
Albert Camus

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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Books to Movies Hop Giveaway International

Click HERE or HERE see the list of blogs participating to this hop!

We are Romanian, we know and respect our history and we are very curios what it will be the next step of the fiction regarding our ancestor Vlad Tepes - known by you as Dracula.
The movie Dracula Untold looks promising and we hope to not be disappointed by it (Romanian release date is 3rd of October and US - 10th of October)
And, even if we not agree with entire Tepes/Dracula image created by Bram Stoker, we can accept that all is just fiction.
So, enjoy the trailer and enter to win a book (that have been - or it's sure it will be - made  into movies or TV shows) up to $18

MYTHICAL BOOKS' Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository ships to you for free OR you want ebooks from Smashwords or Amazon 
The winner will be announced here, on Mythical Books
The winner has 3 days to claim the prize by sending an email with: his/her name, address and the chosen book
Good luck!
The winner was announced on 13th of Ocotber


jen7waters said...

My favorite book to movie of all time is Pride and Prejudice, the one with Keira Knightley. I also love the most recent Jane Eyre with Fassbender.

My favorite series (mini series) is North and South, with Richard Armitage. I also love the book with a passion.

Recently: Avengers and Divergent. The Giver was also pretty good.

Carla C.

Unknown said...

Now it's Maze Runner. Just perfect!

Rebecca Smith said...


(Bex Smith on Rafflecopter)

Susan T. said...

The 100. The TV show is even better than the book!

Spg Chlomo said...


Raquel Byrnes said...

World War Z...an even better movie than book. :)
Edge of Your Seat Stories

Leah said...

LOTR and Pride and Prejudice (the 2005 film). :)

Unknown said...

Still in love with The Autobiography of Jane Eyre, a modern take on Jane Eyre book in form of webisode on Youtube.

S' Henriques said...

Pride and Prejudice (2005)

Jewel said...

My favorite is definitely Harry Potter.

oloore said...

Currently it is Game of Thrones series:)

Unknown said...

TFIOS, and Pride and Prejudice! <3

Anny said...

I have many book to movie/tv show favorites, but right now I'm really loving Outlander.

Sushma P said...

I love Game of Thrones series

Aline Tobing said...

Pride and Prejudice :)

Maidenveil said...

lord of the rings.

Linda Romer said...

As of right now my favorite book to movie is The Maze Runner.

Unknown said...

Well, as of now it'll be Catching Fire. So good!

Sel said...

Harry Potter and Game of Thrones! :)

Anne said...

Lord of the Rings Return of the King. I found the books boring and too long when I read them as a kid. I found the movies darn near perfect.

Iriel said...

Interview with the Vampire :D Although it helped that Anne Rice wrote the screenplay.

Yun-A said...

My favorite would have to be The Hunger Games, but the Lizzie Bennet Diaries is a great spin-off of the original.

karin said...

rafflecopter name Karin Shaim

Gaby G said...

Pride and Prejudice - Harry Potter

Courtney said...

Misery by Stephen King

erin said...

Hunger Games :) Thanks for sharing!

nurmawati djuhawan said...

the walking dead ..
thx u ^^

Thais Pampado said...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

F. Juni Ismarianto said...

The Book Thief (:

Juana said...

My favorite is The Twilight series.

jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

jan farnworth said...

witches of east end and game of thornes

Anonymous said...

Lord of the Rings and Stardust.

Lisa Mandina said...

The Green Mile is the best job they did with a Stephen King book, at least that's what I think.

Lisa Mandina said...

The Green Mile is the best job they did with a Stephen King book, at least that's what I think.

Ogitchida Kwe's Book Blog said...

Oh I love The Outsiders!

Denise Z said...

I have to go with Lord of the Rings, as much as I enjoyed reading the book I think I actually loved the movies more LOL shhh don't tell I may be stoned when I leave my house ;)

Anita Yancey said...

My favorite book to movie is Gone with The Wind.

Camila and Carola. said...

Tfios and Maze runner :)

Caitlin said...

The dresden files

Unknown said...

Pride and Prejudice for sure. I want my own Mr. Darcy!

Unknown said...

At the moment it is Divergent. Thank you for the giveaway! :)

Unknown said...

Harry Potter!

pippirose said...

My favourite was The Shining by Stephen King.

Daenielle said...

Harry Potter series and A Song of Ice and Fire.

Jillyn said...

The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Rhiannon said...

Game of Thrones

holdenj said...

Harry Potter really set the bar high.

Madonna said...

