’t. This is
just a precaution.”
“Piper, I want you to
go into the kitchen with the others and stay with them. For no reason—no
reason—are you to stray from them or come anywhere near the front door.
“You won’t do
anything crazy, will you?”
“No,” he lied,
placing the gun carefully on the desk. “Now, promise me.” He inched toward her.
Standing as close to
him as a piece of furniture with the wall behind it, her lips a hand’s breadth
from his, she nodded. He could kiss her anxiety away…
Bang. Louder than ever.
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About the author:

Married, with one son, she now calls the beautiful island of Malta home after eleven good years in Atlanta, GA. As a professional editor and author, her days are always busy, but when she’s not working—or muttering to herself about her book plots like a batty old maid—she enjoys spending time with family and friends (both online and offline), sipping on a good shiraz, reading, cooking and entertaining, watching a good movie, travelling, and ogling shoe store displays. Most of all, she loves to meet and communicate with other authors and readers.
Find out more about Natalie’s latest news and works:
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