
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

the world... at its brightest and at its darkest... Dear You by Derra Nicole Sabo

Dear You is my way of sharing an underdog story about a girl who was never meant to live, but did. I've survived surgeries, bullies, depression and being suicidal. I've seen this world at its brightest and at its darkest.


Dear You is a collection of letters written to the people and events that have made the most impactful influences in my life. This book started out as a personal series of letters to the people I love. Letters filled with memories and life lessons. I began writing these letters after finding out that I was very sick. As each letter was written, certain events and memories began popping into my mind which inspired more letters. 

Dear You is my way of sharing an underdog story about a girl who was never meant to live, but did. I've survived surgeries, bullies, depression and being suicidal. I've seen this world at its brightest and at its darkest. Living with a rare disorder has allowed me to see this crazy thing we call life in a whole different perspective. 

The main message embedded within Dear You is my message to those out there who feel like giving up, who feel alone or forgotten, those who feel are worth everything this life has to offer, never ever give up. The book opens and closes with a letter i have addressed to the reader...hence, Dear You.


What made you put on paper your life and what do you feel about people find out your story?
It's a bit crazy how this whole book came about, I hadn't been feeling well so I had the Doctor do a blood test, turned out I was really sick. This was a few years back. After a mini breakdown thinking that this was the end for me, I sat down and wrote letters to my parents and siblings. Finding the writing process so therapeutic I started writing letters to anyone or life event that had a major impact on me. I told my Mom about the letters and it was her who suggested I turn it into a book. I loved the idea, sharing my experiences in hopes that those going through a dark time may find a spark of light knowing that they're not alone in their battles. I feel humbled yet nervous with knowing that whoever reads Dear You knows my story. Humbled because I have readers comment that my story has inspired them. Nervous because I become very anxious when bringing down my walls, being open.

What represent/s family/friends for you and how did they react when you shared their stories with the whole world?
I know they say that family is blood, but that's false. For me, your family and friends are the people that are by your side through the darkness, the people who you have endless memories with, the people that have your back. Those that are there in the good, the bad and the weird. Everyone who has a letter in my book has been so supportive. I wanted to share my people with the world and I think they thought that that was cool.

Did you ever think to write fiction? What are the reasons for doing it or not?
I have always wanted to write a fictional book, I love creative writing, I just have to practice it more. It's a different world from Non-fiction. I haven't done a fictional book yet because I feel a bit intimidated with the idea of going outside of my comfort "writing " zone. 

Why letter format for Dear You?
The letter format gave Dear You a more personal vibe to it. I wanted the reader to feel as though they had a backstage pass into my world. Plus, the art of letter writing has faded out due to technology, so I wanted to bring back the good old days in a way.

Most of us take the life for granted. Tell us to what should we give importance and really appreciate? 
Most of us take Time for granted, we also complain that there's never enough of it. We are a society that puts off family dinners, lunches with friends, traveling or taking a day for ourselves because why? We're just too busy. Our excuse is that there's never enough time. If only there were more hours in the day. It's not until someone we care about becomes sick or we ourselves become sick or someone passes away that we begin to regret not making the time to spend with them. There is enough time, we just manage it poorly. The amount of time each of us has in unknown, don't waste it. 

About the author:
My name is Derra Sabo, I am a Cali native who stumbled into writing as a way to escape the daily life as the freak born with a rare disorder. That disorder being Epidermolysis Bullosa, or EB for a non tongue twisted pronunciation. I was the kid who was never meant to live past the age of 14 and here I am 33 years young. The best way to describe my life is nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. My family and friends are my everything. My scars and past demons are my inspiration to never give up. While most of my insomnia nights are filled with writing and tunes vibrating through my beats headphones, my days are my time to spend with my squad, cooking, movies, reading, blogging and spending as much time as possible at the beach. I'm the extroverted introvert who loves a good sunset and a caramel macchiato. 

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