Description: 18+
Project Sapphire: The World’s first AI. A top-secret project exposed to a select group of scientists. Lei Heaton, a man desperate to save his daughter, is at the top of the bionics empire. He not only hired the team to repair his daughter’s damaged body, he plans to reanimate her dead mind using the Sapphire AI.
A dangerous man—a killer that is no regular human…
Maxwell Landon—codename: Deimos—is the Adelphi Organization’s top agent. His M.O is simple: Never fail. He's used to annihilating anyone that gets in his way. But this time, he's being called to protect and deliver. Deimos is aware that this mission won't be like any other. Then he lays eyes on the resurrected Ms. Heaton, and instantly he knows:
That is not Magdalena Heaton.
And he will never be the same again.
Control, his most prized possession, is ripped from him with a single glance...
The violent attraction he feels for the girl complicates matters immediately. But what Deimos doesn't know is that things are about to get much worse. Sapphire isn't just a completely different person than the dead Ms. Heaton—she's the AI miracle of the century. An advancement that many would kill to own.
Including himself, no matter how hard he fights against it.
A girl determined to protect her creator. A man determined to protect her...
Despite the fact that she is not Magdalena, Sapphire is bent on taking her place as Mr. Heaton's daughter in order to keep her creator safe. Deimos knows that he has to honor her wish. But the thing inside him is demanding more. More than a touch. A lot more than a taste. It responds to everything about her...every stuttered breath that lets him know she wants him as much as he wants her.
How does he walk away when he knows that no matter how far he is from her, she’ll always be in danger and he'll always hunger for her?
Author's Dream Cast:
Deimos/ Maxwell Landon - Jacob Sones; Sapphire/ Magdalena Heaton - Emily Rudd; Mars/Gage Stone - Nick Auger; Dr. Gordon Allen - Peter Badenhop
I feel crazed.
I am crazed, my mind splitting in two. Grinding down on my teeth, I snap my lids shut. This isn’t normal. And I have to control myself. She’s isn’t ready for what I want. If I’m going to do this with her, I have to let her control it. It has to be her using my body, taking what she needs.
I force my lids open, so that she can see my eyes, knowing damn well what she’ll find in there. Obsession. Has to be. It’s hit me hard, too fast. “I’m trying to do this at your speed, but never wanted anyone this fucking much."
The emotion that flares in her eyes guts me. I don't dare analyze it, don't think I can handle it right then.
Still cupping my face, she leans toward me. I have a split second to wet my lips, then her lips are on me, her tongue pushing into my mouth.
I twitch and groan beneath her, my eyes lost in the back of my head again. Sapphire kisses me as if she could eat me alive, our tongues twining violently. My hands tighten around the covers, thoughts growing dim.
She giggles, her lips stretching out into a wide smile. They’re wet, coated in my saliva. I reach up and smooth my thumb across her bottom one. I want more of me on her. Covering her.
The smile falls off Sapphire’s face. She’s fucking panting, her eyes asking me for things she isn’t ready for. Easy. Her first time. I drop one hand to her thigh, circling and squeezing.
Her hands flatten on my chest, smoothing the material of my shirt across my pecs. Her eyes keep bouncing from what her hands are doing to my mouth. There’s a hesitancy to her touch.
My chest squeezes in on itself. Rising up, I wrap her in my arms and turn around so that my back is facing the headboard. I lean back and make myself comfortable. “Sapphire, we don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.”
She spreads her fingers over my pecs and squeezes down. As if familiarizing herself with my body. “What about what you want?”
Images flash through my mind; a fucked-up kaleidoscope of naked flesh, roaming hands, and breathless moans that leaves me shaking. “Yes. God. Whatever you want. Just do it.”
Thank fuck. I ease her back so I can sit up and yank my shirt off. I fling it across the room and ease back on the headboard.
Sapphire’s eyes are filled with wonder as she takes in my chest. Her eyes fall to the tattoo on my ribcage.
Never give up. Never give in. Keep fighting until your last breath.
Her fingers trace the words slowly.
I don’t know what comes over me or why, but there’s no stopping the next word that leaves my mouth. “Maxwell.”
The stillness that falls over us is unreal. Somehow, her pupils get even larger. Dark eyes lock on me with that same wonder from before and something else. Shock.
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About the authors:
N. Isabelle Blanco was born in Queens, NY (USA). At the age of three, due to an odd fascination with studying her mother’s handwriting, she began to read and write. By the time she’d reached kindergarten, she had an extensive vocabulary and her obsession with words began to bleed into every aspect of her life.
An avid reader in her teens, her fascination with Japanese anime eventually led her to the universe of fan fiction, which became her on-again, off-again hobby for the next ten years. During that time she amassed a following of fans that, by her own admission, she would never be able to live without. It was those fans who encouraged her to step beyond the fan fiction realm and try her talent in the publishing world.
N. Isabelle Blanco spends her days working as an author, web programmer, marketer, and graphic designer. That is when she isn’t handling her “spawn”, as she calls her son, and brainstorming with him about his future career as a comic book illustrator.
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