
Albert Camus

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Monday, February 1, 2016

the voice tells her it is real - The Crow Box (The Shadow and Ink #1) by Nikki Rae

"This is definitely a different and unique story. I can't even put it into 1 genre, and definitely can't compare it to anything else I have read. There is a little bit of everything in this story, and can't be put into one box." - Goodreads, Louise Seraphim


Published: January 15th, 2016
Cover Artist: Nikki Rae

The small wooden box is dirty, the size of a human fist, and sealed with wax. When Corbin takes it upon herself to clean it and break the seal, a voice she has tried to ignore gathers strength. Shadows play on the walls at night, and with a family history of mental illness, Corbin fears the worst. But the voice tells her it is real. That its name is Six and it will prove it in time. 

Drawn to this mysterious entity, Corbin isn't sure what to believe and the line between reality and her imagination blurs more every day.

Some doors should not be opened; can this one be closed?

"This unique story will definitely have you questioning your own sanity. You'll be asking yourself, "Is this real? Or is it all in her head?" The story itself is intriguing and you're pushing that 'next page' button ever so fast. I love stories like this one because there's so much mystery and allure to keep you guessing even after you're finished." - Goodreads, Ariel

For The Love Of Crows: Symbolism and Misconceptions

The first time I fell in love with crows and ravens, I was very young. I read Aesop’s fables and “The Crow and The Pitcher” intrigued me. It was a story of a crow dying of thirst and trying to drink only to find his beak could not reach the water, so he used pebbles to make the water rise so he could drink. It wasn’t until later that I found how smart crows are in real life. 

In Japan, they build nests out of wire hangers. In the US, there is a crow who brings a little girl gifts. They can recognize enemies and pass down the information through generations so their children know of dangers without having to re-learn everything. Only humans can do this thus far. They live in tightly knit families and know each member, using 250 different calls to communicate.

As if that wasn’t enough, their symbolism is even more intriguing. Most people see them as bad omens of death or horrible things to come. Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds has a flock of them appear to foreshadow later events. In many other horror movies, crows and ravens are used in the same way, smacking into windows or gathering in strange places. 

However, in most cases, I think they are ambiguous creatures. They are good and bad, and nothing at the same time. They send the message and you interpret it. In “The Crows”, by The Brothers Grimm, crows tell each other strange stories while perched upon a gallows. They end up pecking out people’s eyes, but of course they are only of the bad guys. 

In Norse mythology, you can find Huginn and Mununn, a pair of crows that relay information to Odin. In one of my favorite movies, The Crow, it is seen as a messenger, a being who bridges the gap between life and death. In Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman Series, crows are used to bring messages back and forth from the real world to the dream world.

I think the fear of crows comes more from the fear of the unknown. Crows cannot speak our language, so when we see them in a symbolic context, we don’t know what message they bring, but we automatically think it is bad news. Mostly, people see them as a messenger of death; they are here to take a soul to the afterlife or to tell you someone’s time is near. However, this can also be seen as ambiguous. Again, they are only the messenger. 

Perhaps a better way of describing the meaning of crows is that they are a symbol of change. Change in thought, in form, or circumstance. They live with one foot in this world, and one foot in the next, or at least one different from our own. Therefore, they can see things no one has seen yet, warn you or just inform you. It is a purely human idea to think they have an agenda behind their messages; that they should have some sinister motive behind their mere presence.

There are times in the real world, where you may encounter a crow—or a few. If one is following you around, it is said that a change in negative energy around you is soon to come, or that you should just keep your eyes open to negative forces. Crows are extremely smart creatures. Maybe they have something to say that we should be listening to.

About the author: 
Nikki Rae is an independent author who lives in New Jersey. She explores human nature through fiction, concentrating on making the imaginary as real as possible. Her genres of choice are mainly dark, scary, romantic tales, but she’ll try anything once. When she is not writing, reading, or thinking, you can find her spending time with animals, drawing in a quiet corner, or studying people. Closely. 

1 comment:

Fee Roberts said...

I love this cover! It's beautiful!