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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Review and Giveaway The Circle (The Sidhe #1) by Cindy Cipriano

He’d known there was something special about Laurel since the day she reached for the faerie book. Like it held the answer to some riddle. He’d known because he’d recognized the look of someone searching desperately for something lost

If I, who I left behind long time ago the middle grade phase, I liked the book, surely many will love it, and the middle grades ones will certainly have a new series to dream of.
We are accustomed with the feelings and clashes of the 16-17 years old characters that must cope with their special living conditions. But we rarely find how their lives were so far, about the way they got to get used to these particularities. And if they should just get used to these gifts would have been very easy, but they must learn to control and hide them. The disclosure would have major effects not only on them but on those who would get knowledge of.
“We’ve been watching her for weeks. She seems to be nothing more than a normal girl,” said Kenzie.
“Well, don’t get too attached to her,” said Donnelly. “If she’s somehow figured out about us, or even our world, our next step won’t be a pleasant one.”
Calum glared at Donnelly, and felt a shiver down his spine when he saw the look in his uncle’s eyes.
But do not you think that the 10-12 years old characters are not able to support an engaging action.
Their story will catch you and you will want more and more. How is it to feel guilty about the disappearance (possibly death) of your cousin? How is it to want to do anything and everything possible to find out what happened to him and everyone to stop you because they don’t want you to become a victim also?
The adventures are based on curiosity, innocence and audacity of the three main characters: Calum, Lauren and Hagen. Bond by the suffered loss and their willingness to do anything to trace the lost ones, their destinies seem to be predestined to intertwine before they even meet.
There is suspense, there are dangers, assumed risks and unexpected failures. The fortuitous and human nature bitch up things and everything seems to be lost again and forever.
I liked how the author created the fairy world and how describe their lives infiltrate amidst humans. Folkloric elements are used harmoniously in relation to scientific truths.
“I’m talking about Pluto,” said Twicely, pointing to the small planet on one of the charts.
“Oh, yeah,” said Hagen. “The duine daonna don’t get it because they can’t stop arguing about whether or not Pluto is a planet. They don’t understand it belongs to an entirely different universe, our universe.
They are here get a new nuance that is as attractive as it is dangerous. Dangerous because, as we well know, there is not only the light but also the dark. And those who chosen the dark side have their own plans to fulfill.
“I think a tornado with no wind, no hail, and no damage is no tornado. You were right, Kenzie. I can feel it. Dark Sidhe have come to Emerald Lake.”
The aspects of the ordinary life and Sidhe life, the first steps to see a girl with "new eyes", the first shivers of jealousy and curiosity about all these feelings are naturally interwoven with the Sindhe characteristics and the action itself. They give flavor to the story and outline the characters.
Not really angry, but what? Jealous. Calum was jealous of Hagen. The revelation took Calum by surprise. He hadn’t thought of Laurel as anything more than a good friend, so why should it bother him if she liked Hagen? It shouldn’t. But it did.
Aspects of the development of individual characters (main or secondary), the changes that people are suffering and character shaping are delicate and well placed. They are not only life lessons (perfectly valid at any age), but also sets the stage for what may follow. The most important lesson may be is that of the existence of free will: you are what you choose to be, not what is your destiny.
I recommend it and look forward to the next volume.
 I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you! 
Circle copyHe’d known there was something special about Laurel since the day she reached for the faerie book. Like it held the answer to some riddle. He’d known because he’d recognized the look of someone searching desperately for something los.

