Published: June 15th, 2015
Nessa Moore has sought reliable stability since her father’s death. Now, she’s over it. Tired of always being the mature adult, constantly worrying about her alcoholic mother, stressing about being able to afford college, she wants to have one normal, carefree, fun summer. And be more like her best friend Jacie.
Jacie Hayes is struggling to overcome the recent breakup with her first love. The one that ripped out her heart and left her devastated. Frustrated and bored with her own self pity, Jacie wants nothing more than to forget about Dylan, to go back to her old ways, her old self. To be the fun loving, live-in-the-moment girl who gossips about boys and sips mojitos.
Best friends since childhood, Nessa and Jacie have been through all their ups and downs together. No matter what. Now, the summer before their senior year of high school, they accept an invitation from Jacie’s aunt to join her in Lockwood Quay, New Jersey, a summer beach getaway.
Determined to make this their best, most memorable, summer yet, both girls push their own boundaries, accept new challenges, and find themselves keeping secrets from each other.
But sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone has consequences.
And some secrets can’t be forgiven.
Or forgotten.
Ten Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Wrote a Novel
Thank you so much for inviting me to share on your blog! I’m Gina Azzi and I recently self-published my first novel Corner of Ocean and Bay.
Here are ten things I wish someone told me before I wrote a novel:
1. It’s OK not to have all the answers. They’ll come to you in time.
2. Your best ideas come from the most unlikely places – and in very surprising moments.
3. Honest friends are more important than friends who don’t want to hurt your feelings.
4. Have several people read your book – before you send it to the editor.
5. The cover is incredibly important. Yes, people do judge a book by its cover – it’s true!
6. You don’t have to accept every suggestion someone offers on how to improve your novel – the ultimate decision to accept or reject a change is yours. But you should always listen first.
7. Be open and receptive to criticism – you’re characters may grow a bit more, your ideas may develop, etc. – if you are open to understanding the perspectives of others.
8. Some days, the writing will not come. And it’s ok. (Other days, it will flow. These days are awesome!).
9. Your characters are not you. Or your friends. Allow them to form their own identities.
10. Have fun – and enjoy the process! It’s amazing how much you will learn and grow and develop.
Happy writing!
The unique scent
of the ocean, a fusion of sea salt and secrets, blows into the open windows of
Jacie’s Jeep Wrangler minutes after we pass the sign welcoming us to Lockwood
Quay, New Jersey, population 2,700. The wind whips my hair around my face,
tying it in knots, and I breathe in deep, holding the air in my lungs,
committing its deliciousness to memory.
I ride shotgun,
sitting next to Jacie, as she reaches over and turns up the volume to Kid
Rock’s “All Summer Long.” We sing the
chorus in unison, Jacie’s fingers tapping the beat on the steering wheel, as we
near Aunt Beatrice’s beach house. Jacie
throws her arms up, dancing to the music, shaking her head as her long,
straight blonde hair snakes down her back. I immediately reach over and grab
the steering wheel. We swerve slightly and the man in an oncoming car blares
his horn, giving us the stink eye as he passes. Jacie giggles and waves to him.
I join in her laughter as I try to squeeze the panic from my chest, reminding
myself that this is my shot at a normal, carefree summer, my chance to have
some Jacie kind of fun.
When we round the
next corner Aunt Beatrice’s house unfolds before me. The house is sprawling,
ranch style, transporting me back to my childhood when my father would rent a
beach house for the summer. He always loved the Jersey shore.
Aunt Beatrice’s
house is a pale gray, almost blue, with large bay windows and a wraparound
porch. In one corner, a swing sways slightly in the breeze and white wicker
chairs beckon. The path up to the house and the wide driveway are dotted with
pale pink brick pavers; the front lawn isn’t a lawn at all but a stretch of
various sized stones, broken seashells, and sandy pebbles; the flowers are in
full bloom. Beautiful flowers are everywhere: hanging from the window boxes,
falling to the porch in various shades of pink, purple, yellow, blue.
“Let the summer
shenanigans commence,” Jacie says, shoving the gear stick into park and opening
the Jeep door. She stretches her arms overhead and her T-shirt rides up, revealing
a glimpse of the ink she had tattooed on her lower abdomen the night before she
turned seventeen, precisely nine days ago. Her cousins even gifted her a fake
“I seriously can’t
believe we are going to live here!” I push my sunglasses up on top of my head,
sweeping my side bangs off my forehead.
“I know, right.
It’s going to be such an awesome summer!”
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Gina Azzi spent all of her childhood summers at the beach in New Jersey - it was magical! Gina is a passionate reader, frequent globetrotter, and coffee enthusiast. She currently resides in Dubai with her husband, Tony.
Gina loves meeting new people and would love to hear from you! Get in touch with her at:
I want to read this story. Love the beautiful book cover.
You had me at "Kid Rock's Song, All Summer Long," lol I love love that song and would love to read a summer beach book!
I would love to read this book. ty
I have enjoyed learning about the book. Thanks for sharing it.
would love to read this interesting story! Thanks for hosting :)
Looks like an interesting book ;)
It sounds like both of these girls have been through a lot!
All 10 of your suggestions make a lot of sense.
Sounds awesome, thanks for the chance!
I enjoyed reading the guest post and description of the book. I hope that it is a big success!
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