
Albert Camus

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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Review and Giveaway Day After (The 19th Year #2) by Emi Gayle Book Tour

Release day: May 6th, 2013


Demon crypts. Vampire lairs. Glowing angels. Sexy sirens. The stuff of fiction.

Or so Winn Thomas always thought.

Since being accepted into the fold of the supernatural, he knows better. None of what he imagined is true, but everything he feared is, and binding himself to his Changeling girlfriend until her nineteenth birthday will give him an education far beyond what he’d get at his human high school.

Luckily, Winn’s not giving up, he won’t back down, and he definitely isn’t going to run away with his tail between his legs. After all, only werewolves have tails. Right?

In this, the second of the 19th Year trilogy, Winn’s facing the challenge of one lifetime. If he doesn’t learn the truth about mythological creatures, his girlfriend Mac Thorne won’t either. That means, in six months, when she chooses her final form, she won’t know what to pick.

Winn, though, has his own ideas about Mac’s final selection—plans she knows nothing of.

He intends to have her pick human.

Whether she can or not.

My review:

Only human. Problem number one.”

Rarely when SHE is the one with special powers in a relationship, and HE is a mere mortal. I was curious (yeah, I had to skip the first volume, but rest assured that at the first free moment I’ll fix this) to see how the author will solved the genetic male vanity. Probably it’s manifested also by Winn’s desire for Mac to choose humanity.

I warn you that you will find below the word "secret" frequently repeated. That's not because of my lack of inspiration, but because "secret / mystery / enigma / hidden / unavowed / mask / disguise" is the core of the story. Discovered or not they direct and impose every movement of the characters, and the story revolve around them.

Choosing to teach Mac about hers kind proves to be more difficult than Winn imagined. More difficult not necessarily for the fact that first he need to find the main information for himself and for that he must meet those who wanted (or still do) to kill him, but because he has to learn Mac without sharing these information with her. But surely he would have found a way to fulfill his task, if in all this gathering of information it would not be found and take place more or less strange facts. Facts that will lead to danger, kidnapping and eventually to a suddenly death.

The plot is sinuous and constantly changing its direction with every secret revealed. And these mysteries come to light where and how you least expect. Nothing and no one seems to be reliable anymore, none of what you thought you knew was for sure seems to be applicable even in the case of the Winn himself. Control or free will? Regardless if is about the main characters or secondary ones, the revealed secrets and new information received (in fact just bits of them) it will make Winn and the reader also to want to find out more and more. Any unknown resolved lead to even larger ones. Winn certainly needs all his skills (did I forgot to tell you that he is the ideal man?) to find the well hidden truth and to discern the real interests.

Dangers lurk, tension accrues and the attacks are increasing. The worse is that Winn knows that his help for Mac to take a decision it will be most likely equal with him to be forsaken. Does what they find out will may give them a chance to be together?

But nothing compares with the end! The author takes the Council’s side and leaves us to squirm into the unknown awaiting the next volume. That's because nothing is decided, and the discoveries made so far can change everything. Or not.

With an alert action, a fantasy world rich in universal mythological characters, with well dosed and placed humor,  Day After will be a very pleasant reading that will surely win many fans.

I love it!
 «"What will you do when Mackenzie can no longer accept you in her life"? 
I'd thought about that one a lot, too, "I'll say... goodbye."
"It won't be that easy."
"Nothing ever is when it comes to Mac."»

I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you

“Only human. Problem number one.”

Mai rar când în relație EA este cea cu puteri speciale, iar El un simplu muritor. Am fost curioasă (mda, a trebuit sa sar peste primul volum, dar stați liniştiți că în primul moment liber o să îndrept asta) să văd cum a rezolvat autoarea vanitatea genetică masculină. Probabil ea se manifestă şi prin dorința lui Winn ca Mac să aleagă umanitatea.

Vă avertizez că mai jos veți găsi des repetat cuvântul „secret”. Asta nu din cauza lipsei inspirației mele, ci pentru că „secret/taină/mister/ascuns/nemărturisit/mascat/deghizat” este axa principală a poveştii. Descoperite sau nu, ele conduc şi impun fiecare mişcare a personajelor, povestea încolăcindu-se în jurul lor.