I loved the first Anne of Green Gables movie. It was so much like the books.

Judy said...

The one that comes to mind is John Grisham's A Time to Kill!!

Heidi Reads... said...

I think Chocolat was a great adaptation!

Me My Shelf And I said...

The Notebook!

Bewitched reader said...

My favorite book to movie is Mortal Instruments and Divergent.

Elizabeth said...

I have so many favorites! One of mine is the Harry Potter franchise.

Anonymous said...

Well, Pride and Prejudice (the 1995 BBC miniseries with Colin Firth); The Time Traveler's Wife; The Name of the Rose; Atonement; The Reader; and The Girl with a Pearl Earring. :D

Beautiful Disaster said...

Lord of the Rings, Hobbit :)

traci16 said...

I'd say Walking Dead or Harry Potter series

Unknown said...

My favorite book to movie is Harry Potter

jmcgaugh said...

The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Anonymous said...

My favorite book to movie is the Chronicles of Narnia!

Unknown said...

The fault in our Stars!

Valentina B-v said...

Game of Thrones!

Unknown said...

hunger games

Dovile said...

Harry Potter movies and books

Unknown said...

I'll go old school .... I loved the adaptation of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?(Blade Runner).

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

Cheryl R said...

Ender's Game was a great book to movie adaption!

CindyWindy2003 said...

My favorite book to movie adaptation is the Hunger games. They did a great job with the movies and are so similar to the books.

Jamie Coudeville said...

Vampire Diaries, the books are so different from the show but I love both
(Jamie Coudeville in the rafflecopter)

Unknown said...

Pride and Prejudice into the BBC miniseries.

MayraWithLove said...

Maze runner :)

Unknown said...

Devil Wears Prada

winemama said...

Harry Potter

Jamie E. said...

My favorite was the manga books series boys over flowers turned into the tv series. Harry Potter movies also overall good.

Unknown said...

Pride and Prejudice...The Hunger Games...The Notebook...A Walk to Remember...those are a few :)

Christy Maurer said...

I love all of the HArry Potter movies and books! I think they did a good job though I wish they could have been longer.

Unknown said...

The fault in Our Stars.

Judy Schechter said...

I just finished watching season two of Under the Dome by Stephen King and it's amazing!

mk said...

I watched The Maze Runner a while back and I absolutely loved it. I haven't read the book but I will. Thanks for the great giveaway.

AniTiger said...

Harry Potter's stories <3

Unknown said...

Harry Potter and The Notebook are my favorite movies and I'm loving the new Outlander TV show! Need to read it! Thanks!

Ashfa said...

I entered the wrong link for the " Spread the word about the giveaway" entry. :( It's https://twitter.com/TopsyTurvy_Ash/status/519465371611320320

So sorry for the mess. Name on RC was Ashfa Anwer.

Oh, and I loved The Hunger Games!

Becca said...

I really loved Divergent!

Mona said...

I loved The Namesake.
Thanks :)

Fin said...

Hi, thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway. glad to be in it.

I would say, My Sister's Keeper. And they've done it really good. Always cry every time I watch it. So beautifully filmed. Touching and tear-jerker!

Stephanie @ Bookfever said...

Movie: Les Misérables
Tv show: The 100

Thanks for the giveaway! =D

Stephanie @ Bookfever said...

Movie: Les Misérables
Tv show: The 100

Thanks for the giveaway! =D

Unknown said...

My favourite book series to TV series is Outlander :)

M said...

I loved the Pride and Prejudice movie with Kiera Knightley.

♡♥♬ Carolsue ♡♥♬ said...

My favorite was Twilight
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

Anubha said...

My favorite is the bbc adaptation of Pride and Prejudice

Isa said...

I love Game of Thrones, Sherlock and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Thank you for the giveaway. Enjoy your day. :)

Alisha S. said...

(Alisha Sienkiel In rafflecopter)

My favorite is probably the Lord of the Rings

Unknown said...

Mine is TFIOS!!!

Sayomay said...

Movie adaptations would def be the Harry Potter series!

_Sandra_ said...

Book to TV show - Game of Thrones, Outlander and Pride and Prejudice (with Colin Firth).
Book to movie - LOTR, Atonement and Gone Girl.
Thanks for a giveaway! :)

Betul E. said...


Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Pride and Prejudice and Harry Potter!

Unknown said...

Harry Potter, and Marley & Me!

Unknown said...

Lord of the Rings.

Candie L said...

I did like the Hunger Games. Thank you


AEKZ2 said...

The Godfather is my favorite.