Something Wicked Strikes is here! We’re kicking off this event with a giveaway hop where you can enter to win something fantastic on each blog. Click here for the full list. All of the organizers of this event are hosting one big giveaway of a $50 gift card! And be sure to check out the schedule because all month long there will be fantastic daily events and giveaways!
Any book you want up to $25!
MYTHICAL BOOKS' Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository ships to you for free OR you want ebooks from Smashwords or Amazon
The winner will be announced here, on Mythical Books
The winner has 3 days to claim the prize by sending an email with: his/her name, address and the chosen book
Good luck!
The winner was announced on 9th of November
The winner was announced on 9th of November
Because it is also my birthday xD
OMG, I love EVERYTHING about Hallowe'en! My fave holiday, my fave month. TV channels play horror movies all month(my fave genre of movies and books), the whole creep factor, all of it. I wish more people decorated for Hallowe'en than what they do. I just love the whole atmosphere, haunted corn mazes, fall (my fave season), hayrides, EVERYTHING! Oh yeah, did I say everything?
i love all teh contest for paranormal and urban fantasy books in teh blogoshpere for halloween. i always discover new great titles
I love the candy! Thanks for the giveaway! <3
We dont celebrate Halloween here in the Netherlands. But I love the date cause its the B'Day of my daughter.
I love it for the excitement the little kids have for their costumes and the for kid, one for me, one for kid, one for me.
I love it because of the costumes!! I really love choosing a different, interesting custome every year :)
rafflecopter name Karin Shaim
I love it because of all of the horror movies and books that come out. I'm huge on horror and plan to watch and read a bunch. My blog is also going dark this month. Almost everything will be about horror.
I love it because I also love the ancient believes and mysteries. It makes me think of a complex, beautiful world beyond what's visible, and obvious. :)
I LOVE Halloween!!! The reasons are numerous, but mostly it's because it's fall and I live the change in colors, weather and atmosphere!! It's my favorite time of year by far!!!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!
I'm completely guilty of loving Halloween for the candy and chocolate!
I like halloween because i like to decorate the house and hand out candy,and eat it to.
Halloween is my favorite holiday! I love the costumes and all the spookiness!
We dont celebrate Halloween here in Philippines :)
I love the costumes, the candy, the whole scary feeling.
We were brought up celebrating this Holiday, we loved the fun it gave us, and even into adulthood!
I love Halloween. The costumes, decorations, pumpkin flavored everything, scary movies. What's not to like?
What I like about Halloween is the Horror movies marathons.
jmesparza821 at gmail dot com
Candy! :D
I love halloween because of anything pumpkin :)
I hate hallowee because I don't like horror movie/story ;p
I'm torn here.... :D
I love the candy. end of story
I never celebrated it, so I'm kind of neutral?
I love the candy. :P
I like Halloween because of the costumes!
I enjoy the cooler tempts and the colors and the costumes as well.
costum party ^^
thx u...
I enjoy the colour. Orange everywhere :'D
I love the costumes and trick-or-treating!
All the little kids in their adorable costumes :)
I love the kids in cute costumes, and the candy.
I used to be a huge halloween fan, my husband grew up in another country so he never knew about it, so now as adults and with adult children we don't really celebrate it much, however I still love it, love seeing the fun out there.
The decorations and candy!
I'm British, when I was a kid we celebrated bonfire night on the 5th November much more than halloween. It's the other way around now though. I've also always though it very strange that children are taught not to take sweets from strangers, except for one night a year, when they can beg strangers for them instead!
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
I'm Hungarian and unfortunately here we don't celebrate Halloween. (But in this year we will do a Halloween costume :)))
I like Halloween costumes, although I'm not a fan of all the monsters.
I enjoy Halloween but I'm not a huge fan.
I love all the candy and creepy decorations!
I love Halloween! I love the costumes and passing out the candy for the kids!
I love Halloween. It is so much fun every year trying to figure out what costume I will wear!
I've never actually celebrated it because it's not as popular in our country (we have something similar but not the same exactly) but I've always loved the idea of it. It seems like a lot of fun. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love Halloween, it's so fun getting dressed up! :)
I love seeing the kids get excited about dressing up
I love Halloween! It is fun to dress up and see all of the costumes and the candy is great too ;)
When my kids (5 of them!) were small, Halloween was sooooo exciting, what with the costumes, parties, decorations & candy! Now I enjoy seeing my grandchildren come by in their costumes!
I love the candies and the costumes! <3
i love candies, chocolates and the costumes, and all the horror movies that are shown on tv!
the chocolate!
I love how Halloween helps kids use their imaginations! For one night, kids can be WHATEVER they want. That is a good thing.
Halloween is ALL about the candy!
