The VC Warriors are an elite group of vampires who protect innocents, whether human or those of their own race. Each vampire, half-breed and human across The Protectors’ series, travel their own journey, finding love, building friendships and making sure they turn as many heads as possible doing it.
As the world of vampires and humans try to coexist, VC Warriors, Damon, Jared, Duncan, Sid and Adam, with Sloan and Slade not far behind, create an exciting new world filled with heat, humor and a whole heap of action.
I am so glad I found this series, I have been on a Protectors series marathon. Nicole is mouthy and has a little chip on her shoulder, at first you question why but once you get her story, you get it. The chemistry is sizzling and there is a whole new world of vampires with some very charismatic characters to have you reaching for the next book. Loved it. - Goodreads
Thank you, Mrs.Gabelman
From the features offered by folklore to the ones of our day literature: how are your warrior vampires?
The Warrior’s are different from the folklore by they can walk in daylight. They live side by side with humans. I wanted a world where the vampires are not hidden in a dark corner, but live and even work with humans. That was really important to me when starting the series.
From where do you think this vampire fascination comes?
For me personally the fascination comes from having a older brother who loved monster movies. My first monster movie was Frankenstein followed by The Creature from the Black Lagoon and then Dracula. There was just something about Dracula for me, even as a young girl. Mysterious and human like, more real I guess you could say than Frankenstein or the Creature. I actually had to have the covers over my neck for a long time after watching Dracula…haha…true story.
The Protectors Series has already 5 +2 (announced) volumes. What’s it take to create a successful series and to keep readers appreciations?
I’ve had a few people ask me this and honestly it’s a very hard question to answer for me. One thing I do is listen to my readers. Yes, I write what I want, but I listen. Slade was going to be a small part, but the readers fell in love with him as did I so now he has his own book.

I feel that is up to the author how far they want to take it. I love writing a good love scene, but I also want humor and action along with other aspects of the story. If I have them going at it constantly then my books would be a thousand pages to get everything in. I also think it’s up to the reader, what they want to read. The awesome thing about being a reader is there are so many books out there for everyone’s tastes. I really don’t think it’s a good or bad issue for the genre. I think it’s pretty awesome that authors can write what they want and readers can read what they want.
What we will never find in your books? Why?
Oh boy! I NEVER say never because as soon as I say I’ll never do that then something will happen and I’ll want to do that. HA! So, yeah….no comment on this one! :)
Damon is always available at the lower price of 99c, so get hooked in the hot and witty world of The Protectors.
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Teresa lives in Bethel, Ohio with her husband, son, two dogs and her son's snake, Steve Irwin. She is a third degree black belt in Taekwondo, is a huge Mixed Martial Arts fan and follows her husbands MMA fight team, G-Force, which her son fights for. When not writing she is either screaming like a crazy woman at MMA fights or reading in some quiet corner with her Kindle. She loves books that are fast reads filled with romance, humor, sexy alpha men and the women who drive them crazy.
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A grin played across her lips. She wiggled a little, surprised by her own actions. Was this the old Pam coming out? Was Duncan bringing her back to herself again? - Duncan
I love that hot vampired have been around so long that they know all kinds of ways to really keep their partner warm!!! :)
I love the danger!
Immortality, ethereal presence, power
I love the fact that they are night creatures like myself. Thanks for sharing
My favorite thing about vampires is immortality.
What isn't to love? Bad boys that look forever hot? Yes please.
I love that they are protective, faithful, and if they have a sense of humor than they are perfect.
jmesparza821 at gmail dot com
I love that they are edgy and dangerous and loyal too
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