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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Review and Giveaway The Riddles of Hillgate (Z & C Mysteries #1) by Zoey Kane, Claire Kane


With an common start with a mother that apparently seems (slightly) strange and that cannot adapt to her age (or make a common sense purchases) and with a daughter put in a position to start it over again on all levels, The Riddles of Hillgate get to be a story with an unexpected ending (somewhat).

The mystery that Zoey and Claire (mother and daughter) have to solve by unraveling of some clues (actually riddles) and the risk of death that will hang over the two of them will create a gothic atmosphere which is somewhere between Tales From the Crypt and Miss Marple. The two heroines that have a… enviable relationship ... will face the situation without the need for special effects or professional help. You will love them and you will be amused by them, especially because they personify both the American ingenuity and British coolness.

A bit unlikely, but entirely possible, a little (more) sad, but always with a humor present, the story will catch you and will make you very curious. The author will play with you, the alert reader to any information, giving you some clues and presenting characters that will lead you on false tracks (or that will be pursued in future volumes).

Supernatural elements perfectly in accordance with a house that seems to have been forgotten by everyone and a reality led by almighty money, actions denoting greed and generosity, with some (creepy) moments that gives you chills or simply banal (funny), with some sentimental or financial problems (or solutions) and a rhythm that will make you not feel how the pages flied, you'll reach to the end of the story with one thought: nice!

So, if you want to spend two hours in mystery and suspense, love and hate, naivety and intelligence you can delight yourself with The Riddles of Hillgate. You’ll smile and you'll probably want more of it.
Should I even look this time?She gave in to the irresistible urge to look. Her head turned on her pillow and she opened her eyes again. To her horror, she saw a shadowed figure looming over her with what appeared to be a fireplace pick.
I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you!

Cu un început obişnuit, cu o mamă aparent (un pic) ciudată care pare că nu se poate adapta vârstei (sau să facă achiziții de bun simț) şi cu o fiică pusă în situația de a o lua de la capăt pe toate planurile, The Riddles of Hillgate ajunge o poveste cu un final neaşteptat (oarecum).

Misterul pe care Zoey şi Claire (mamă şi fiică) trebuie să-l rezolve prin dezlegarea unor indicii (în fapt cimilituri) şi pericolul de moarte în care se vor trezi cele două vor crea o atmosferă gothică aflată undeva între Poveşti cu final neaşteptat şi Miss Marple. Cele două eroine, între care există o relație de... invidiat, fac față situației fără a avea nevoie de efecte speciale sau ajutoare specializate. Le vei plăcea şi te vor amuza mai ales că împreună întruchipează atât ingeniozitatea americană, cât şi sângele rece britanic.

Un pic neverosimilă, dar perfect posibilă, un pic (mai mult) tristă, dar cu un umor mereu prezent, povestea te va prinde şi te va face foarte curios. Autoarea se va juca cu tine, cititor alert la orice informație, dându-ți unele indicii şi prezentându-ți personaje ce te vor conduce pe piste false (sau care vor fi continuate în volumele viitoare).

Cu elemente supranaturale perfect concordante cu o casă ce pare a fi fost uitată de toată lumea şi o realitate condusă de autoputernicul ban, cu fapte ce denotă lăcomie şi generozitate, cu unele momente ce îți dau fiori sau pur şi simplu banale (distractive), cu unele probleme (sau rezolvări) sentimentale, cu un ritm ce te va face să nu simți cum ai parcurs paginile, vei ajunge la sfârşitul poveştii având un singur gând: simpatic.

Aşadar, dacă doriți să petreceți vreo două ore în mister şi suspans, dragoste şi ură, naivitate şi inteligență vă puteti desfăta cu The Riddles of Hillgate.Veți zâmbi şi probabil veți mai vrea şi voi.
Should I even look this time?She gave in to the irresistible urge to look. Her head turned on her pillow and she opened her eyes again. To her horror, she saw a shadowed figure looming over her with what appeared to be a fireplace pick.
Riddles of Hillgate is currently FREE!
Download a copy
About the authors:
The Z&C Mysteries are a fresh, unique series, where the mother and daughter can kick butt in heels if they have to. The situations can get very scary, but nothing is ever too gory. The reading is clean, while also vibrant. It's just plain fast-paced fun. About the Authors Molly Snow, award-winning author of YA fiction, writes mysteries under the pseudonym Claire Kane with her mother who writes under Zoey Kane. Together, they have lots of fun writing Z&C Mysteries.

Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 11/11/13 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.  a Rafflecopter giveaway


Stormy Vixen said...

Thanks for sharing your review and the giveaway. Sounds like a really good book. evamillien at gmial dot com

Andreea said...

Mi-ar palcea sa apara si la noi :D .