Chase was twelve the first time he arrived in a strange land where dark, ominous clouds never move, ancient trees violently spring to life during Darkness, and people seem to live without emotion. Doctors tell him they’re hallucinations, but he knows his visits are real. She’s there-Sash-and she’s more real than anyone he’s ever known.
His visits stop but, as years pass, the memories haunt Chase. Without warning, the young man suddenly finds himself again in a world called Krymzyn. Arriving during Darkness, he’s rescued from death by the extraordinary, beautiful but terrifying young woman he first met when he was twelve.
When Chase is thrust into the war of balance against vile creatures who threaten all who live there, Sash helps him understand his purpose in Krymzyn. A dark secret from the beginning of time reveals he might be able to stay there forever. To prove he belongs in Krymzyn and be with the only woman he can ever love, Chase will have to risk his own life in the ultimate battle.
I was working on another fantasy novel I’ll eventually finish after I complete this series. I often look at photos to describe characters as I write, so I was browsing pictures on the Internet. I stumbled across a photo that really hit me in the pit of my stomach and made me ask the question, “What would make a person have that expression on their face?” It was a close-up of a young woman who looked sad but angry at the same time, incredibly lonely, and either terrified or terrifying—I couldn’t figure out which. As I tried to imagine the emotions behind that facial expression, the world of Krymzyn came together in my mind. I quickly knew who the characters were, their struggles and triumphs, and immediately put the other manuscript aside and started writing. As the story evolved, my reaction was, “This is the story I always wanted to tell,” which is the most incredible feeling a writer can have.
I really believe the story is fresh and something we haven’t seen before, partially because the world is unlike any other. There are certainly elements of familiarity, but in the end, the world itself is unique. That allows the story, conflict, and character arcs to evolve in a way that is new and different. Challenges the characters face are sometimes inherent to Krymzyn because of the way the world is, while other struggles are more universal. I honestly think both the story and the world are unlike anything readers have experienced before, and that will become even more evident in future books.
Two golden-haired figures, a man and a woman holding spears in their hands, walk up the hill towards us. Two children—one an adorable girl with straight jet-black hair framing her round face, maybe twelve or thirteen, and a handsome boy, ten or eleven, stocky, with curly black hair—suddenly dart past the adults. Sash turns to see what I’m looking at.
“Keepers,” Sash says, “with two of our children.”
The Keepers stop halfway up the crimson hill, but the children keep sprinting towards us. The girl’s stride is long and sleek, her speed stunning as she races up the grassy slope. Her face reminds me of my sister at that age as I get a closer look. The boy is wilder, with less control in his young gait, although it’s strong and steady. Fierce determination flows from their amber eyes.
“I thought everyone spends Communal alone,” I say.
“Not the children,” Sash replies.
They stop a few feet in front of us and both quickly bow. Sash nods her head, and I smile to them. They stare at me with a mixture of curiosity and distrust.
“The Teller is well balanced,” Sash says to the children. “There’s no need for fear.”
“In my world,” I say, “I compete in something we call cross-country, a race of speed across hills. Both of you would be champions.”
“Champions?” the girl asks after the word dissipates.
“Winners of the race,” I answer. “Those who finish first.”
“I believe Chase the Teller is praising your speed,” Sash explains.
“Yes,” I say, smiling. “That’s exactly what Chase the Teller is doing.”
Both kids bow to me in obvious gratitude, glance at one another, and suddenly fling their bodies to the ground. They cross their arms over their chests, stiffen their legs, and roll away down the hill. I’m surprised by the lack of smiles on their faces or laughter filling the air, just the continued look of determination. It’s a test to them, not a whimsy as it would be on Earth.
The girl is the first to reach a flat area partially down the side of the steep hill. She leaps to her feet and bolts towards the Keepers with no stagger at all from dizziness. The boy sprawls onto the flat ground, catching himself with fingers dug into the grass just before he slides off the ledge to another steep part of the hill. He pulls himself forward, springs into a crouch, narrows his eyes, and sprints after the girl. When both children reach the Keepers, the four walk down the hill away from us.