Dacă mie care am trecut de mult de etapa middle grade mi-a plăcut cartea, cu siguranță că va plăcea multora, iar cei middle grade vor avea o nouă serie în care să se viseze personaje.
Suntem obişnuiți cu sentimentele şi confruntările personajelor care au vârsta de 16-17 ani şi care trebuie să facă față unor condiții mai speciale de trai. Dar mai rar aflăm cum a fost viața lor de până acum, cum au ajuns să se obişnuiască cu aceste particularități. Iar dacă ar fi trebuit doar să se obişnuiască cu aceste daruri ar fi fost foarte uşor, dar ei trebuie să învețe să le controleze şi să le ascundă. Divulgarea lor ar avea efecte majore nu doar asupra lor, ci asupra acelora care le-ar afla.
“We’ve been watching her for weeks. She seems to be nothing more than a normal girl,” said Kenzie.
“Well, don’t get too attached to her,” said Donnelly. “If she’s somehow figured out about us, or even our world, our next step won’t be a pleasant one.”
Calum glared at Donnelly, and felt a shiver down his spine when he saw the look in his uncle’s eyes.
Dar să nu aveți impresia că aceste personaje de 10-12 ani nu sunt în stare să susțină o acțiune antrenantă.
Povestea lor te va prinde şi vei vrea din ce în ce mai mult. Căci cum e să te simți vinovat de dispariția (eventual moartea) vărului tău? Cum e să vrei să faci orice şi tot ce e posibil pentru a afla ce s-a întâmplat cu el şi toată lumea să te oprească pentru a nu fi la rândul tău victimă?
Aventurile au la bază curiozitatea, inocența şi temeritatea celor trei personaje principale: Calum, Lauren şi Hagen. Uniți de propria pierdere suferită şi de dorința de face orice pentru a-i regăsi pe cei pierduți, destinele lor par a fi predestinate a se întrepătrunde înainte chiar de a se întâlni.
Există tensiune, există pericole, riscuri asumate şi eşecuri neaşteptate. Neprevăzutul şi firea umană îşi bagă coada şi totul pare a fi pierdut din nou, definitiv.
Mi-a plăcut cum autoarea a creat lumea zânelor şi cum descrie viața acestora infiltrată printre oameni. Elemente folclorice sunt folosite armonios în relația cu adevărurile ştiințifice.
“I’m talking about Pluto,” said Twicely, pointing to the small planet on one of the charts.
“Oh, yeah,” said Hagen. “The duine daonna don’t get it because they can’t stop arguing about whether or not Pluto is a planet. They don’t understand it belongs to an entirely different universe, our universe.
Ei sunt aici prinde o nuanță nouă pe cât de atractivă, pe atât de periculoasă. Periculoasă pentru că, după cum ştim există nu doar partea bună, ci şi cea întunecată. Iar cei ce-au trecut de partea răului au propriile planuri de împlinit.
“I think a tornado with no wind, no hail, and no damage is no tornado. You were right, Kenzie. I can feel it. Dark Sidhe have come to Emerald Lake.”
Aspectele vieții obişnuite şi celor sindhe, primii paşi pentru a vedea o fată cu „alți ochi”, primii fiori ai geloziei şi curiozitatea cu privire la aceste sentimente se întrepătrund natural cu caracteristicile sindhe şi cu acțiunea propriu- zisă. Ele dau savoare poveştii şi conturează caractere.
Not really angry, but what? Jealous. Calum was jealous of Hagen. The revelation took Calum by surprise. He hadn’t thought of Laurel as anything more than a good friend, so why should it bother him if she liked Hagen? It shouldn’t. But it did.
Aspecte privind dezvoltarea individuală a personajelor(principale sau secundare), a modificărilor pe care oamenii le suferă şi formarea caracterului sunt delicat şi bine introduse. Ele nu doar că sunt lecții de viață (indiferent de vârstă rămân perfect valabile), dar şi stabilesc premisele pentru ceea ce poate urma. Cea mai importantă lecție poate ar fi cea a existenței liberului arbitru: eşti ceea ce alegi să fii şi nu ceea ce îți este predestinat.
O recomand şi abia aştept cu nerăbdare următorul volum.

Description: The Circle Calum Ranson is sure of three things: his cousin Finley is alive, Calum will find him, and no one knows Calum and his family are Sidhe. No one until Laurel shows up at his mother's bookstore wearing a dark clan's mark. When Calum learns the details surrounding the disappearance of Laurel's brother, he suspects the evil Hobayeth clan. Calum and Laurel work together in the Realm of Man and the Otherworld to rescue her brother - revealing a connection between Calum and Laurel that may cost Finley his life. 

"The Circle is full of magic and mystery. Readers will be engrossed in faerie realms, charming characters, and a state of wonder and imagination. The Circle is for those who delight in reading fantasy and exploring mystical worlds."--Kathleen Fox, LibraryGames.com

About the author:

Cindy Cipriano lives in NC with her husband, son, and 27 pets. Okay, more like one cat, three dogs, and many, many fish. Cindy is an award winning science teacher, who this past August celebrated her 12th first day of sixth grade. 

Author's Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 5/31/13 a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

GL Tomas said...

This cover is gorgeous,Makes me wanna just go out and buy it.It's so eye catching!

New follower here. I stumbled across your blog through a Book blogs thread.Seeing as how your blog is still active,I decided to sign up(Many people up there don't seem active don't know why)

I look forward to your future posts and hope i can get some great suggestions from your list of reviews.Hope i can see you back at either one of my blogs.

