
Albert Camus

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Excerpt and Giveaway: The Day Human King (The Day Human Trilogy #2) by B. Kristin McMichael


After he assumed the power of the late sidhe king, Devin thought the battle to protect Nessa and continue with her coronation was complete. Everyone feared him and he had the power to do whatever he wanted in the sidhe world. He was wrong. As problem after problem arises, Nessa finds the path to the throne is not as simple as they had hoped. Formalities must be adhered to and preparations must be made. Between all of that, Devin and Nessa must decide what to do with an obviously pregnant Fiona, who will not name the father of her child. To make matters worse, the elite sidhe are still assassinating each other. No one in the palace is safe. Who is behind the latest deaths, and can the coronation occur with the drama happening around them? Devin and Nessa’s road to power might be cut short if they can’t find the answers.


Nessa tentatively sat down in the ornate chair in the front of the room. It was ridiculous to be up on display, and never in her life did she think she would ever be there. This was her father’s seat. This was Rhys’s seat. She wasn’t supposed to be the heir, but now she was the only one left. Reality was settling a bit in now. She still couldn’t fathom the coronation that would occur in less than two days, but this made things a bit more real. 

‘I’ll be back when I am done,’ Devin told her, leaning down to kiss her cheek before leaving. ‘All four of the assassins are with you, but if anything at all seems strange, call for me.’ 

He was still worried. Nessa watched him walk out of the room, and noted how all the sidhe sitting around shied away as he passed. Nessa always wondered why her grandfather never remarried after his wife died, or why he never had friends. It was a bit clearer now: with great power came fear and loneliness. The elite were showing that Devin would never find a friend in their crowd, and they would never stop fearing him. 

Rolf walked up near Nessa and bent down to whisper in her ear. He stopped abruptly about a foot away from her face, startled, but trying not to show it. Nessa was confused and reached up to touch her uncle. Something stopped her. Her hand hit an invisible wall.

About the author:

Originally from Wisconsin, B. Kristin McMichael currently resides in Ohio with her husband, two small children, and three cats. When not doing the mom thing of chasing kids, baking cookies, and playing outside, she is using her PhD in Biology working as a scientist. In her free time she is hard at work on multiple novels; as each day passes, she has more ideas for both current and future novels.

Author's Giveaway

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for hosting :)