Alegerea de a o învăța pe Mac despre semenii ei se dovedeşte a fi mai grea decât şi-a închipuit Winn. Mai grea nu neapărat pentru faptul că mai întâi trebuie să afle Winn informațiile necesare şi pentru asta să se întâlnească cu cei care au vrut (sau vor) să-l ucidă, dar pentru că trebuie să o învețe fără să-i spună nimic. Dar cu siguranță ar fi aflat el o cale să facă asta dacă în tot acest cules de informații nu s-ar fi aflat şi petrecut lucruri care mai de care mai ciudate. Lucruri care vor conduce la pericole, răpiri şi în final la morți neaşteptate.

Firul poveştii este sinuos şi îşi schimbă mereu direcția la fiecare secret descoperit. Iar aceste taine ies la iveală unde şi cum te aştepți mai puțin. Nimic şi nimeni nu mai pare a fi de încredere, nimic din ceea ce credeai că ştii ca sigur pare a nu mai fi aplicabil, nici măcar în ceea îl priveşte pe Winn însuşi. Manipulare sau liber arbitru? Că privesc personajele principale sau pe cele secundare, secretele descoperite şi noile informații primite (cu lingurița) îl vor face pe Winn, dar şi pe cititor să vrea să afle din ce în ce mai mult. Orice necunoscută rezolvată conduce la altele mai mari. Cu siguranță Winn are nevoie de toate calitățile sale (am uitat să vă spun că reprezintă un ideal masculin?) pentru a întrezări adevărul bine ascuns şi interesele din culise.

Pericolele pândesc, tensiunea se acumulează şi atacurile se înmulțesc. Sarea pe rană o reprezintă faptul că Winn ştie că de fapt o ajută pe Mac să ia o decizie care va însemna mai mult ca sigur părăsirea lui. Oare ceea ce vor afla le va putea da o şansă a fi împreună?

Dar nimic nu se compară cu finalul! Autoarea se aliază cu Consiliul celor 12 şi ne lasă să ne perpelim în necunoscut în aşteptarea următorului volum. Asta pentru că nimic nu este decis, iar descoperirile făcute pot schimba totul. Sau nu.

Cu o acțiune alertă, o lume fantastică bogată în personaje mitologice universale, cu un umor bine dozat şi plasat fac din Day After o lectură foarte plăcută şi care cu siguranță va câştiga mulți fani.

I love it!
 «"What will you do when Mackenzie can no longer accept you in her life"? 
I'd thought about that one a lot, too, "I'll say... goodbye."
"It won't be that easy."
"Nothing ever is when it comes to Mac."»
Book #1
What eighteen year old Mac Thorne doesn't know will probably kill her. In exactly eight months, five days, three hours and thirteen minutes, Mac has to choose what she'll be for the rest of her life. She has no choice but to pick. As a Changeling, it's her birthright. To Mac, it's a birthchore. Like going to school with humans, interacting with humans, and pretending to be human during the pesky daylight hours. Once darkness descends, Mac can change into any supernatural form that exists-which makes her as happy as she can be. That is, until Winn Thomas, the biggest geek in her senior class, figures out there's more to what hides in the dark than most are willing to acknowledge. In this first of the 19th Year Trilogy, Winn might know more about Mac than even she does, and that knowledge could end their lives, unless Mac ensures the powers-that-be have no choice but to keep him around.

About the author:
Emi Gayle just wants to be young again. She lives vicariously through her youthful characters, while simultaneously acting as chief-Mom to her teenaged son and searching for a way to keep her two daughters from ever reaching the dreaded teen years.

Ironically, those years were some of Emi's favorite times. She met the man of her dreams at 14, was engaged to him at 19, married him at 20 and she's still in love with him to this day. She'll never forget what it was like to fall in love at such a young age — emotions she wants everyone to feel.

Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pare chiar interesanta cartea. Recunosc ca n-am auzit de ea, dar ceva ma atrage sa o citesc. Intra in categoria mea de carti necitite dar asteptate :X