When Lenora Baker and Nathan Roqué run into each other in their boarding school courtyard, they have no idea that they are about to begin a journey that will take them the rest of their lives to recover from. Both scarred from parents who were once in love but ended up destroying each other, they are sworn off the possibility that there can truly exist a love that will never end.
Published: April 26th, 2015
Twilight meets Eleanor and Park in this contemporary romance story about a love that insists on forever.
When Lenora Baker and Nathan Roqué run into each other in their boarding school courtyard, they have no idea that they are about to begin a journey that will take them the rest of their lives to recover from. Both scarred from parents who were once in love but ended up destroying each other, they are sworn off the possibility that there can truly exist a love that will never end.
But when with each other they find a passion so strong that it heals as powerfully as it burns, a love that will run out is no longer an option for them. Together, they discover just how far they are willing to go to preserve what they know they will only find once in their lifetime.
This is the start of their journey, and here you will come to realize, that falling in love is only the first part of the story...
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? :)
Thank you for having me. Well first things first, I never knew I was going to be a writer. I grew up reading practically any book that I could get my hands on, and more than the escape that they gave to me, they also gave me the desire to dream. The exposure that books give you is one of the most priceless gifts that anyone can get from them , but that is if they’re open enough to receive it. It makes you believe that the world is your oyster, and that mindset is the beginning to a fulfilling life without boundaries. I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Estate Management from Covenant university in Nigeria, and currently, I’m undertaking my postgraduate studies at Lancaster University in England. ‘ The Beginning of Never’ is a contemporary romance novel but really, my favorites are historical romances. I’m fascinated by the lifestyle of people from centuries ago. One more thing, I love Korean dramas. Their stories I find are the ones that are able to capture my attention more than any others in the world. There is a honesty, and richness to them that leaves the greatest impact on me. I think they’re absolutely amazing.

Yes! I read all sorts of books but my favorite books would always be the ones that have some romantic element in it. However, I understand that sometimes the love stories portrayed in these books are not realistic, and are so different from what we actually see happen in real life. Books all talk about the ‘falling in love stage’ of any relationship, and while that is wonderful, it is not the whole story. In fact, in real life, that is the easiest part of the story,and unfortunately for most people,the best part. So the question I wanted to answer in ‘The Beginning of Never’ was this: what would happen if two people met and swore that they were never going fall out of love with each other? And what were the actions that they would take to ensure that their love never ran out? At the beginning of the book, I wanted to find the answers to these questions, and so far I’ve gotten some very wonderful answers.
Describe your book in 5-7 words for us.
Unique, Intense, Honest, inspiring, Entertaining, and captivating .
Unique, Intense, Honest, inspiring, Entertaining, and captivating .
How did you decide your novel’s book cover? Which, by the way, is very gorgeous!!
Thank you. Well the cover designer tried all sorts of themes to best capture the essence of the novel, but we couldn’t find the perfect one so we decided to go with something simple but yet different. The Magenta color of the cover is one that I haven’t really seen on a lot of books so we decided that that would be the best fit for it . You’ll completely grasp the feel of the image when you read some certain scenes in the book. ‘No spoilers’. All in all, since we couldn’t complicate the cover, we decided to make it simple but different, just like its story.
Thank you. Well the cover designer tried all sorts of themes to best capture the essence of the novel, but we couldn’t find the perfect one so we decided to go with something simple but yet different. The Magenta color of the cover is one that I haven’t really seen on a lot of books so we decided that that would be the best fit for it . You’ll completely grasp the feel of the image when you read some certain scenes in the book. ‘No spoilers’. All in all, since we couldn’t complicate the cover, we decided to make it simple but different, just like its story.

