
Albert Camus

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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Interview, Excerpt and Giveaway : Music for My Soul by Lauren Linwood


As the third wife of an abusive French vineyard owner, Madeleine Bouchard hasn’t produced the expected heir after three years of marriage. Fearing he plans to kill her, she flees during a trip to England. Unable to make her way home, she joins a troupe of traveling mummers and reinvents herself as the only woman troubadour in the land, captivating audiences with both song and story.

Nobleman Garrett Montayne’s fascination with Madeleine causes him to pay the troupe to bypass their next stop in order to journey to his estate. Though he suspects Madeleine of being a thief with dark secrets, love blossoms between them under the magical moon of summer solstice.

But Madeleine’s past is about to catch up with her, as her husband is set to arrive to conduct business with Garrett. Madeleine determines to free herself from her loveless marriage and make a new life with Garrett, no matter what the cost.

Praise for Music For My Soul

Told with humor, heartache, loveable characters and plenty of adventure, this is a story that grabs your attention from the first page and holds you captive until the very end. Much like real life, MUSIC FOR MY SOUL is a mixture of ups and downs along with a few surprises thrown in just to keep you on your toes.” -Romance Junkies, Reviewer Chrissy Dionne

This story takes a wonderful turn into the seldom explored topic of the life of traveling mummers and musicians. Placing the heroine between the line of aristocracy and commonality is also a stroke of creative genius that makes for a delightful breath of fresh reading air! The characters are created and developed with a fine touch, making the story both believable and enjoyable.” -InD’tale Magazine, Reviewer Ruth Lynn Ritter

This is a marvelous and intricate story of desperation, escape, finding love…also of forgiveness,mystery, danger, and righting old wrongs! The tale is incredibly well told with some humor as well as a building romance. The characters are loveable, some you can hate, and some are comic…a little bit of everything! Lauren Linwood is a wonderful writer with a fantastic imagination. I hope this is only the beginning of many wonderful tales. Believe me, it’s hard to put this one down. I found myself awake until the wee hours of the morning because I just had to know what was going to happen!-The Reading Café, Reviewer Georgianna S
Thank you, Mrs.Linwood
What makes great a historical romance and how important is to respect the exact morals of the period in which the story takes place?
Any great romance, no matter what genre, needs a compelling plot and a couple that the reader absolutely must see united because they are simply meant to be together. Historicals need that winning formula to succeed. On top of creating a hero and heroine that the reader cares about passionately and wrapping them in an interesting plot, historical romances need to use history as the backdrop for the story the author decides to tell. I like to utilize both the era and the setting in my historical romances, dropping in just enough historical detail for the reader to learn a bit about that time. I love introducing readers to customs and what daily life is like in a particular time period, and it helps make my couple and their story unique because of the time and place their love story occurs.

I try to stick as closely to what the era entails and respect that time period as I write my story. I’ve found if I do, it can help create conflict and tension that would only exist in that time and situation. I do understand that sometimes an author needs to take a little bit of creative license in order to bring a story home. I have no problem with that.

How important are for you the secondary characters and what role have they in your stories?
I adore secondary characters! I think they help add rich layers to your plot, and they also help the reader view the hero and heroine through a different lens. In Music For My Soul, I have several secondary characters that are key players in the story. My heroine Madeleine is taken in by a group of mummers thanks to her meeting with Gwenith. They become as sisters, and Gwenith and her son bring a sweetness to the story. My hero Garrett has a best friend named Ashby. Because they’ve known each other for many years, we’re able to see through Ashby’s eyes the man Garrett had been—and might once again become. A servant named Maud has a small role, but she brings her unusual wisdom and a bit of comic relief. I take my time crafting my secondary characters because I believe they can make or break a book.

POVs: first person third, alternate... which is your favorite and why?
I enjoy reading stories in every POV, but I choose to write my historical romances in third person. It best suits my personality and writing style, and I've become very comfortable with it.

Madeleine takes her fate in her own hands but how is she more: damsel in distress or a strong independent heroine? What all of your heroines have in common (if)?
I believe Madeleine is of the strong, independent type of women. While she has been a victim of her times and the role women played then, she makes the decision to break away from her assigned role and make a new life for herself. I think readers today want to read about women who choose to rely on themselves and make a change in their lives, and all of my heroines seem to have that aspect in common.

What do you and your characters believe about: “love conquers all”?
I think my characters are practical people. While they come to find love with one another and commit to each other for all time, they know that love is the foundation for tackling future problems together—as a team—and that love is the basis for their success as they meet future challenges.

Garrett peered into the angry face of the woman who haunted his dreams by night and left him absent-minded by day. Their encounter had been brief, but he doubted he had ever met a more remarkable woman. Not even his petite Lynnette had brought such a sweet longing to his loins as did the bewitching creature before him.

Her honeyed hair, loosened from its intricate braid, curled around her shoulders. Tiny beads of sweat had formed just above her upper lip. Without thinking, Garrett reached his thumb towards her and wiped it away. She flinched slightly, her dark, amethyst eyes glowering up at him.

Garrett smiled in spite of himself, offering her a hand to pull her to her feet. He had forgotten how very tall she was as she stared at him, her cheeks flushed with anger.

“Perhaps we could arrange a trade?” he suggested.

She eyed him suspiciously. “I’m not sure if I could trust you, my lord,” she countered.

“Trust me?” he sputtered. “This, from the woman who traipsed about the countryside claiming to be my wife?”

She shrugged nonchalantly, an almost Gallic air about her. She didn’t sound French, but there was an unmistakable manner to her movement. Garrett spent enough time in France to recognize the behavior. However, when she spoke, he quickly put it from his mind.

“I chose a bloody awful name to scare away anyone who accosted me on the road! How was I to know I’d run into you?” She snorted in an unladylike fashion. “I had heard tales of the wicked Lord Montayne, how he frightened old and young alike and gobbled up babes for his dinner. Why, the very mention of his name would cause grown men to plead for their lives and their loved ones. Oh, no, my lord, I was an honest liar. You were the one who resorted to trickery and hid your true identity from me."

Her accusation so startled Garrett his jaw flew open. No sound came out for a moment. The woman lifted her chin high and turned on her heel. That brought Garrett into motion.

He grabbed her elbow and pulled her around to face him. “Not so fast, my lady.” He studied her a second. Her eyes narrowed at him, but she remained silent. Finally faced with her visage square in front of him, Garrett was at a loss of what to do. His emotions swirled out of control as he spoke.

“’Tis curiosity,” he sputtered.

She looked puzzled. “Curiosity?” she echoed.

He nodded, his words spilling forth rapidly. “I know not who you are, nor where you come from. I’ve dreamed of you since that night only to awaken to an emptiness.” His voice became low and tinged with sadness. “I don’t even know your name.”

About the author:
Lauren Linwood became a teacher who wrote on the side to maintain her sanity in a sea of teenage hormones. Her romances use history as a backdrop to place her characters in extraordinary circumstances, where their intense desire and yearning for one another grow into the deep, tender, treasured gift of love.

Lauren, a native Texan, lives in a Dallas suburb with her family. An avid reader, moviegoer, and sports fan, she manages stress by alternating yoga with five mile walks. She is thinking about starting a support group for Pinterest and House Hunters addicts.

For more information please visit Lauren and connect with her on

Author's Giveaway

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting me, Mythical Books! I enjoyed sharing with your readers.