
Albert Camus

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Embrace it! Exploit it! - Little Jimmy Says, "Same Is Lame" by Jimmy Vee

"It is your uniqueness that's really the seed. Embrace it! Exploit it! And you will Succeed."
"This book is an amazing example for everyone that we are all unique and that being different is an asset to who you are!! Whether your short or tall, have braces or freckles or have scars or not--we all are different, important and special." - Goodreads


"It is your uniqueness that's really the seed. Embrace it! Exploit it! And you will Succeed."

Little Jimmy is a small guy with a BIG mission... help people realize how special they really are.

Why is everyone trying so hard to fit in when there is so much uniqueness to celebrate?

Jump in and follow the miniature ringmaster through his circus-inspired world of weird, where normal is ordinary, and ordinary is boring.

In these fun-filled pages you'll discover what makes you unique and why being different is actually cool.

So hurry, hurry! Come one, come all! Step right up. Kids of all ages, shapes and sizes are welcome and special in Little Jimmy's wondrous and wacky world.

Read this book and prepare to be amazed at what you see in the mirror the next time you take a look!

Author Top Ten List 
Things you would change about your high school years if you could go back in time.

1. Read more
2. Took trumpet lessons from my father
3. Joined the wrestling team my freshman year instead of my junior year
4. Shaved my mustache
5. Spent more time researching my passions
6. Found more mentors
7. Performed more magic
8. Did more with puppets and ventriloquism
9. Paid closer attention to my parents
10. Got help with math

About the author:
Jimmy Vee is known around the world as the Five Foot High Marketing Guy. He is living proof that big things really do come in small packages. He is a savvy CEO, a loving husband, a funny father, a bestselling business book author, a sought-after advertising copywriter, a wannabe musician, a master magician, a stand-up comedian and a stiff-lipped ventriloquist.

Author's Giveaway

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