The main character in this book is Lenora Grace Baker and to me, she represents the essence of teenage turbulence. But one thing she isn’t is insecure, because she’s been through too much in her life to be. She is unhappy, but her pure-heartedness and bravery is one that will make her grow on you. This is the girl you’re introduced to: a careless, and short-tempered girl who believes that the best way to avoid pain is to avoid people. But as the story progressed, my greatest joy was to see her transform into a more self-less, brave and happy person. It made me fall completely in love with her and I’m sure you will too. If I were to compare her to a real life character, I’d say that the girl that presents Lenora, in both looks and attitude is Lorde. She’s a sixteen year old musician from New Zealand.
What is the best and hardest parts that you wrote in The Beginning of Never?
The hardest part for me was chapter nineteen,because it captured the essence of the novel’s message. So I had to write and rewrite it countless times. The best parts for me were definitely the romantic scenes because of how pure and unbelievably intense they were. Writing them brought goose pimples all over my skin.
The hardest part for me was chapter nineteen,because it captured the essence of the novel’s message. So I had to write and rewrite it countless times. The best parts for me were definitely the romantic scenes because of how pure and unbelievably intense they were. Writing them brought goose pimples all over my skin.
It all happened very fast, so before I knew what was happening, my tray had flown out of my hand and I was plunging headfirst onto the stone walkway. Thankfully, and through the graces of someone that reasoned that I did not deserve to lose a tooth for just standing in the way, a strong hand slung across my middle, and pulled me back before I could hit the ground. I was saved from the injury and embarrassment that would have accompanied the fall, but as the culprit tried to stable me, all I could see was my lunch, in slices of bread, chicken and lettuce, strewn across the lawn.

“Let me go!” I said, my teeth clenched to restrain myself from yelling. Jerking my arms away, I whirled around to face the idiot that had just ruined my morning.
“Are you blind? Didn’t you see me standing right there?” I lashed out, but in that second I almost forgot my anger because I was now looking at one of the most beautiful people I’d ever seen. He had the most sultry eyes in a deep blue, and jet black hair that swayed away from his face to fall just below his ears. With a frown as to how someone could look so unreal, I cocked my head to regard him again.
In a deep but quiet voice, he said. “I’m sorry, but you were standing in the way.” And that immediately scratched the disc that was starting to roll in my head at how attractive he was.
“Excuse me?” I said.
He repeated himself, “You were standing in the way.”
I felt like killing him. “And you’re an idiot who can’t see.”
He blinked, but I refused to shut up. “I was standing right in front of you. You could have injured me, and all you can say is that I was standing in the way?”
He was frowning now. “Why are you yelling?” he asked, and it made me feel a flash of shame. Then I became infuriated.
“Are you kidding me?” I asked, my tone now lowered since I realized that people were actually beginning to stare. “Is that how you’re going to apologize?”
Shifting his weight to another leg, he lifted his arms to fold them against his chest, and said. “I’m not apologizing.”
“What is that supposed mean?” I asked, surprised that he was as offended as I was. I was the one who had almost been knocked to the ground!
“It means that I am not going to apologize to you.”
“What is wrong with you?”
He directed the question back to me. “What is wrong with you?”
My mouth fell open, and so standing apart in the walkway, we stared each other down until a gust of cold wind blew my wild hair across my face. Angrily, I shoved it behind my ears, finally accepted the un-repentance in his eyes and chose to let it go.
Shivering from the bite of the cold, I scowled at him as I turned around to retrieve the tray. Then I walked over to the strewn pieces and had started to pick them up when I felt him crouch down beside me. Before I realized what I was doing, I had risen to my feet and was swinging the black tray towards him. It hit the edge of his shoulder with a resounding smack, and let out a terrifying cracking sound.
I gasped, and then froze when I saw the zigzagged split towards the middle of the tray that confirmed that I had just indeed, broken the tray on his back.
My eyes slowly turned to him and I watched, my heart pounding in my chest as he closed his eyes in a bid to control his temper. He then looked away and after a few seconds, rose to his feet. I took a few steps backwards, the tray still stuck to my hands, and only then did I notice that my head barely reached his shoulders.
I took another step back, but the tray suddenly fell from my hands, and clattered noisily on the ground.
He turned to face me, but I refused to meet his eyes…
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About the author:

My favorite things and in this particular order are books, Korean dramas, ice cream, and people who smile through everything. I consistently tell people that these are the four things they need to be happy but do they believe me?
No! Well I believe me, and you should too.
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Miss Baroni, I must say you look so cute in your striped dress. You look so young, to have accomplished so much. Good Job!
I liked the excerpt, and I would love to read this story.
Nice excerpt and what a way to meet some by cracking a tray over their back lol Guess I'll have to read this to find out what happens next :)
I really enjoyed reading the excerpt. This sounds like such a fun and interesting read! Looking forward to reading it!
This sounds like a lovely romance!
Look forward to reading your books. Keep up the great work.
Great synopsis. It told just enough to give some background and pique my interest. cool.
I like the excerpt of the book. It sounds like two good characters in a good story.
great excerpt!
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