The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (Book #1)
Artist Marissa Engles has hidden in a world of paint and sorrow, ever since her parents died eleven years ago. When she meets Daniel Navid, sparks fly – literally – from her fingers to his. She’s immediately swept from her pristine world into one of terrifying darkness, dazzling, electrifying light, and unimaginable sensual pleasures.
With her faithful Doberman by her side, Marissa uses her creative imagination to restore her Light Rebel skills. She comes face to face with pure evil - the demented sorcerer known as El Demonio de la Muerte.
El D’s got plans for her. He plans to charm her into forgetting she ever met Daniel Navid, the sexiest, most dangerous man she’s ever known.
Is Marissa Engles crazy? Or is she a paranormal Light Rebel who can shape form and manifest things using the electricity buzzing through her veins? Her aunt and sister think “Crazy.” The locked mental facility they've put her in thinks “Delusional.”
She’s so drugged up, she can’t tell if they’re right. Only her new pal, Rafe Caldwell, another mental patient “inmate”, thinks she is what she says she is. And he intends to find out more – lots more.
The only problem is her missing soul bound lover, Daniel Navid, who commands the darkest of the dark. But as they say, if the cat’s away…
How do you prefer (and why) your female characters to be: damsel in distress or badass chick? Can they be both?
(MB's topic)
Women are amazing characters. We are complex. As some joke, we have lots of “dials and buttons and knobs” whereas men only have an “on/off” switch. We are mysterious. We are capable of amazing strength. Amazing acts of kindness and love. Incredible accomplishment. But we generally don’t start out that way. I know I sure didn’t. Like many, I’ve had more than my fair share of curve balls pitched my way.
Keeping this in mind, I generally start out a series writing the female lead from the POV of her flaws. Her life has shaped her in some sad or disturbing ways. You might be uncomfortable when you read about her. You might say, “Snap out of it, girl!” Or you might cheer her on, certain that she can overcome the odds. Is she a damsel in distress, needing rescuing? Hell, no. She’s only not found her way yet. That’s where the fun begins. That’s where the possibilities start rolling in my head. How will she get from broken to restored, whole and alive? How will this woman become her badass self?
In The Beckoning of Beautiful Things, the first in the Beckoning series, we find Marissa Engles immersed in her art, yearning for a more fulfilling life. Boy, does she get that! She’s got a complete jackass of a boyfriend, a surfer dude named Jason. She meets Daniel Navid, sparks fly (literally!) and through learning that she’s not really who she thought she was, she’s transformed beyond her wildest dreams.
In The Beckoning of Broken Things, Marissa starts out smack dab in a mental hospital. She’s pissed. She doesn’t know how she got there, why she got there, who put her there. She’s told she’s delusional because she “thinks” she can stream electricity through her veins and shape the world around her, using her artistic skills. She’s put on a drug cocktail of Haloperidol, a drug commonly given to schizophrenics, and Carbamazepine to stabilize her mood. Carbamazepine is typically given to manic-depressives. This forced drug induction makes her even angrier. She’s had things done to her against her will; things done to her without her consent. She’s pissed. She wonders if she’s broken. She wonders how she will ever get out of the situation she’s in.
She’s got a few resources at her disposal. One is her loyal, loving Doberman Pinscher, Sober Dober, with his new, sparkly wings. The other is her determination and her will to find solutions. Her unique abilities certainly play a part. Her sexual potency factors into her transformation as well. I find that sex and sexual energy can be one of the most transformative energies on the planet. It can burn like a blaze taking everything with it like a volcano. It can simmer and shape change in positive ways. All of my characters, no matter what shape they start out in, find their way out through sexual attraction, through owning their sexual power, and through their potent alliances with their partners of choice.
The Beckoning of Broken Things is one of my favorite books, to date. Marissa questions everything inside. She questions her morals. She questions her abilities. By the end of the book, she may not have all the answers, but she certainly embraces her badass self, as every woman should.
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About the author:

When it comes to writing sexy books, supernatural romances, or an erotic paranormal romance series, Calinda B purrs with excitement, just like her two fine Abyssinian cats. She's got a life full of adventure and stories, a head full of imaginative realities and a willing partner to help her "research erotic possibilities." What more could an author ask for?
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