“I believe Tela, the girl,” Sash says to me, “will be a Traveler when her purpose is revealed. She has great speed and a strong mind.”
“Traveler?” I ask.
“Travelers are the fastest of all in Krymzyn. They take things across the Delta and travel between the Delta and the Mount.”
“What about the boy?”
“He’s quite brave,” she answers. “Cavu is a bit reckless, but he already demonstrates mature respect for our trees. He has a tremendous desire to protect the Delta. I believe he’ll be a Watcher, although I don’t know for certain yet.”
I study Sash’s face and eyes. “Do you know things before they happen?” I ask, pretty sure I already know the answer to the question.
“Some things,” she says. When she looks down at the bottom of the hill again, a shadow of sadness falls over her face. “I’m shown visions. They’re like glimpses from waking dreams. While Tela rolled down the hill, I saw streaks of blue in her hair—the color of a Traveler. I know when Darkness is near. I can feel it inside me. Sometimes, I see something directly in front of me that will soon happen as though it’s happening in that instant, and I can change the outcome before it actually occurs.”
“Do other people here see these things?”
“No,” she says, shaking her head. “Only me.”
“Is it hard on you?” I ask, reacting to the pain evident on her face.
Turning her face to me, she seems surprised by my question. “You’re the only person to ever ask me that.”
“I don’t mean to be nosy—too personal,” I say.
“I don’t mind,” she replies. “It feels right to talk to you about these things.”
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About the author:

Powell has a diverse background, having held several creative positions in the entertainment industry, including executive roles at ABC-TV and Technicolor. In recent years, he's authored several non-fiction works, primarily educational books and training programs for trading the financial markets. He dual majored in journalism and philosophy at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.
Writing fiction has been his lifelong passion and goal. "Krymzyn" is his first published novel and represents, in his words, "finally finding the story I want to tell with characters that are able to bring that story to life." He's an avid reader and lists Ernest Hemingway, Frank L. Herbert, Stephen King, Jane Austen, and Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. as his favorite authors.
Brad, as he prefers to go by in personal communication, lives with his longtime girlfriend, three sons from a previous marriage, and their rescue dog and cat. He enjoys hiking, ocean kayaking, spending time at Southern California beaches, movies, and reading.
Author's GiveawayS
Thank u 4 $100 giveaway and Krymzyn, where did the author come up with such a name?
Looks like an interesting read, thank you for the chance to win :)
I need to check this out. Sounds like a good book! Thanks for the giveaway!
i like the blurbs..thx u for hosting ^^
would love to read the book :)
Looks like a good one that will keep me moving the pages!
Looks like a great book. Thanks for the giveaway!
Krymzyn sounds like a good read. I would enjoy reading this book. Thank you
Great excerpt! The cover is gorgeous too. Would love to read more.
the cover looks mysterious, I love it :)
Great cover and except.
thanks for the giveaway
The description for this novel makes it sound really interesting, and I enjoyed the excerpt as well. I will definitely add this one to my to-read list!
After reading a brief excerpt my dad would love to read this book! It is right up his alley.
I started this because of the giveaway..but the review and preview have definately made me want to read it..thank you
Wow, the excerpt is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest.
sounds like an interesting book
The cover to this book is amazing! The preview makes me want to read it. Awesome job!
Love the sound of this world that the author has created. The tale could be right up there with Grimm's Faerie Tales, honestly.
Love the cover looks so sweet great job.
Love the cover looks so sweet great job.
This sounds amazing, and the cover is great too!! thank you for the giveaway
Thank you for the chance!!!!
Sounds like an awesome book, can't wait to read it!
Love the cover! Looking forward to reading this book!
Your book entered on my TBR list from the: “What would make a person have that expression on their face?” thanks
This looks like an awesome book. Would loooove to get my hands on this
Thank you for the chance!
Sounds like a good read
sounds like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway.
Thank you for all the positive comments! It means a lot to me. And a huge thanks to mythicalbooks and this wonderful blog for their support.
BC Powell
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