Ezzie Lovegreen lives in a world where witches and ghosts are real. That doesn’t mean she’s not surprised when she’s suddenly being haunted by one at school. With the help of her best friend Stella, her boyfriend Beau, and her grandmother Winifred, Ezzie must find out what happened to the ghost and set her free. Secrets will be revealed that could change Ezzie’s life forever. Will Ezzie be strong enough to face the challenges set in her path?
“Do you remember being alive?” Ezzie sat at her desk, talking to Gerald.
Gerald floated over to her closet and perused her clothes. “Remember being alive? Well, I remember having a body.”
She tucked her hair behind her ear and looked at him. “But do you remember how you died?”
Gerald floated over to where she sat and cocked his ghostly head to the side. “Why do you want to know about that, Miss Ezzie?”
“I’m trying to help someone find out how she died. I’m just curious to know if most ghosts know more about their lives. She can’t remember anything about being alive or how she died. Is it normal not to know anything?”
“Things are different for ghosts. I may be the exception to the rule. Time is different for those who are not alive. Do you know when this young lady died?” Gerald did his version of pacing, which was floating back and forth a few feet off the ground.
“She died in the 1970’s. There’s not a lot known about how she died, though.”
“What does Winifred say?”
“She’s seeing what she can find for me. I just want to figure it out now.” Ezzie sighed and put her pen down on the desk.
“She will get this figured out for you. She knows a lot about ghosts.”
“Do you remember how you died?”
“I do. It was during the Civil War. I fought to end slavery; not all of my people did. War is a terrible thing, Ezzie. I remember seeing my brothers die.” He stopped talking and floated out of the room.
She followed him down the hall to the kitchen. He was clearly agitated, floating in tight circles. “Hey, Gerald, I’m sorry. I didn’t know this would upset you so much,” Ezzie said gently.
He floated to her and laid a ghostly hand against her cheek. “It’s not your fault, Ezzie. I had just not thought of my death in many years. It is not something I like to think about.”
About the author:

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About Jessica Gibson Jessica Gibson is a recovering bookaholic, she’s down from four books a week to a more reasonable one. It was that love of words and creativity that made her dream about writing her first book. That dream was hidden for years, always put on the back burner, filed away in the “someday” section, until her husband Matt gave her the kick in the pants she needed to actually get off her butt and write. Jessica and Matt live in Southern California and have a serious addiction to reality tv shows like Pawn Stars and American Restoration. They have one son and hope to add to the family in the near future.
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