
Albert Camus

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Monday, June 8, 2015

betrayal becomes the only option - Darkest Reaches (Spiritual Discord, #3) by Brandy Nacole

Sabrina is now facing the nightmare she’s been running from since being turned into a vampire a century ago: her eternal condemnation to Hell. Knowing her only chance of survival may rest by playing nice and turning Hell hound Falon against Lucifer, Sabrina gives into the bitter darkness and now has to fight to remember the good soul she truly is. 


Published: April 30th, 2015
Cover Artist: CCRBookDesigns

Kayson and the other fallen angels have risked their lives to keep Sabrina safe as she recovered from a Hell hound’s bite. Just when she began to improve, Hell was unleashed as the hounds attacked, and kidnapped Sabrina. 

Now, only days after the fight between the fallen and the hounds, Kayson is determined to find Sabrina and bring her back from Hell. The only thing standing in his way is a dangerous fallen angel named Iraja. 

Iraja has the means to find Sabrina, but he doesn’t do favors without a price. 

Sabrina is now facing the nightmare she’s been running from since being turned into a vampire a century ago: her eternal condemnation to Hell. Knowing her only chance of survival may rest by playing nice and turning Hell hound Falon against Lucifer, Sabrina gives into the bitter darkness and now has to fight to remember the good soul she truly is. 

But when she discovers the role her and the innocent human Emma are forced to play, will her fear get the better of her, and will she be lost forever? 

In the third installment of the Spiritual Discord series, the will to survive is tested, worst fears become a reality, and for one, betrayal becomes the only option. 


Describe the plot of “Darkest Reaches,” book 3 in the Spiritual Discord series, in a few sentences. 
After Sabrina saved him from the hounds, Kayson now has to find a way into Hell to save her. His only option is to ask Iraja, a fallen angel who doesn’t do favors without a price. Meanwhile Sabrina struggles against temptations she was made for, ones she’s fought against for over a hundred years, while facing her biggest fears. 

Who do you think would most appreciate “Darkest Reaches”? 
Readers who enjoy paranormal and paranormal romance stories. There are all kinds of beasties in the Spiritual Discord series: vampires, werewolves, fallen angels, hellhounds, witches, demons, and more. 

Iraja, a fallen angel, stands in the way of Kayson in this book, yet also has the potential to be a help. What can you tell us about Iraja? 
When Lucifer created the hounds to destroy his blood children – full blooded witches, vampires, etc. – everyone believed they all had perished. But they haven’t. Iraja has kept his massive estate safe because of the full blood he has kept hidden and chained for decades. And while Iraja will help other fallen angels who need shelter, when it comes to the halfs, they die on site. For Kayson, his biggest struggle is going to be convincing Iraja to allow Katarina to help him save Sabrina, who is a half. 

More than ever, Sabrina’s faced with the downsides of being a vampire in this book. Without giving too much away, could you describe her situation for readers? 
Sabrina was turned against her will, making her a half, not a full blood. Shortly after being changed, the hounds were unleashed on earth to kill all blood children. She has been on the run since then, fighting against her vampire instincts and needs to stay off the radar. But after saving Kayson, she is now in Hell and being forced to embrace those needs and fearing her final fate – eternity in Hell. 

How does this book compare to the first two books in the Spiritual Discord series? 
While facing new threats and problems in Darkest Reaches, Kayson still has yet to prove his intent that started in Broken Faith. He fell from Heaven because he believed what no one else does, that the halfs that remain on earth can once again obtain their souls if they so choose. As the story has built over the last two books, more and more are coming to terms with what Kayson believes. 

Can you tell us a bit about your creative process for this book, from the initial idea to the finished manuscript? 
When I first started plotting for Broken Faith, I was driving home to Arkansas from New York. By the time I got home, I had the plot for the whole series worked out. Some of those initial thoughts have changed but most have stayed intact. Once the plot is built, I do the necessary research needed for the book, build the characters, and then write the first draft. Proofreading, editing, and proofreading again seem to be a never ending process until finally one has to say “stop, you’re going to drive yourself crazy.” 

Are there any aspects of your life, outside reading and writing, that influence your writing style? 
It seems that I can find ideas from most things around me. For instance, Broken Faith started churning in my head after passing two road signs. When my muses are refusing to talk to me, a good walk can usually get the motor running again.

About the author:
Gemini Brandy Nacole is a writer of urban fantasy books. She is the author of the Shadow World series and the Spiritual Discord series published by Ponahakeola Press. A reader from a young age, Brandy has always loved folklore and stories of beings that go bump in the night.

Brandy lives in Arkansas with her husband, three never stopping kids, two snooty cats, two very lazy bearded dragons, and one mellow turtle. She is a member of the Ozark Romance Authors in Springfield, Missouri. Whenever she’s not reading or writing, Brandy is spending her time outdoors wheeling, hiking, playing amateur photographer, and enjoying a good laugh.

Author's Giveaway


Danielle merkle said...

Beautiful cover! Thank you for the giveaway!

Juana said...

I liked the book description, and would love to read this story.

Piper said...

I really like the cover. It's eye catching.

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting me during the tour!

Jan Lee said...

I love a book that can give me the creeps just by an excerpt :) Thank you for the giveaway too!

karin said...

this book sounds amazing ~!

wendy Hutton said...

sounds like a great read, thanks

Dan Denman said...

Great cover and interview! I hope it is a big success!

CCAM said...

Always in mood for an UF; a really good UF is hard to find these days

Spiritual Discord is on now on my short TBR list

Thank you,