You’re never too young to begin reading and it’s always fun to find a delightful story that you can follow. Today author Beverly Stowe McClure stops by as part of her PRINCESS BREEZE Blog Tour through MC Book Tours.
Published: June 11th, 2017
For months, Breeze Brannigan has heard nothing from Cam, the prince she met at school and who disappeared one night, without telling her goodbye. On the night, she graduates from middle school, however, he contacts her and invites her to visit Isla del Fuego, his home. Who could refuse such an invitation?
Breeze along with her whole family and best friends, Amy and Allison, soon sail to the island, where she and Cam renew their friendship. But danger lurks; a legend comes to life; and Breeze finds herself in the middle of a battle that can have one winner.
I’ve never written a series and have no plans to do so in the future. Famous last words, right? Never say “never.” So, my latest book for tweens/teens is out, and it’s a sequel. No, it will not be a series. See, I did not say “never.”

Writing the scenes on the island, where Cam has gone to be with his family, was fun. I researched tropical islands to get an idea what they were like. I introduced the bad guys that were mentioned in Book One, so readers are now acquainted with the villain that wants to do away with Cam and the royal family.
The main thing about writing this sequel was to make sure I kept true to the original story. Adding the villains helped explain why Cam was in the US in more detail and why he disappeared one night, never to be heard from again, until he contacted Breeze with his invitation to his home.
I had fun revisiting these friends from the past. Writing what happened to them next was interesting. But, no, Breeze’s story ends with Princess Breeze. Yes, it does.
Goodreads ** Amazon ** Barnes&Noble ** 4RV Publishing
About the author:
Most of the time, you’ll find Award-Winning Author Beverly Stowe McClure at her computer, typing stories young voices whisper in her ears. When she’s not writing, she’s snapping pictures of wildlife, flowers, and clouds. She’s affectionately known as the “Bug Lady.” She’s not telling why. To relax she plays the piano. Her fur babies don’t appreciate good music and hide when she tickles the ivories.
Beverly is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. She also teaches a women’s Sunday school class at her church.
For more on Beverly and her writing visit her at her:
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I like that a character takes over and a second book comes to life even if it wasn't planned. Thanks for sharing Beverly's story and for being a part of her tour.
MC Book Tours
Thank you for hosting Princess Breeze and me today. We enjoyed our visit with you. You have a lovely blog.
Have a lovely day.
Princes inviting you to their islands is something that ought to be politely declined every once in a while.
Ha,ha! Good point, Richard, unless you know the prince and look forward to seeing him again, after he mysteriously disappeared.
Thanks for stopping by.
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