17-year-old Graham Stanley doesn’t believe in love at first sight. At school, he’s had to read Romeo & Juliet and even watch the Leonardo Di Caprio film. Then Graham meets Katya, a German foreign exchange student and his life is turned upside-down.
Published: September 25th, 2015
17-year-old Graham Stanley doesn’t believe in love at first sight. At school, he’s had to read Romeo & Juliet and even watch the Leonardo Di Caprio film. Then Graham meets Katya, a German foreign exchange student and his life is turned upside-down.
17-year-old Graham Stanley doesn’t believe in love at first sight. At school, he’s had to read Romeo & Juliet and even watch the Leonardo Di Caprio film. Then Graham meets Katya, a German foreign exchange student and his life is turned upside-down.
What does he do? Should he copy Leo? Should he get a fish tank? These and other, less pressing questions are explored in a rom-com that straddles Europe like…well, like a Colossus.
Over the course of a year, split between Brighton and Berlin and set against the backdrop of a referendum on EU membership, Graham too must decide where his future lies and more importantly, with whom.
Graham and Katya are about to find out…what love can do.
This is a romance like Graham’s rubber duck- it’s clean but not squeaky.
The main English character, Graham Stanley is 17, unmotivated and largely drifting through life until he meets Katya, a German exchange student who makes him question everything he thinks he knows. Over the course of a year, the pair gets to know each other’s city and unwittingly grow closer. Just as the UK must vote to stay in the EU, so Graham must choose whether he wants to stay in England or take the step of following his heart and moving abroad.
Something to make you think. Something to make you smile.
You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. And that’s just when you see the price.
Join the Pixelloverse.
Pixello trivia
1. The Post Office refuses to delivers letters to our house after our German shepherd, Bob, bit three different postmen.
2. I once came across a headless corpse when I was 19 and had to try and identify the body.
3. I have a PhD, so you really should call me ‘Dr Pixello’.
4. I have twelve novels published as Scott Pixello but I also have seven non-fiction books under my own name, one of which is about to be translated into Chinese.
5. I was excluded from school several times- I was a bit of a naughty boy.
6. I’m no. 318 in Good Reads’ Never Ending Book Quiz, which is not amazing perhaps but that is out of 33 million people. I think that just shows I recall things I read but that are not important to counterbalance my chronic forgetfulness in everyday life.
7. No images appear of me anywhere on the Net, I don’t have a website and I don’t even have a mobile phone.
Only one of these statements is false. But can you spot which one?
Well, I’m a painfully shy Brit who writes books. I’ve had 12 published now, from historical parody, Biblical parody, science fiction-parody, coming-of-age-parody- you see a pattern emerging? My outlook on life is that it’s serious & absurd at the same time.
I have extensive plans for world domination but don't worry, this is not in a Hitler-invading-Poland-sort-of-way. Every three months or so, a book with my name on the cover should be unleashed upon an unsuspecting world. These are mostly mindless pieces of nonsense but with a serious underbelly. To me, life's a bit like Donald Trump's hair- the closer you look at it, the more absurd it seems.
Luke, I am Your Father is a male view of unplanned pregnancy and Memoir of a Gothic Girl is an individual’s exploration of her own identity by joining a subculture. Readers tell me they’re funny too.

What Love Can Do is my latest release available right now. It’s a rom-com set partly in Brighton, England and partly in Berlin, Germany as the lives of two teenagers collide and are changed forever.
This is not a standard romance- from the cover design to the plot to the characters.
It isn’t for those of you who like steamy reads but neither is it completely squeaky clean.
It can be read by YA readers but works for adults too.
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