This book is a stand-alone prequel to the Ocean's Gift series, which currently includes:
Ocean's Gift (Book 1)
Ocean's Infiltrator (Book 2)
Water and Fire
A steamy contemporary medical romance involving a sexy doctor, a naughty nurse, a midwife on a mission and a mysterious predator in Albany, Western Australia.
Working as a student midwife in an Australian country hospital is never easy, but Belinda finds more trouble than most.
There's the intern doctor who follows her around like an overgrown puppy, the dangerous local wildlife and her own secrets she must keep.
When she finds herself without a place to live, what else can possibly go wrong?
Or is it time for something to go right?
"I cautiously placed my hands on the sides of his face and touched my lips to his. His mouth was open, so the draught of his breath cooled my lips for the briefest moment before I pulled away. [...]
His hands were empty for barely a moment before they were splayed warmly on my back. "Belinda. That's not a kiss."
I moved with him as he pulled me closer, one of his hands travelling up to the back of my neck as the other drifted down to the small of my back. I leaned in closer still.
He bowed his head as I tilted mine up. I wet my lips and parted them, feeling fear for the first time. Perhaps I have forgotten how to do this. This is a stupid idea.
He pressed his mouth to mine, layering our lips as we shared a breath. His smiling blue eyes drooped to show blue-veined lids as his tongue stroked mine.
I haven't forgotten. This is new and I'm going to...I'm going to...
His shoulders were smooth beneath my questing fingers, his lips warm and responsive as I deepened my kiss. I felt his chuckle rumble through both of us, though I couldn't see him with my eyes closed. He tasted of whiskey with a hint of chocolate and I wanted more...
"Now that's a kiss." "
Find Excerpt Chapter 1 HERE
Character Creation: Reality or Imagination?
Are your characters real or imaginary?
My answer is always the same. They're real people in my head. They work, fight, love, hope and permit me to share their perception through some of the events that make up a small part of their lives. They all look different and sound different, with varying personalities and problems that are enough to drive me to distraction.
Some of them share traits with people I've met. Some characters are even inspired by real people.
The only book I've written which consists entirely of imaginary characters is Water and Fire. The settings, in contrast, are completely real.
I don't write a story unless I know the setting exceptionally well – call it reconnaissance, if you will. I won't send my characters in unless I know what risks they'll be facing.
Albany had its fair share of surprises, though.
I've witnessed a serious car accident there, on a patch of remote road where even mobile phone access is limited. I've had several near misses with kangaroos, too – including one just up the road from Aidan's house.
Dr Aidan Lannon's house, where much of the book is set, is a real house that I've stayed in. On my last trip there, the coincidences were countless.
I shared the house with a tall, red-haired Irishman AND an Irish intern doctor. I encountered a very experienced midwife whose name was Jill. None of these people were the inspiration for the characters – who were already well-developed in the book – but I did find it odd, to say the least.
The restaurant where Bel and Aidan visit on their dinner dates had just taken a delivery of fresh shark fillets and there was a live band – a Celtic folk band called Limerick, who play Irish traditional music.
While whale watching off Albany, I saw a female humpback whale with a tiny newborn calf – the smallest whale I've ever seen.
If that isn't enough to make you find the whole story spooky, there's the whiskey. The incident at the whiskey distillery in Water and Fire is entirely fiction – but Tiger Snake Whiskey does get its name from a tiger snake that was hiding in a shed and the first batch was first brewed around the time Aidan met Belinda. Yes, Limeburners Distillery is real.
I could write all of these off as simply a series of strange coincidences, but such is the stuff of a good story. So, instead, I'll say that perhaps Water and Fire was destined to be written – and I was simply lucky enough to be the one inspired to write it.
After all, isn't it the balance of reality and imagination that make a good story believable?
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About the author:

She has since swum with sea lions, sharks and sea cucumbers and stood on spray-drenched cliffs over a seething sea as a seven-metre cyclonic swell surged in, shattering a shipwreck below.
Sensationalist spin? No - Demelza tends to take a camera with her so she can capture and share the moment later; shipwrecks, sharks and all.
Demelza now lives in Perth, Western Australia, the shark attack capital of the world.
The Ocean's Gift series was her first foray into fiction, followed by the Nightmares trilogy.
Mythical Books' Giveaway
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Mythical Books' Giveaway
The winner will be announced here, on Mythical Books
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The winner is AMIE STOCKTON and was announced on 20th of February
You have 7 days to claim the prize by sending an email with your full name and email you want us to use.
Mi se pare foarte frumoasa cartea.
Coperta te duce cu gandul la cu totul altceva. E interesanta combinatia dintre prima si a doua parte, feul cum e pus scrisul si cum sunt ei asezati. Dragut, n-am ce sa zic.
E interesanta si descrierea, dar nu pare atat de groazava cartea pe cat mi-am imaginat.
Thank you so much for hosting my Water and Fire guest post today - and good luck to everyone entering the giveaway!
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