Artist Sarah Sculley – IndieLove Magazine Article
NYT bestselling Author Nashoda Rose Interview with IndieLove Magazine
When was it that you decided that being an artist was your calling?
Yesterday. True! I graduated from the Queensland College of Art in 2002 as one of many fresh-faced graphic designers. As the years went on, the briefs came in, the changes, and changes, and late nights, and more changes, and the all-nighters, more changes and then having my creative ideas smooshed, I decided that maybe being a graphic designer was a bit soul destroying. So I painted and created as an outlet.

Since that show I’ve had so many opportunities become available for me to truly do what I believe is my calling - art. Yesterday was the first spare second I’ve had to sit down and think ‘oh my, everything is falling into place. I’m entirely happy, grateful and I feel like the real me. The universe is working with me and right here and now is where I am meant to be.’ This is that happiness that everyone has been talking about! Huh!
Thank you for hosting
I'm in love and captivated by the cover.
I really like the cover art for this novel.
Will be checking out the Mag ☺️
Thank you for the chance!
Thank you for the chance .
Thanks for the giveaway
It's funny reading some of the comments saying they love the cover of the novel, when the post is about a magazine, lol makes you wonder if they really read the post. Even though I am always thankful for a giveaway, just saying thanks for the chance seems trite to me. I will be on the lookout for the magazine so I can read about some artists and authors :)
Oh My Goodness... I didn't even see this posts months ago .Thank you so much for hosting IndieLove Magazine and supporting the Independent community xo
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