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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Review and Giveaway The Tale of Mally Biddle by M.L. LeGette

If you want to escape from the liniar daily life and step into a world of political games in which the secrets and murder are on the tapis, and the swords just waiting to jump out of scabbards, yet without your heart jumping out of your chest, you should choose to read The Tale of Mally Biddle.

You’ll spend a few pleasent hours in the company of this young lady with big heart and a courage to match. A miss of whom nature seems to be the vouch for trouble. Not just once her choices invite trouble.

The first chapter promises a lot and these promises are fulfilled to a great extent. Persons and interests shall be kept hidden. Predictability of events and characters will be occasionally overturned, and the reader will not get a sure answer, but only possibilities. Mally's sometimes naive trust is able to make the reader wonder if it's appropriate to change his "predictions". Suspected and unexpected dangers lurk (and attacks) from shadows, while Mally is trying to find truths that others hold obstinately to remain unknown. The secret is on the agenda whether it’s related to murder of the royal family, or to those who ostensibly represent friends or enemies ... At one point, all the characters, main or secondary, transient or always present, will influence the course of events. The castle itself, with its own secrets seems to actively participate, and the servants may know more than would be acceptable to their masters.

All this takes place in a world similar to the one created by Dumas, with kings, counsels, and knights, aristocrats who are pro and against the regime, rebels and even some sword crossing.

There is also a romantic side, but the author seems to have intended to deceive us. She is extending traps for us, is fooling us, playing with us. If and when it is about a mere infatuation or real love it remains to be discovered by each reader, but each reader, I think, will want more.

The action takes place without dead time and its rhythm is right to keep you alert. Although is not very short, the book reads easily and you do not know how you got to the end.

Happy reading!

I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you!

Dacă vreți să evadați din cotidian şi să păşiți într-o lume a urzelilor politice în care secretele şi crima sunt la ordinea zilei, iar săbiile abia aşteaptă să sară din teacă, dar totuşi fără să vă sară inima din piept atunci trebuie să alegeți The Tale of Mally Biddle.

Veți petrece câteva ore plăcute în compania acestei domnişoare cu inima mare şi cu un curaj pe măsură. Domnişoară a cărei fire pare a fi asigurarea pentru belele. Alegerile ei invită nu o dată pericolul.

Primul capitol promite mult şi aceste promisiuni sunt respectate în bună măsură. Persoanele şi interesele se vor păstra ascunse. Previzibilitatea unor evenimente şi personaje va fi din când în când răsturnată, iar cititorul va rămâne nu cu un răspuns sigur, ci doar cu posibilități. Încrederea uneori naivă a lui Mally e în măsură să facă cititorul să se întrebe dacă nu e cazul să-şi schimbe „previziunile”. Pericole bănuite şi neaşteptate o pândesc (şi atacă) din umbră, în timp ce Mally încearcă să afle adevăruri pe care alții țin morțiş să rămână necunoscute. Secretul este la ordinea zilei indiferent dacă se referă la asasinarea familiei regale sau la cei ce se declară sau aparent sunt prieteni ori duşmani... La un moment dat, toate personajele, principale sau secundare, pasagere sau mai mereu prezente, vor influența cursul evenimentelor. Însăşi castelul cu propriile lui secrete pare să participe activ, iar servitorii pot ştii mai mult decât ar fi acceptabil pentru stăpânii lor.

Toate acestea se petrec într-o lume similară celei create de Dumas, cu regi, aparenți sfătuitori şi cavaleri, aristocrați pro şi contra regimului, rebeli şi chiar cu unele încrucişări de spadă.

Există şi o latură romantică, dar autoarea pare să-şi fi propus să ne amăgească. Ne întinde capcane, ne păcăleşte, se joacă cu noi. Dacă şi când este vorba de o simplă infatuare sau dragoste reală rămâne să descoperim fiecare, dar fiecare, cred, vom vrea mai mult.

Acțiunea se desfăşoară fără timpi morți şi ritmul ei este potrivit pentru a te ține alert. Deşi nu foarte scurtă, cartea se citeşte uşor şi nici nu ştii cum ai ajuns la final.

Lectură plăcută!

mally biddle
The Tale of Mally Biddle by M.L. LeGette When Mally Biddle agreed to spy upon the King of Lenzar and his overbearing knights she knew she was heading into danger. She didn't know she'd find a family unlike any other. Posing as a servant in Bosc Castle, Mally serves tea and tends fires for the most dangerous men in the kingdom. Her goal is to learn the truth of what happened sixteen years ago, when the infant princess met her death ... a death that is surrounded by more questions than answers. Along her search for the truth, Mally meets the energized Lita Stump, the strict and matriarchal Meriyal Boyd, and the opinionated Archibald Diggleby. Then of course there are the knights: Leon Gibbs who is slicker than a greased hog, Adrian Bayard, hot tempered and violent, and the worst of the lot: Sir Illius Molick, Captain of the Knights. And then there is Maud, a mysterious woman who just might know everything...

"To say I loved this book is an understatement. Mally is a wonderful character and she encounters so many quirky folks on her assignment. Very well written and engaging story! And an added bonus of a love triangle! I enjoyed it from beginning to end!! I will definitely be looking for more from this author!" ~April Holgate

Melissa LeGette lives in Georgia where she helps run a family farm, so her nails are a fright. The Tale of Mally Biddle is her second novel.

Blog Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 6/5/13  a Rafflecopter giveaway  


Bianca said...

Ce frumos :o3
Pare mai mult decât interesantă!

Claudia said...

Imi place....pare interesant si deja m-a captivat descrierea.

Unknown said...

Bafta !

ionutzk said...

foarte interesanta descrierea

iobanicu said...

Succes participantilor !