In The Gatekeeper's Sons, Therese and Thanatos, the god of Death, met and fell in love. In The Gatekeeper's Challenge, they did everything they could to be together, even break an oath on the River Styx. But the Olympians don't tolerate oath-breakers.
In this final book in the trilogy, The Gatekeeper's Daughter, Therese may have finally succeeded in becoming a goddess, but if she wants to remain one, she'll not only have to discover her unique purpose, but also make some allies among the gods. Artemis sends her on a seemingly impossible quest across the world, while Than searches for a way to appease Ares. To make matters worse, her aunt's baby's life hangs in the balance.
Book #1

Than makes a deal with Hades and goes as a mortal to the Upperworld to try and win Therese's heart, but not all the gods are happy. Some give her gifts. Others try to kill her.
The deal requires Therese to avenge the death of her parents. With the help of Than’s fierce and exotic sisters, the Furies, she finds herself in an arena face to face with the murderer, and only one will survive.
Book #2

Eventually she learns Than has been busy searching for a way to make her a god, and he’s found it, but it requires her to complete a set of impossible challenges designed by Hades, who hopes to see her fail.
About the author:
Eva Pohler writes fiction and teaches writing and literature at the University of Texas at San Antonio, where she lives with her husband, three kids, two dogs, and two rats.
You can connect with her on Twitter and on her website, where you can find her books, reviews and contests.
You can connect with her on Twitter and on her website, where you can find her books, reviews and contests.
Website ** Blog ** Other Blog ** Twitter ** Goodreads
Pare interesanta seria , n-am auzit pana acum de ea
Nici eu n-am auzit de ea până acum. O să o caut variantă e-book să o citesc și eu pe tabletă cândva curând
Nici eu nu aflasem despre ea, in special pentru ca se bazeaza pe miturile grecesti (sunt practic obsedata de legende si mituri:)) ) In plus imi place enorm subiectul seriei - sa te indragostesti de zeul mortii si imi aminteste de o alta trilogie indragita si anume Existence de Abbi Glines (off... Dank) :)
Mi se pare o serie interesantă. Îmi plac titlurile celor trei cărţi! :D
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