
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Beauty is more than skin deep. - Beast by J.A. Wynters

"Beast by J.A. Wynters is a powerfully dark story of longing, betrayal, and love. [...] Overall, a great book and though intense it does have a feel-good ending." Suzannah, Goodreads


Published: February 14th, 2020

Falling out of a window didn't hurt as much as falling for her. 

Tove Savage. 

When the most beautiful girl in the world treats you like her dirty little secret, you’re reminded that beasts are meant to live in the dark. 

Tove used me to get back at her boyfriend, breaking something inside that left a scar far deeper and uglier than the one marring my face. 

Three years later Tove arrives at my hospital broken and without her memories.
So, what am I meant to do? Try to forget how much I love her or exact my revenge? 

BEAST is a twisted Beauty and the Beast retelling. 

Beauty is more than skin deep. 

About the author:
Jane Wynters doesn't quite know how to answer the question of "where are you from?" She's moved from place to place like a snowflake on the wind always searching for a safe place to land. She loves meeting new people and exploring new places. She loves reading, writing and conjuring new worlds from her imagination. 

Author's Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Looks like the author hit it out of the park. Obviously, the cover and blurb drew me in. The story sounds very sweet

  2. I like the cover. It is very well done.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  3. I like the cover! Really draws me in. Thank you

  4. I was wondering if those are scars on his body on the cover Rosanne rosans4comcast(dot)net

  5. You are a new author to me.. have to check out your books....

  6. Sounds like an interesting story.

  7. Sounds and looks interesting-the cover draws you in-I like it!

  8. This book looks hot. I do love a Beauty and Beast retelling.... :)

  9. Interesting scars, gets your attention.

  10. What inspired you to choose this book cover and how did you make the decision to choose this particular man on the cover

  11. This book sounds like it's going to be a good one!

  12. The plot for this book is intriguing. The book cover makes me want to read the book.
