When the opportunity to read To Kiss Ghost was offered
to me, I didn’t think twice because I just discovered (as I’m doing lately) the
volume one of the series Hungry Ghost and both the description and cover
attracted me. I didn’t have time to read the first volume, now I really want to
fix that, but I can honestly say that I really liked To Kiss a Ghost.
The book has a special delicacy, a tenderness that I
felt fully.
Despite the length that is not too
large, Becky M. Pourchot
succeeds a rich construction with
numerous levels. Everyday problems
of each teenager, including the delicate matter
of the distance relationships,
the traditions about we forget more or less, and especially
their motivation as
well as the problem (or whatever the tormenting thought of humanity) regarding what is "beyond"
are completed each other and give birth
to a beautiful story for youngsters (and
not just for them taking me in account).
„Penelope would let him rest his weary head on her shoulder and she would comfort him through his tears. From that moment on, I would be the one he left behind. I would be the ghost in this past.”
The Fantastic receives a special attention, the
author introducing a hierarchy or rather say a classification of spirits, relevant qualifications
that are supporting the book’s action, while they give
us clues, but also lying traps for us.
„They’re entities that exist to maintain order in the Universe. They’re the street cleaners, the vultures. You could also say they’re angels of the misfortune.”
Tension arises
at the right time and in exactly amount to have you shiver and shake a bit your expectations.
The relationships between the characters are different and evolving on several plans. Each of these relationships impress and each of these
relationships bring a plus of tenderness,
regret and nostalgia,
but also some hope.
Humor is
also present and I like how
the author used
it to highlight the human characteristics: kindness, gullibility or even stupidity,
insecurity, jealousy.
To Kiss a
Ghost is one of
those books that can make you want to be part
of it and to have the characters’
powers even if they could put you in some messes.
„Normal is overrated.”
The ending is
good, sad and happy at the same time, providing hope of rejoining.
„[...] I don’t even Know who I am yet... how can I go on to something else” [...] Don’t I have to figure that out first?”
If you’ll read the book there are great chances to really enjoy it.
I received the book from the author for review - Thank you!
I received the book from the author for review - Thank you!

Cartea are o delicateţe specială, o
sensibilitate pe care am simţit-o din plin.
În ciuda lungimii nu prea mari a volumului, Becky
M. Pourchot reuşeşte o construcţie amplă cu numeroase planuri. Problemele
cotidiene ale fiecărui adolescent inclusiv chestiunea delicată a relaţiilor de
la distanţă, tradiţiile de care uităm mai mult sau mai puţin şi mai ales
motivaţia acestora, precum şi problema sau, mă rog, chinuitorul gând al omenirii
cu privire la ce este „dincolo” se completează reciproc şi dau naştere unei
frumoase poveşti pentru tineri (şi nu doar avându-mă în vedere).
„Penelope would let him rest his weary head on her shoulder and she would comfort him through his tears. From that moment on, I would be the one he left behind. I would be the ghost in this past.”
Fantasticul primeşte o atenţie deosebită, autoarea
introducând o ierarhie sau mai bine zis o clasificare a spiritelor, o calificare
pertinentă şi care susţine acţiunea cărţii, dându-ne în acelaşi timp indicii,
dar întinzându-ne şi capcane.
„They’re entities that exist to maintain order in the Universe. They’re the street cleaners, the vultures. You could also say they’re angels of the misfortune.”
Tensiunea apare când trebuie şi este exact cât
trebuie să te înfioare, să-ţi zdruncine un pic previziunile.
Relaţiile dintre personaje sunt diferite şi se
dezvoltă pe mai multe nivele. Fiecare dintre aceste relaţii impresionează şi
fiecare dintre aceste relaţii aduc un plus de sensibilitate, regret şi nostalgie,
dar şi ceva speranţă.
Umorul este şi el prezent şi îmi place cum
autoarea l-a folosit pentru a scoate în evidenţă câte o caracteristică umană:
bunătate, naivitate sau chiar prostie, nesiguranţă, gelozie.
To Kiss a Ghost este una dintre acele cărţi
care te poate face să-ţi doreşti să fii parte din ele şi să ai aceleaşi puteri
chiar dacă acestea ar putea să te bage în unele belele.
„Normal is overrated.”
Finalul este bun, trist şi fericit în acelaşi timp,
oferind speranţa regăsirii.
„[...] I don’t even Know who I am yet... how can I go on to something else” [...] Don’t I have to figure that out first?”
Dacă veţi citi cartea sunt mari şanse să vă
Description To Kiss a Ghost
Gala Rhyce the reluctant ghost whisperer is back again. When she finds herself bullied by shadow creatures to care for the ghosts in her town, she’s forced to dive deep into the world of the paranormal. The only benefit comes when Gala finds herself happily entangled with a mysterious, handsome ghost who is quickly falling for her.
“Even better than the first book in the series, To Kiss a Ghost, is a thrill ride not to be missed. You will cry, laugh, get angry, and repeat the emotional spectrum as you read this stellar new release. Pourchot has a series worth continuing on her hands.”
Description To Kiss a Ghost
Gala Rhyce the reluctant ghost whisperer is back again. When she finds herself bullied by shadow creatures to care for the ghosts in her town, she’s forced to dive deep into the world of the paranormal. The only benefit comes when Gala finds herself happily entangled with a mysterious, handsome ghost who is quickly falling for her.
“Even better than the first book in the series, To Kiss a Ghost, is a thrill ride not to be missed. You will cry, laugh, get angry, and repeat the emotional spectrum as you read this stellar new release. Pourchot has a series worth continuing on her hands.”
Book #1
Life was pleasantly normal for Gala Rhyce—that is, until her mom moved
the family to Flagler Beach, Florida. Now—despite the palm trees, ocean
breezes, and cute surfer guys—Gala is miserable…until she meets Trista.
Trista makes a great friend, except for one thing: she's a ghost.
The girls learn to communicate, and through Gala, Trista finds a way to experience the world again. As Gala’s romance with a heartthrob poet begins to bloom, her unlikely friendship with Trista continues—until the ghost wants more than Gala can give, and things start to go horribly wrong.
Filled with horror, romance, and humor, Food for a Hungry Ghost is about friendship, trust, jealousy, and boundaries that get pushed too far.
How much can Gala endure? Will she survive the clutches of the Hungry Ghost?
The girls learn to communicate, and through Gala, Trista finds a way to experience the world again. As Gala’s romance with a heartthrob poet begins to bloom, her unlikely friendship with Trista continues—until the ghost wants more than Gala can give, and things start to go horribly wrong.
Filled with horror, romance, and humor, Food for a Hungry Ghost is about friendship, trust, jealousy, and boundaries that get pushed too far.
How much can Gala endure? Will she survive the clutches of the Hungry Ghost?
1 comment:
Wow.... coperta ma sperie, dar descrierea pare ok.
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