Cover Designer: White Rabbit Designs
Short Description:
Have you ever met a man and had the sensation that your heart just stopped? My fantasy became a horror of reality.
This book contains sexual content and subject
matter that may be unsuitable for readers under the age of 18.
About the author:

For years Gemma Blaze went undercover for her librarian job, putting up her hair, covering her tattoos and putting on glasses to become the sweet and approachable type. As her patrons became more and more interested in her suggestions, and more comfortable revealing their true bookish desires, Gemma realized the stories sitting on her hard drive had an audience and the rest is publishing history. When she's not writing or librarianing, Gemma hangs out with her son in their quaint East Coast city where she shops for Halloween costumes all year round.
1 comment:
La prima vedere, gandul m-a dus chiar la Christian Grey, pentru ca, desi femeia de pe coperta e roscata, imaginea nu e una tocmai...decenta.
Am citit descrierea si pur si simplu, m-a convins sa o cumpar, sa o am in biblioteca dupa ce am citit-o. Titlul, cat si scrisul titlului de pe coperta sunt senzationale. Ador deja cartea asta si o vreau in mana. :x :x
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