
Albert Camus

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Monday, October 6, 2014

Excerpt and Giveaway: Leaving Tracks by Victoria Escobar

Published: September 16th, 2014 


North was on track to go nowhere. According to his brothers, ice skating was a hobby not a career. That didn’t stop him from dreaming of an Olympic Medal. Even if it was an impossible dream without a coach.

Hadley had been on track to the Olympics when a skating accident left her crippled and unable to skate. With no future plan other than skating Hadley returns home tired and broken. She would never be again, an Olympic ranked skater. 

When their tracks collide North finds hope and a future in Hadley. She could be everything he needs her to be. She could help him reach that elusive dream.

Hadley’s trying to find her future. That path doesn’t necessarily include North. North is a skater with his eyes set on a medal, and Hadley can never be again. She just wanted peace.

Leaving tracks is for North to do. Hadley has already cut hers into the ice.



“What do you have going with Hadley?” Theirry asked outright.

I frowned, “Going? She’s pretty, ridiculously smart, and…I guess the word would be vibrant. You can feel the life coming off her even when she’s weeping. It’s really powerful. I haven’t asked her out yet. Thought I’d give her some time to get used to my good looks.”

“You think I’m joking?” Theirry’s tone clipped a sure sign he was struggling with temper.

I shrugged. “What do you want me to say?”

“North,” Wesley sighed and leaned against the counter behind Theirry. “Stop evading. You know what he’s talking about.”

I rolled my shoulders and sighed. “She offered to teach me a few things. That’s all. I like her, and I think she misses the company that other skaters bring. I don’t pity her like they would and I think she appreciates that.”

“Anyone would, I think.” Wesley muttered softly.

“She said she’d coach you.” Theirry’s jaw ticked.

I only sighed again. “It’s my choice how I want to spend my time.”

“Like hell it is. As long as you live in this house—”

“It’s not just your house,” I shout back. “I’m tired of your threats and accusations. If you want to throw me out then throw me out. It’s already plainly obvious what I want is non existent in your world.”

“You need a real future.” Wesley soothed. “I don’t agree with Theirry on some points. Yes, I think you should be allowed to skate, but just by Hadley’s example you know accidents can happen. You need a fall back; a real one. I’d be willing to allow you to be properly coached if you could provide a real fall back career if an accident or even if you get bored with the sport, should occur.”

I looked at Theirry, calculated. I thought it was time I used my trump card, but carefully. “If I did. If I enrolled in college in a real field of study and skated while I learned would you back off?”

Thierry sat back in his chair and studied me carefully. The kitchen clock ticked loudly, and the grandfather clock in the parlor donged the hour loudly. “Yes,” Thierry said finally, “with some addendums. It has to be a real career. Something you could definitely have a future in. None of this general education bullshit. A real major with real prospects of a real job when you graduate.”

I nodded. “Hold on a second.” I walked over to Wesley’s kitchen computer, signed into my email and printed my acceptance letter and current semester classes. I set them on the table in front of my brothers. “My classes start Monday.”

Thierry gave me an incredulous look and studied the papers. Wesley leaned forward to read over his shoulders with a small half smile on his face.

“You can’t argue that,” Wesley commented before Theirry could do just that. “It’s one of the best Art colleges in our nation. And ceramics is a viable and widely spread major that could put him in anything from glassware to fine China. It’s definitely prospective as we already know.”

Thierry sighed and set the papers down.

“Hadley’s in school for Finance and Accounting,” I told him, “she’s great with numbers. She’s not just a broken skater.”

“School has to come first.” Theirry grumbled. “And the moment you fail a class you stop skating.”

I felt the tension in the room ease a little. “I can agree with that. There’s another thing. Hadley’s coaching schedule…it conflicts with morning chores. Since you’re bending a little I can see if she will too, but that means I won’t be here during most of the day. The current schedule has the coaching from five to noon on Mondays and Thursdays and from seven to four on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I think it works around her class schedule.”

Theirry drummed his fingers on the table and another long minute passed. “Fine. That’s fine. I hope you know what you’re getting into.”

“I wish you had more faith in me and what I can do.”

“A hobby isn’t a career.” Thierry said simply, then rose and left the room.

About the author:
Born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, but with the ability to claim eight states as home; Victoria Escobar writes fiction from her current home in New York. She writes whatever comes to mind and because of such has a variety of genres written including Young Adult, New Adult, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, and Contemporary Fiction.

In spare time if not with family, and friends Victoria enjoys curling up with a book from a favorite author with music playing. If not reading or writing she spends time drawing, sketching, crocheting, or some other random art project. She enjoys staying busy, but most of all enjoys staying creative.

Author's Giveaway


Unknown said...

Hadley sounds like she needs a good man maybe Noah, the book sounds very intriguing and I hope that there is a happy ending to this book!

Anonymous said...

I love books that have ice skating in them!

Anonymous said...

This cover is beautiful but I'm more intrigued by the premise behind the book! Wow! Must read huh?