Janessa knows she should run in the other direction when Brendan enters her life. Her squeaky-clean upbringing is in direct opposition to his piercings, a myriad of tattoos and the rumors that surround him. But she doesn’t run. Love, betrayal and lies become the foundation of their lives, but one heartbreaking confession makes Janessa question everything. After a devastating diagnosis, Janessa’s world crumbles around her. When she can no longer ignore the reality of who Brendan really is, she must choose between those who love her and the only one she has ever loved.
Thank you, Mrs. Marcie A. Bridges
How it takes to write a captivating book when the plot is based on important, serious and unpleasant issues?
It can be very hard, especially considering this is a story I lived through. It was difficult to relive all of those memories and experience some of that hurt again. My story is a tragic one, but it ends in triumph.
What are the advantages of the flashback as figure of style in a story?
I think it helps the reader to know there is going to be a happy ending, which keeps them reading when the story is so serious. I also think it allows the reader to have some relief when things get too heavy.
It is said that love conquers all, that it beats any obstacle. But can love be toxic? When is too much?
Oh yes, love can definitely be toxic. There is a huge difference between being dependent on another person and being co-dependent on them, meaning you can rely on them to help you in life, but it is not healthy when you begin to think you can’t live without them. When you start to lose yourself, who you are…that’s when it becomes too much. Your partner should make you into a better you, not change you into someone else.
Is love or when should be love unconditional? Can lies and betrayal to be the foundation of a healthy relationship?
I think it’s important to try and love unconditionally, but when lies and betrayal are all you have – well, that’s not love anyway. Love has to be built on caring for one another, communicating with each other; love is based on truth and betrayal is the opposite of truth.
One of the reviewer said that she had worked as therapist with plenty of people in similarly toxic relationships. What is Vanessa’s main message?
Janessa’s main message is that you can find life again after love has gone wrong, but it will take work along with the love and support of your family and friends. And in Janessa’s case, it took the love and forgiveness of her Heavenly Father.
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About the author:

While she will always bleed scarlet and gray (GO BUCKS!), she now lives south of Cincinnati with her husband and daughter. When Marcie isn’t writing, she can be found reading, watching her favorite TV shows, listening to music, or browsing her favorite websites. Follow Marcie Bridges:
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Thank you for having me on the blog today! I hope your followers enjoy the book. Blessings to you!
I have loved someone not quite right for me and it was tragic. Lesson learned!!
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