
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

secrets are what keep you alive - Skyjump (Book #1) by Anastasia Bolinder

"AMAZING!!! A great young adult novel about... SPOILERS! Seriously though, this book is incredible!!! [...] I highly recommend this book if you are looking for a great adventure read! Step into a new and exciting world if you dare!!! (Which you should.)" Meg, Goodreads


Published: November 6th, 2019 

“The height is easy, the climb is hard; the thought is consuming. The jump, is soul.”

In a world that no longer believes in Skyjumps Equila discovers secrets are what keep you alive. Making enemies and lurking shadows are just the beginning.
Embark in the first book in the Skyjump trilogy. 


"Thinking of the photos, I glanced down at the one I had taken and turned it over. What was there made my heart drop and my legs felt wobbly. 

Within the four by five photo of the atrium wall was the red glint of eyes that looked as if they had been standing no more than three feet within the wall’s misted breadth. 

There had been someone or something watching me."

About the author: 
Known as Astarabriarart on almost all social media.
She's an artist by day and writer by night.
With a passion for stories, animals and magic.
She works at a candy store, owns two dogs and one very crazy ferret.
Her other works include, "From The Dust" a readers favorite award winner Ya fantasy about a wingless fairy and "The Wolf and the Crimson Maiden" the real story behind the red ridding hood fairy tale.
Find out more about her other writings and art at all the places below: 

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