I enjoy Halloween because I love seeing what my kids will be wearing that year.
Halloween is not my favorite holiday by any means. I don't like the darker things that it can mean for some people. But what I do enjoy is seeing all of the great costumes that kiddos and animals and even parents are wearing every year. And if I am totally honest? It is a GREAT excuse to have some serious candy on hand for a day!
I love the costumes!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
I love all the creative costumes that people come up with.
I love Halloween because of the children's excitement about dressing up ....they are always soooooo happy !
I love the horror movie marathons and the creativity that goes into the costumes. Thank you for the giveaway, enjoy your day! :)
I LOVE dressing up as anything as I want! I also love that it is my birthday! :D
Mary G Loki
I like it for the cute little kids in costume.
I like Halloween because the kids get so excited about the treats and the costumes :)
I love Halloween and all the kids and candy, funny costumes. There just seems to be a sense of fun in the air. What I don't like are mean spirited tricks and mischief, there is always plenty of that going around as well, but I will not let this detract from the fun and no way will it keep me from the chocolate :) Thank you for participating in this fun hop.
The candy :)
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I love Fall!!!!!!!!!! And Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I love the kids all dressed, the scary movies on TV, the beautiful colored trees, the smells of wood smoke on the fresh crisp air.
I don't like Halloween. I'm always glad when it's over. I don't like everything that goes along with it. I admit it's cute seeing the kids dressed up but that's about it. I hate seeing the older kids(13+) and babies that can't eat candy out trick or treating. If they want to dress up fine but leave the trick or treating to the kids!
I love seeing the little ones out in their cute costumes getting their treats, not believing all the candy they are getting.
I love Halloween always have! You get to dress up and have fun! I guess it is the dressing up part that I love so much!
Mary DeBorde
I love all the cheesy horror movies on tv, the changing of the seasons and visiting the Pumpkin Patch :)
I love Halloween! Horror movies, stories and the costumes! I've always been interested in paranormal so I find Halloween fun. :)
I love seeing all the adorable kids in their costumes.
Oohh, I certainly like Halloween! I love the horror stories, the costumes and trick or treating!
Love watching horror movies!
I like seeing how creative people get with their costumes, their food options, their decorations, its such a fun holiday!
Love to hand candy out to the children.
I love the costumes :)
I think the best part of Halloween is how it's a widely recognized holiday that embraces creativity. There are store bought costume options of fictional characters/creatures, and then people make their own as well. Plus you have the people that go for unusual costumes or wordplay. You have pumpkin carving. You have people planning ways to spook others. I can't think of any other big holiday that embraces thinking differently so much. New Year's Eve is probably the closest, but Halloween has it beat by a mile :)
It's a little sad that Halloween is not celebrated in Romania, I really like it because it is a special day in the memoriam of the dead people
I love it for so many reasons but one of the major ones is because it's not a gift-giving holiday. There aren't enough fun, festive no-shopping-for-the-perfect-thing-until-you-wanna-die holidays.
I just love the paranormal. Plus, who doesn't like costumes and candy?
I love Halloween because it brings out a sense of fun.
I love the idea of Halloween but we don't celebrate it here in Argentina, and I really don't think we will any time soon.... Pity :/
Even though we don't go every year, I love Halloween parties. :)
I like Halloween for the candy, decorations, and seeing the fun, interesting costumes that people come up with.
My favorite part of Halloween is handing out candy. I love seeing all the children in their costumes and their bright eyes when you give them candy. I remember trick-or-tricking is it was one of the funniest things I ever did.
I love almost everything about Halloween! In particular, though, I like dressing in costume and pretending to be someone I'm not, the spooky movies and TV shows, and carving pumpkins. (Not so happy with people who go around smashing pumpkins at night, though. It's why I always bring mine in at 10PM.)
Actually, I don't like the more sinister aspects of Halloween. I don't like the horror genre at all. I do, however, LOVE PNR novels!! And urban fantasy rocks!
I also enjoy dressing up and having fun on that day! My favorite Halloween costume is the Hermione character, from Harry Potter.
If you celebrate Halloween, I hope you guys have a GREAT one! And if not, enjoy the day anyway!!
Thank you SO much for the AWESOME giveaway!!! : )
Here in the Netherlands we dont celebrate Halloween but I do love the horror movie night during this holiday!
I don't do anything but I love watching people dress like characters and movies!
I don't celebrate Halloween anymore (no time decorate) but I do love the candy.
The candy is my like and my dislike. I like that it's like a cheat day to eat it. I dislike that I can't tell my kids that they can't have any for that same reason. :D
I love seeing all the unique costime ideas. I hate the rude teens/adults that showing up in the middle of the night still expecting candy and they didn't even dress up.
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